
The Promised Child.

enimies to lovers

Fantasy Story Based on Werewolf's and Lycans and the delicate balance between supernaturals and Humans.

Mia had always felt unworthy and her family helped reinforce this belief.

Logan didnt think he would ever find his goddess given mate

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The Promised Child
Chapter 1 The sound of her feet thumping on the ground mimicked the pounding of her heart against her chest. Her feet were bleeding, and her legs were covered in cuts and bruises. She couldn't stop running now , not ever. Her safety and to escape were all she had ever wanted. Her mind replayed all the pain and torture she had endured. The rain and cold winds swirled around her, blowing her hair into her face. She had to keep moving, find shelter, find help, find somewhere to hide. It was then she stopped and looked around her. She was no longer on the path.In her haste she hadn't noticed the roughness of the forest floor on her bare feet; she no longer shivered from the cold; she was running on pure adrenaline, praying to find somewhere to hide. She came across a bush full of berries and rubbed them into her skin, hoping to mask her scent. She spotted a tree that had a hole in the trunk that she could squeeze inside, hoping to use it as a skin shield from the elements. Once inside, she felt some damp moss underfoot and felt bugs moving around and the sound of small mammals nibbling away, whilst they were also sheltering from storm. At least the rain and wind were no longer lashing at her frail skin. She heard a loud howl echoing through the trees, and then the howls of the pack warriors responded in sync. The sign that their search had been futile. She breathed a sign of relief now that if she could only survive the night, she might have a chance. She was awoken by the sunlight shining through the gaps in the bark. Listening intently, she slowly crept out of the tree. Before frantically checking her surroundings for signs of anyone. The sun felt warm on her body, and she decided to try and find a lake to wash herself and her clothes. She made her way to a brook and decided to bathe as quickly as she could. She had to get to the human town. She could disappear and not be on any pack territory or rogue lands. She would get a job in a small bakery, an apartment, and spend her days baking and reading and all the things she had always dreamed of. She no longer had a family, a pack she was alone, an orphan and all before her 18th birthday. As she emerged from the water and cleared her eyes she smelt an overwhelming smell of Ginger and a fresh blend of aromatic spices, assuming she was near the herb gardens of the neighbouring pack, she proceeded to put on her now clean dry clothes and started walking towards the human town. Suddenly, she felt faint. It dawned on her that she had not eaten for days. The realisation hit her too late as her vision became blurred,sounds became distant, and her head felt dizzy, then darkness flooded her mind as she fell to the ground. Blake and Parker had been friends since middle school. Alpha and Beta of “The Blue Lake Pack”. They had always trained together, running around the borders of their pack and competing against each other. Blake, being an Alpha, could always win their competitions with his strength, whilst his Beta Parker was always one step ahead when it came to tests involving his strategy. They often came away from the packhouse and walked the borders with their head warrior checking for breaches or signs of rogue activity. The Crystal Clear Pack” borders were aligned with theirs, and as a neighbouring pack, they should have been allies, but instead, they were neutral. Crystal Clear had a bad reputation for not treating pack members fairly. Not paying the Omegas properly, refusing to train women, and their warriors were rumoured to be ruthless. Blake was fair, loyal, and fiercely protective of all his pack. Parker was his beta and respected his friend, and the way he ran their pack. Blake was easily the largest alpha he had ever seen as a wolf his animal form was larger, stronger, faster, and alphas from his bloodline always had a special ability. (They gained this ability when they marked their mate). Blake was yet to meet his mate and was 21, which is older than most when they meet their mate, at age 18 they were able to meet their animal counterpart and as such could recognise their fated mate. As they approached the clearing, they saw a woman emerging from the lake in the distance. The smell of sulphur and smouldering wood enveloped Blakes nostrils, and he froze, admiring her grace and the way she seemed content by the nature around her. She quickly dressed and started to walk towards the human town. Leaving Blake staring at her from a distance. Just as Parker was trying to break Blakes gaze, the woman fell to the ground. Quick as a flash, Blake was across the field. He scooped up the young she wolf bridal style and had started to run back toward his pack hospital. Parker waisted no time in running behind his friend, eager to see why he had reacted in such a way to a she wolf he didn't know. He knew stepping onto another Alpha's land without a previous agreement in place was forbidden. What was his Alpha thinking, and to act so recklessly was not like him. Slowly, a smile crept across Parkers face it could only mean one thing. Then he heard it as they approached the hospital. "Mate," Blake said quietly and dashed through the hospital foyer, mindlinking the pack doctor. The doctor came rushing out with a gurney and a number of nurses who immediately took them to a private room. Hooking up a heart monitor and putting in an IV into her arm. The doctor could then read her vitals, a number of blood samples were taken by the nurses, and the doctor observed her ready to tell his findings to Alpha Blake. Dr Janssen had known Blake and Parker since they were pups. He had been there when they were born. He knew just by looking at the distressed look on Blakes face. It could only mean this girl was his mate and their packs, Luna. He told Blake and Parker to sit and sat beside them. Alpha Blake, I can only assume that this lovely young lady is your mate and our Luna. He nodded his head, unable to speak until the Dr confirmed she was ok. Dr. Janssen, is she going to be ok. Parker asked.Yes, young Beta she is just dehydrated, and from the looks of her malnutritioned, she should recover well in a few days. He then lent forward and placed his hand on Blakes shoulder. Alpha she has clearly been through an ordeal.I will take the very best care of her and have nurses watch her around the clock.She is precious to us all. Blake could no longer control his wolf, a huge growl ripped through the building, shaking all the fixtures and fittings in the pack house. Who was this she wolf that had captivated him so, and why had he not found her at any interpack meetings or events before. She had been under his nose this whole time and suffering. Why didn't he find her sooner? Who could treat a she wolf this badly? He didn't know, but he decided that he would find out if it was the last thing he did. No one would touch his mate again.

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