
1496 Words
Third Person POV- Tyler and Lilliana had broken up a few months ago when she had caught him cheating. Most humans did not value a partner the same way as most wolves. Usually, wolves would save themselves for their fated mate or have strictly physical dalliances, but since she didn't belong to any pack, she had given up on finding a fated mate. She was content to marry a human that loved her the way humans do, but Tyler couldn't love her when he did not respect her. She began to realize he never really gave a rip about her, he just cared about what he could get from her. He had been pressuring her to have s*x, but she had told him she wanted to save herself for marriage. Although that was an old-fashioned idea among most humans now, it wasn't entirely unheard of either. He had decided to start hooking up with some college freshman since Lilliana refused to cave to him. It hurt at first, but she got over it rather quickly when she realized she'd rather know what kind of person he was now, instead of after she was stupid enough to marry him. Divorce was still not an easy process in the human world, though it would have been easier than severing a mate bond. Breaking from her thoughts, she tried to slip away from him, but to her dismay, he spotted her. She continued to move away from him, heading for the tree line at the edge of her yard, but he followed her. Before she knew it, he grabbed her wrist and swung her body around to face him. "Where the hell are you going?" She pulled her wrist from him and turned in an effort to put some distance between them. She could hear the possessive edge in his voice, but she missed the furious glint in his eyes. "As far away from you as I can get." She heard him moan in frustration before he grabbed her again. This time he pushed her up against a tree with a good amount of force. He tried to kiss her roughly but the stench of alcohol came off him in waves, making her nauseous. She pushed his chest trying to get him off her, but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. She should have been stronger than him due to her werewolf abilities, but she had never properly trained, so she didn't have the advantage she thought she would have. If she didn't know any better by his human scent, she would think he was a ranked wolf by his strength, but she told herself she was just out of shape. "Awe, come on, Lilliana. You know you can't resist me." He started kissing her neck before grabbing the neckline of her dress, ripping the top just enough to get to her breast in his lust-filled haze. She tried to wriggle her hands free but it only served to make him tighten his grip. She found it increasingly odd the amount of strength he had for a human. "What the hell are you doing Tyler?! Get off me!" She shouted before she slammed her head forward, breaking his nose. He stumbled back and she took off deeper into the woods. Clutching his now dripping bloodied nose, he followed quickly behind, much to her dismay. He had never been like that before, forceful and cold. She was shaking while she ran, trying to force herself to keep moving despite the biting protest from her undertrained muscles. She wanted to put as much distance between them as quickly as she could. A long time had passed before she came to a stop in a clearing, finally sure she had lost Tyler. Looking around she realized she didn't recognize this place but Lilliana didn't care as long as she was safe from Tyler. There was a fallen tree in the middle of the clearing and she made her way to it for a short rest. A few minutes went by as she tried to calm her breathing. Her hands were still shaking as she pulled the pieces of her dress together, looking at what he had done to her. She felt exposed and embarrassed, finding it hard to convince herself to make her way back home. The clearing had been mostly silent besides the sound of her ragged breathing until a twig snapping behind her shattered the quiet night. The sound was close, showing how unaware of her surroundings she really was in her panicked state. "What are you doing here Little Wolf?" She scrambled to her feet, turning towards the voice. It was stern and matched the man's face in front of her. His light blonde hair looked almost silver in the moonlight, and his crystal blue eyes were blank as they stared into hers. Meeting his gaze was when it hit her, he was the source of the necklace and earrings. No one else has ever called her Little Wolf in her life. She tried to answer but her voice was stuck in her throat as her breath hitched. He quickly closed the gap between them before speaking more sternly, seemingly agitated with her. "I said what are you doing here little wolf?" She found her hands making their way to her torn dress trying to hold it together. Lilliana's voice was weak compared to his as she managed to choke out a few feeble words. She wanted nothing more than to be strong in this moment like a true Alpha's daughter, but she couldn't help the fear and insecurity that crept in. "I just needed to get away from someone." His eyes left her's briefly as he pulled her hands away from her chest. His eyes blazed behind his indifferent expression, giving away a sliver of what he was feeling. She finally snapped out of her fear before she yelled at him, embarrassment flooding her as he took in her disheveled appearance. "Who the hell do you think you are? Don't touch me!" She felt a sting along her palms as she pulled away from him and stumbled over the log she had previously been sitting on. He moved down to her level, squatting just on the other side of the log. She could feel the heat from his gaze flowing through her as she saw something comparable to regret quickly flash through his eyes. Confused at what was happening, her eyes couldn't tear away from his. His voice was strong and harsh as he spoke, every ounce of Alpha blood pumping his aura into the air. "I am Alpha Carter Bennett, Little Wolf. You will not ever speak to me that way again. This is my territory." Her eyes widened at the realization that she was on his territory. For ten years she had been so careful to avoid his boundaries and in one careless night she had managed to screw that up. She tried to keep her composure as she spoke. A feat that proved more difficult than she had expected as the sudden flow of courage left her. "I am so sorry, Alpha Carter, I should have been more mindful than to cross your pack boundary. It won't happen again." She tried to get up and go back to the house she shared with her dad, but she felt his strong hand wrap around her wrist, effectively holding her in place. The heat and sparks from his touch flowed through her like a tsunami through her soul. What was wrong with her? She turned to face him, not wanting to anger him, while knowing full well he could kill her right there. "Have you shifted yet, Little Wolf?" She couldn't see a reason that it mattered to him but she decided the safest thing she could do was humor him. His face was still hard and his tone clipped, indicating he was in no mood for games. "No, not yet, Alpha Bennett." She kept her eyes on the ground, scared and not wanting to offend him anymore than she had. She could feel his eyes on her but she tried not to move. At that point, she was trying not to even breathe the same air as him. Her heart was racing and she was sure he could hear it though he gave no indication he would have mercy on her. She heard him chuckle as he gently brushed her neck and she whimpered. Even though she was scared out of her mind, there was something about his touch that sent shivers up her spine, not with fear, but yet this warm sensation was intoxicating. He could easily see the effects he had on her lithe body, which excited both him and his wolf. They had both waited so long to find their mate that now that she was in front of them, Carter was struggling to keep his wolf in check.
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