Chapter 2 - Lyras Awakening

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Mia woke to hear a beeping sound. Her throat felt so sore and dry. She tried to open her eyes, but the room was so bright, she forced them to shut again. Slowly trying to sit, she forced her eyes open again, taking in her surroundings. She was no longer in the forest, the room was full of medical supplies, and she could smell disinfectant and bleach and wait what was that she wrinkled up her nose and sniffed deeply. The smell, again, the one from the forest. It was stronger this time, the smell of ginger and a fresh blend of aromatic spices. She was confused. Looking across the room, she saw a man asleep on a reclining sofa in the corner of the room. He peaked her curiosity. She had never smelt something so delicious. His shoulders held his frame perfectly. He was so tall over 6 feet was her guess, and his unshaven face gave him a rugged edge. His muscular arms were shown off to perfection underneath the Sports T Shirt. The site of him on the hospital sofa with his legs hanging off made her giggle inwardly. Just at that moment, a nurse came in. She had auburn hair and the palest of skin. She had kind eyes and poured a drink of water from the pitcher on the table and placed in a straw. "Take small sips dear, you've had quite a day." The nurse smiled as Mia sipped the water, offering words of encouragement as Mia finished the glass. Mia pointed to the sleeping man on the sofa panic showing in her eyes. "Alpha Blake dear, he means you no harm, nor could he ever for he is your goddess given mate and you are his one true Luna." Mia couldn't contain her fear as Alpha Blake awoke and started to walk towards them.She started pulling at the IV drip and trying to stand up, only for Blake to sweep her up as she fell from the hospital bed. "This is becoming a habit for us he said. It was then that Mia's mind raced back through the last 24 hours. Suddenly remembering what had happened and how she had finally escaped her prison. Blakesfragrance surrounded her like the safety blanket that his arms had now become. Could he really "mean her no harm?" She wanted to trust him. Her instincts had never been wrong, but her past had made her not trust people, especially men and Alpha wolves. She was too tired and weak to refuse help, so she decided to just go with it for now, build her strength, and reassess her situation. For now, she was warm, had a bed, water by her bed, and some soup had just been delivered with freshly baked bread. Her stomach rumbled, which made Blake and the nurse giggle. "At least eat, the Nurse said. We will leave you to eat. Here is a buzzer if you need help. My name is Violet, and I'll be back soon." Blake started walking toward the door. He looked to be having an internal battle with his inner wolf, she thought as he growled as the door closed behind him. Alphas , in particular, were stubborn, and he had to be convinced to leave his mate after only just finding her. Still, when Violet scolded him outside the door, he didn't overrule or disagree with her. Medical staff had a more authoritative aura than average pack members, especially as Nurse Violet was a Gamma female. who was also a fierce warrior and matted to his younger brother Bryn. Mia im Lyra, and it's your birthday today. She looked around noone was in the room. Looking around frantically, the voice came again. It's me, your wolf, and an Alpha wolf at that. Surely you know it's your birthday today. Where did mate go he smells yummy. Lyyyyra "my what now" I dont have an Alpha wolf, im an omega. My father is an Alpha wolf, and so are my brothers. I think you might be confused. Mia, you are an Alpha wolf. We were stolen at birth by rogues. Didn't you wonder why you had none of the characteristics of either parent. You look nothing like your brother, and you have a tolerance to wolfsbane. It's your family bloodline.You are from an ancient family. You are not just blessed by the moon goddess but also the Gods you are an elemental wolf. You have passed your trial and are ready to receive your birth right. Just as she was about to respond with a plethora of questions, Nurse Violet returned. Feeling the aura coming from Mia, she could only just stand it. Please, please stop. Violet whispered. Im so sorry. I just turned 18 today and didn't realise. Im Mia, and my wolf is Lyra. She has just awoke. My my Violet exclaimed, "You have a strong aura."You are an Alpha wolf." Nice to meet you, Lyra. Mia slowly started sipping the soup. She didn't realise how hungry she was. Violet mindlinked the head cook, asking for meat and potatoes with all the trimmings. Mia was going to need her strength for the full moon and her first shift tomorrow.
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