
2082 Words
Angelina POV He was real, the man I had been painting was my mate all along. As I looked into his eyes, I felt a sense of familiarity, as if I had already known him from the years I spent capturing his image on canvas. Just like in my painting, I could sense his loneliness and pain hidden deep within. Even though I was always surrounded by loved ones, I understood that feeling of isolation. That's why I turned to my artwork, seeking solace. The fae realm brought me happiness, but it never felt like my true place. Maybe it was because, deep down, I harbored a slight amount of jealousy towards my siblings. I tried my best not to let it consume me, but it always felt like I was nothing compared to them, weak and insignificant. My kind can usually shift as early as fifteen, but some only do so at eighteen. Today was supposed to be the day I finally shifted, but my wolf had already warned me that we weren't ready yet. "I've never shifted into my wolf," I confessed, feeling his warm hand gently caressing my face, as if he was learning my features through touch. "You sound young," he said with curiosity. "Are you of age to shift?" "Today is my eighteenth birthday," I replied. "But my wolf is not ready." I could sense his hesitation as he started to withdraw his hand, but I stopped him. The touch of his skin against mine sent a rush of warmth through my veins, a sensation I had never felt before. It felt right, as if I had finally found my place. As I moved closer to him, a wave of dizziness washed over me, causing the room to spin. It was a sign that I needed to feed. But it had only been a few days, so this occurrence was unusual. "It's because you're overwhelmed," My wolf's voice echoed in my mind, reminding me of my vampire nature. I fell back onto the bed, momentarily overwhelmed by the sensation. "Is everything okay?" he asked, concern lacing his words. He was my mate, and I knew I needed to tell him the truth. But the thought of revealing my true nature made me feel self-conscious. "I need blood," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I should have offered it to you earlier. If you're comfortable with it, you can feed from me." I hesitated for a moment. "I'd like that," I finally replied. "But only if you're truly okay with it.” "I know other vampire werewolf hybrids, so I'm used to it," he admitted to me. "Although none have ever fed from me, I feel it's only right for you to do so since we are mates. I don't really like the idea of you feeding from anyone else." "Get on the bed with me then," I instructed. He gently climbed in, even without his sight, I could sense he was trying his best to give me space until I asked him to be close. "Is it okay if I get in your lap? It will be easier." I asked. "Of course, do whatever you need to do," he responded. I slowly moved into his lap, feeling nervous being this close to him. "It's okay, Angelina. You don't have to be nervous," Emmett said softly. As I brushed my hand against his neck, his body reacted to my touch. I've only ever fed from my family, since a vampire's bite causes pleasure and can be intimate among those who aren't family. As I bent down against his neck, I could feel his warm breath against my body and his heartbeat against me. Then, I quickly bit into his neck, and as expected, his body reacted to the pleasure my bite caused. I savored the taste of his blood; it was amazing compared to anything I had ever tasted. I only took a small amount, enough to sustain myself, and then pulled away. "Thank you," I said. "Since I let you feed from me, can you do one thing for me?" Emmett asked. "Yes," I responded as he put his hands on my hips. "Let me kiss you," he said as he effortlessly turned us around on the bed, now hovering over me. "Okay," I stammered, and then his lips met mine, sending an electrifying, pleasurable sensation that took my breath away. Once he broke away, my body craved more of our close connection. The warmth of his touch lingered on my skin, leaving a tingling sensation that begged for his return. But as much as I longed for his touch, I was also happy that he was allowing me to get comfortable with him. I knew that our true nature was to basically ravage each other when we found our mates. "Tell me about yourself and your family," I said, sitting up in bed. He sat next to me. "I will," he replied, his hand meeting mine in a gentle gesture. "But only if you tell me about yourself and your family as well." "Deal," I responded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Well, as you already know, my parents are the King and Queen of this kingdom. My mother, Celia, actually grew up in the human realm. Although she was originally from here, she was taken away. But fate brought her back to my father. They have an incredibly strong bond, one that started when they were just children. My father sensed she was his mate even back then, and he found her again in her dreams." “I have a twin sister named Eve and a younger brother named John. Both of them have already found their mates, leaving me as the last one. But now, I have you, I finally feel complete.” he admitted. "My parents are the King and Queen of the Hybrids in the human realm," I said. "So maybe they know your mother." He nodded, intrigued by the connection. "I have heard of the Hybrid King and Queen. But if you're from the human realm, how did you end up in the Fae realm? I've heard it's very hard to enter that realm." He asked. I chuckled softly, "It's a long story. So first, tell me more about yourself. Then I'll share. “I have a feeling you have lived an interesting life,” he said. "Oh, believe me, I could write an entire story to explain my family's situation.” I laughed. Emmett continued telling me tales of his time as a warrior, his voice filled with a hint of pride and strength. I could almost see the glimmer of determination in his facial expressions as he spoke. He relived memories of his childhood as he spoke, where he found comfort in the pages of books and shared laughter with his friends. However, since the curse befell him at the tender age of twenty, he had been confined within the palace walls, his world shrinking. As our conversation unfolded, Emmett spoke fondly of his friends and his parents' friends, Jordan and Stella, who were also residents of the palace. Jordan, it seemed, possessed a wit that could brighten anyone's day, his humor infectious. Stella, on the other hand, was an immortal witch with an powerful aura, possibly capable of transporting me to the fae realm if I chose to return. "Would you like me to go back home?" I mustered the courage to ask Emmett, seeking his honest answer. "No, but I never want you to feel trapped here," he responded, his concern evident in his voice. I shared with Emmett the connection I felt with his mother after learning about her meeting her mate in her dreams, explaining how my paintings often manifested into vivid dreams. I confessed that he had appeared in my dreams before, but now that he stood before me in the flesh, I couldn't help but wonder if there was something special, maybe even powerful about my artwork and the dreams they inspired. In turn, I told him stories of my own family, describing the unique powers that each of my parents and siblings possessed. I spared no detail as I recounted their battles against a malevolent fae king, a formidable troll king, and numerous witches. They had also faced the daunting task of a curse capable of unleashing destruction and darkness across all realms, while simultaneously preventing the opening of gateways to the dreaded demon realms. It was a shared experience, as I discovered that Emmett's mother, too, was gifted and held the key to unlocking a portal into the demon realm here. The two of us spent hours engrossed in conversation, our laughter filling the room. I felt at ease around him. Suddenly, a gentle knock resonated on his bedroom door. "Emmett, is it OK if I come in for a moment?" a soft, melodic voice of a woman came through. "Come in," he responded, and she entered with a warm smile. "Angelina, this is my mother, Celia," Emmett introduced me. "It's a pleasure to meet you now that Emmett has told me all about you," I said. "Likewise," Celia replied, placing a tray of food on a small table in Emmett's room. "I brought some food for the two of you since it's getting late, and here is a bag of clothing that I believe will fit you. Emmett already told us you are from the Fae realm. We will try to help you find out how you came into this realm, but I hope you will consider staying here now that you know my son is your mate. I had some guards bring in the art supplies found at the pond for you, and I can have the staff arrange for a bedroom for you in the palace unless you are comfortable staying in this one with my son," Celia explained. "Thank you for getting my supplies and for the clothing. I don't mind staying in this room as long as Emmett is OK with it." Emmett nodded and said, "You can stay." "Emmett, I'm afraid there have been more reports of werewolves going feral near the kingdom border, so your father had to leave with your brother and a few more men to investigate. It's best you two stay close to the palace for the time being," Celia instructed. Emmett sighed, "Understood." Celia gave me a final smile and left the room, leaving us alone. "Your mother is nice." I said. Emmett nodded."Yes, she is, but she worries about me, and I hate that. I'm 27, yet due to my condition, she treats me as a child sometimes." He admitted as he took my hand, "I'm sure you're hungry, so let's eat.” he offered. "Is it actually okay if I use your shower? I'm not that hungry right now," I admitted. "Yes, it's the door on the left. There are fresh towels in there," Emmett replied. "Thanks," I responded, as I left for the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I inhaled the faint scent of freshly laundered towels. Turning on the shower, the sound of rushing water filled the small space, drowning out the thoughts that had been swirling in my mind. Stepping into the warm cascade, I leaned against the cool tile wall, allowing the emotions I had been suppressing to wash over me. As the water came down on my body, I couldn't help but wonder if the man from my drawings was real, did it mean that everything I had been sketching was also real? A shiver ran up my spine at the thought, causing goosebumps to form on my skin. Emmett was the only recurring person in my drawings, but there were other dark creatures that I couldn't even begin to name. They lurked in the depths of some of my sketches and haunted my dreams. Were they real too? And if they were, was Emmett in danger? Was I in danger? Sliding down against the shower wall, I let the water wash away not just the physical dirt but also the weight of my fears. Hugging my legs tightly, I couldn't contain the tears that streamed down my face. I was grateful to have found my mate, but the uncertainty and fear gnawed at me. In that moment, I longed for the presence of my siblings. Their support and guidance would have provided comfort in this overwhelming situation.
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