Planning My Escape

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Lilliana's POV- "So what now?" I looked at him from the window nook. This was all still strange and I didn't really know what to expect. Sure I was in a pretty nice room and had clean clothes but I was still a prisoner here. My father would be searching for me by now and I just wanted to go home. He held up a finger as he read the message that had just come through his phone. He began to rise to his feet before speaking. "Come on. Boss man wants to see you." My heart sank at his words. I had finally started to relax, but all the anxiety was back, full force. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I pushed myself off the bench, following Ryker out of the room. I could tell he held tension in his body as I trailed behind but I wasn't really sure why. He seemed so relaxed in the room so I could only assume it was Alpha Carter that put him on edge. We made our way down the hall and finally down the steps before Ryker led me to two large double doors. The panic rose in my stomach as he pushed them open leading into what I can only assume was Alpha Carter's office. I held my hands in front of me, picking at my nails. It was a childish sign of anxiety I had carried since my mother and brother were killed. I kept my head down as we walked in and I could feel my heart beating in fear. There was another man in the office with Carter, but I dared not look up. Like a submissive slave being led to slaughter I kept my glance down not wanting to see the monster that was my mate. Ryker lead me to a chair and had me sit down. I sat there staring at my hands for what seemed like forever before Carter finally spoke. "Little Wolf, what is your name?" My eyes snapped up to his. I knew better but a flood of anger washed over me, and against my better judgement I snapped at him. Indignation rose from the pit of my belly manifesting in a fury I didn't know I had. "My name? You freaking stalked me enough to know where I live, tackled me in the forest, and dragged me all the way here, before locking me in your damn house, and you don't even know my f*****g name?" I immediately realized what I had done as the other two men fell away as Carter made is way around the desk. I pushed myself as far into the chair as I could, but I knew it was futile. The wave of anger dissolved into fear and anticipation of his retaliation for my outburst. He was so much stronger than me and I knew I would never stand a chance against the man and definitely not his wolf if he rose to the surface. He grabbed a handful of my hair at the back of my head and pulled me to my feet. Out of instinct my hands found their way to his, trying to stop the pain from him pulling my hair. My heart was pounding harder as he brought his face to mine. His deep blue eyes, calm and cold, could see the penetrating fear in my eyes. He didn't speak just stared, his hand pulling tighter on my hair. For a moment confusion washed over me as I waited for him to demand respect but then it dawned on me. It seemed like he was waiting for a more appropriate answer and I just wanted him to get away from me, so I managed to choke out my name. "Lilliana. My name is Lilliana Storm." With that he dropped me back down in the chair and walked back around to his chair on the other side of his desk. I curled up in the chair trying to make myself smaller than I was. He knew he scared me, no matter how much I wanted to stand against him. I saw Ryker and the other man step back up but I felt isolated. They just watched their Alpha assault their future Luna and did nothing, but I also couldn't blame them. "Lilliana, let's get a few things straight. Your time here will be much more pleasant if you cooperate and don't disrespect me. You don't have to like it but you are my mate, which now makes you my responsibility. It also makes me your Alpha. I can and I will put you in your place just like any other member of my pack. Now, we have some actual business to address if you are done acting like a child." All I could do was nod. I couldn't bring myself to speak again through my fear. It hung heavy in the room like a storm cloud waiting in the wings. "Good. Now first I'd like to address the rules. You have free rein of the house, except for in here. You are never to come in here unless I send for you. The doors are all locked with interior keys, so you might as well accept your new life here. You will never step foot out of this house without an escort and not without my permission. For now you will stay inside until your shift. So far no one knows you are here." I tried to keep my voice soft and respectful as I replied. "Alpha Carter, my father must be worried sick, I've never been away from home. Is there no way I could call him and just tell him I am okay? I'm all he has left..." There was a deep sadness in my voice as I spoke. I'm sure Carter doesn't know what happened when I was 8, but I don't know if my dad can handle me being missing. He looked me over for a moment before speaking. "No. I'm not saying this to be cruel, and without going into detail I will tell you this. Pack relations are fragile right now. There are plenty of people who have cause to try to hurt me. You are still weak and do not have the full strength of a Luna. I cannot risk anyone finding out that I have even found my future Luna yet. I am sure you trust your father, but I do not. For your safety and the packs, no one can know you are here yet." I cast my eyes to the floor, fighting back tears and simply nodded. It broke my heart to think of my father worrying but I knew not to challenge Carter. "You'll be free to go back to your room in a moment but there is one more thing to be addressed. You will shift soon, being freshly 18 and now having found your mate, your wolf will not wait long. The next full moon is tomorrow. When your shift begins it will hurt, but Ryker, Mac, and myself will be there. Ryker and Mac will make sure you remain safe during your shift. After you shift, we will mark and mate and you will then have the full strength of being a Luna. You will then have a link to me and the rest of the pack." He finished speaking in a tone that warned me not to defy him. He may be my mate, but there was no way in hell I was going to let him mark and mate me before I was ready. But I've seen him angry and decided I would just formulate my escape. "I can't say that I am happy about being told I'll be marked and mated before I want to be, but I understand why it must be this way, Alpha." I kept my head down and my voice as respectful as possible. I knew he'd be displeased that I wasn't happy to just nod and be on my way. I needed to stay true to myself, but still make him think I'd cooperate. I knew he would trust me more if I seemed to give into him, even if he knew that was the last thing I wanted. He seemed to accept my answer with a short grunt as he dismissed me from his office. I went back up to the room he had assigned me. All I could do now was wait and plan. I found myself tucked back into the window nook gazing at the garden below as I tried to recall all that my father had taught me about your first shift. He used to tell me your first shift was the most important because it is your most vulnerable shift. Because it is the first time your wolf connects to you, your strength isn't all there, but what you lack in strength you make up for in speed. Your first shift will be when you are fastest. I just had to hope it was fast enough to get away from Carter. I know he's an Alpha and will be faster than Ryker and Mac but I should still be able to out run him. All I had to do was save my energy and wait. Carter seemed pretty confident that I would shift soon, but what if I didn't shift for weeks or even months. I knew there would be no way to escape for now, but I couldn't help but cry at the thought of my dad looking for me everywhere. I heard Ryker locking the door behind me but I didn't care. I wanted to be alone right now. I let a few tears fall as I drifted off to sleep once again.
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