Secrets and Lies

1232 Words
Just as the food arrived, Alpha Blake came in with a fresh set of clothes and a small she wolf. I thought it might be nice to eat together and if you felt able to take a shower you could have one and get changed into some new clothes to feel more refreshed. Hi Mia, im Anna Blakes, sister, and im here to help if you want or need help. Here are some toiletries and the clothes. The ensuite is that way as she pointed to the door to the left of the window. There is a lock on the door and just shout if you need help your hair is quite matted at the back and if you feel weak there is a shower seat or the tub is great, too. Mia went in and locked the door. She couldn't believe her eyes. The bathroom was so luxurious and toiletries. She was lucky if she found some leftover shampoo in her pack. They were only allowed soap and 3 minutes of cold water . She sat in the shower and let the water cascade down her back, the warm water soothing her aching legs. She started washing with shower gel vanilla musk. It smelt divine on her skin. She sat for what seemed like hours washing her hair and enjoying the relaxing sound of the water droplets hitting the shower floor. "Mia, are you ok?" Blakes voice came through her thoughts she quickly dressed and left the bathroom. "Im sorry it's been such a long time since i could bathe in a shower with toiletries" and no time restrictions. That's ok, Blake replied.We just wanted to check if you are ok. Do you mind if I join you for dinner, I have had it reheated and some cake for dessert. Nurse Violet has mentioned you might want to talk to me about tonight. Mia blushed. "Yes, I have just met my wolf today, Lyra. " I think I may have my first shift tonight, and Nurse Violet said the mate bond should help.". That's amazing, Mia. I have an Alpha wolf, too. His name is Floyd. Lyras voice came out or Mias mouth "Hi Floyd I hope you are fast". Mia placed her hand over her mouth. "Im so sorry. im not sure how to remain in control yet." Blake giggled. Floyd is very impatient to meet Lyra he is currently trying very hard to come forward. It takes time and will be easier after your first shift. When you become part of my pack formally, we can mind link each other just as we will be able to. Wolfs usually have to wait to be mated, but as I am from an ancient bloodline, my family is different. Mia smiled nervously. " Join your pack" ? Mia you are my mate and that makes your my packs Luna. How much do you know about your families bloodline, Mia? "Im embarrassed to say nothing at all Alpha, I thought I was an omega wolf until i met Lyra a few hours ago. My mother and brothers died in a Rogue attack when I was 12, and they were Alpha wolves. Well, I thought they were my family. Lyra also just told me they were not my real parents and that I was stolen as a baby. Im still in shock, to be honest. I dont even know if Mia is my real name. My whole life was a lie". She choked back a sob.Why kidnap me. I don't understand, im no one, nothing an Omega. My family didn't even like me. Woah, hold on. Firstly, you are incredible. You are not nor will never be nothing. What do you mean your family didn't even like you? How is that even possible? They were your family. "I dont know Alpha Blake". I just guessed I wasn't good enough. Mia put her hands around her shoulders and curled her legs up and started rocking back and forth. Blake frowned, then spoke softly. You have had a lot to take in for today. Would you like to take a walk around the grounds tomorrow, I can show you where you will have your first shift.I find nature relax's me and Floyd, and it's almost midnight. You should be resting now. Do you mind if I stay with you on the sofa. Floyd needs to be close to Lyra. Mia felt herself drawn to Blake and took the hand Blake held out with ease. The sparks flew from their fingertips, and the warmth radiated through them, soothing them both from within. Mia was shocked by her body's response she usually flinched when a male touched her skin, but this was different. Blake and Floyd were different they wanted to help her. No one had ever wanted to help her before. Could this be true, she thought. She prayed to the moon goddess that this was real and not a sick joke to manipulate her mind. Mias mind flashed back to an incident in her past. Her mind often replayed her memories, making her relive her past traumas. Her brothers often played mind tricks, making her think they were on her side or going to help her only to betray her for their own amusement or to their own individual needs to gain their fathers favour. She was in the cellar as usual, sitting on her old cot rocking forward and backwards hugging her knees. It was past midnight, and she had finished all of her chores. Her brother Ivor had told her to come and eat some leftovers. He had managed to sneak from their dinner earlier that evening. He whispered to her in a gentle tone, reassuring her that the coast was clear and that he could no longer be part of her torment.He said how she was his little sister and reminded him of their mum before she passed and how it was the grief that blinded him. He played his part so well that she had even started to console him. Eventually, Mia went with him and started to eat hungrily. Ivor even went to warm some milk for her. He promised to help her escape and even got her an additional blanket. This went on for the next few days. Finally, he had stolen the keys to the back door to the house and had given her some money and helped her to make it outside. When she got outside, he raised the alarm, and her father had caught her, whipped her, starved her and increased her working hours, and stopped her from going outside for a month. Of course, he rewarded her brother. How could he be so cruel. Mia Mia, wake up wake up. Please wake up. Mia opened her eyes and felt her nose dripping it was happening again. Every time she had a trauma flashback, her nose would bleed, and she would pass out. Blake gave her some tissues, pain, and concern evident in his face. Mate hurt, growled Floyd. Blake held her hand and called the nurse Violet back. She came rushing in and held some tissues to Mias nose and held her head up. The bleeding lasted only a few minutes, but this was not usual for wolves. Their animal counterpart usually healed them almost instantly. This girl was getting more intriguing by the moment.
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