
1652 Words
Emmett POV As I sat and waited for Angelina to come back, I picked at a small amount of the food my mother had brought into the room for us. Angelina seemed to be spending a long time in the shower. But I wanted to give her space; just the fact that she even wanted to stay with me made me happy. Although I still worried I would never be good enough for her. If only I could go back in time and stop the witch before she cursed me. Then, I could assist in keeping this kingdom safe, and I could keep my mate safe. I wished more than anything right now that I could even just get my vision back for a moment, so I could look at her and memorize my mate’s features. I could already tell she was beautiful and tiny compared to me from holding her, and her allowing me to touch her face. And then there were her lips; the moment she allowed me a simple kiss, I knew deep down that even if she wanted to leave; I was going to do absolutely everything to keep her with me. As time passed, another knock fell on my door. I got up from my seat and answered it. Instantly, I recognized the scent of Jordan. He was like an uncle to me. “I’m surprised you even answered,” he laughed. “Why?” I asked, confused. “Well, let’s just say when your father and mother finally had a chance to be together, they ravaged each other like wild animals,” Jordan responded. I could tell by his tone that he had a huge grin. “I did not need to know that,” I muttered as he said, “Take this,” handing me a large bag. “What’s this?” I asked. “Angelina’s art supplies the guards brought in. Thought your mate may want them,” he said. “Thanks,” I responded as I placed it down. “Why aren’t you with my father and brother dealing with the feral wolves?” I questioned. “Caius asked that I stay back at the palace,” Jordan responded. As I heard him step back, I knew well why. My father never left my mother without the knowledge someone could protect her, even though she can easily defend herself. And that someone was not me. “I’ll see you later, possibly breakfast if your mate is up for meeting everyone,” Jordan said. “Yeah, sure,” I muttered, and then closed my door, placing the bag with Angelina’s supplies on the ground. I noticed the sound of the shower water finally shutting off. However, Angelina still hadn’t emerged from the bathroom. Standing outside, I called in to check on her, my voice carrying through the closed door. “Just checking to make sure you’re okay. Take all the time you need, but let me know if you need anything,” I said. Angelina’s response came, but her voice carried a hint of sadness, as if she had been crying. Part of me wanted to open the door and offer my support, but I decided to respect her need for space. And then I finally heard the creak of the bathroom door opening. “Angelina, I know you said you’re comfortable staying in my room. You can have my bed, and I’ll sleep on the couch.” I suggested, aware that it was getting late. “I don’t mind sharing a bed,” she replied. “I have your art supplies in my room now. They’re in the bag by the door,” I informed her. “Thank you. If it’s actually okay with you, I think I’ll spend some time drawing,” she said softly. “You can do whatever makes you comfortable. And when you’re ready, the food is on the table. If it’s too cold or not to your liking, I’ll have the staff bring up something else for you,” I explained. “I’m not really hungry right now, but I appreciate the food. I’ll eat it when I am,” she responded, her voice filled with gratitude. I could hear her unpacking her belongings from the bag. Then I heard her footsteps approaching the bed. “Is it okay if I draw while in your bed?” she asked, her shyness evident in her voice. I could sense her hesitation and desire to not cause any trouble.” Yes, you can,” I said as I got into the bed on the other side and listened to the sound of her pencil gliding across the paper as she began to work. “Drawing has always helped calm me,” she admitted. “I’m happy to be here. I believe that destiny led me to you. It took some time for everything to fully sink in, and now that it has, I feel a little sad. I was supposed to have a birthday celebration with my siblings, and I know my sisters and sister-in-laws went all out with decorations and planning. I’m sad that I missed it, and I hope they’re not too worried about me,” she confided, her emotions laid bare through her words. I appreciated her openness about her feelings. “I promise we will find a way for you to reach out to them,” I assured her, the sound of her flipping pages filling the air as she gently laid her pencil down on my nightstand. “And until then, I’ll do everything I can to make you comfortable here, so will my family.” “The sketches I have here, many are of this palace, of your view of the pond, and even some of the magnificent trees in the forest outside your window. I know you thought me crazy when I said it at the pond, but I really do believe I somehow ended up here through my painting.” she admitted. Her admission left me feeling a pang of guilt. “It was wrong for me to judge so fast,” I admitted, my voice tinged with remorse. “And I guess that can be a possibility.” “My drawings come to life when I dream, and now that I’m here, I wonder if they are all real.” she whisper. The sound of her closing the notebook followed, accompanied by a gentle yawn. “I guess I’m more tired than I thought,” she confessed. “Let’s turn off the light then, so you can rest.” I said. I clicked off the bedside lamp, plunging the room into darkness. I positioned myself closer to the edge of the bed, not wanting to make Angelina uncomfortable. “All my drawings of you show sadness and loneliness. Even now, in your presence, I can still sense it,” she murmured. “It’s been challenging living in a world I can no longer see or shift in. My lycan is restless, confined all the time.” I admitted my struggle. I heard the rustle of the sheets, and then Angelina’s warm hand touched my face once more. “I’ll try to be your eyes, and if you want, we can search for a way to break the curse,” she whispered, inching closer to me. The pleasurable sensation of her lips meeting mine ignited a primal desire within my lycan. Embracing her, I pulled her closer, reveling in the intensity of our kiss. When we finally parted, Angelina broke away for a moment, the sound of fabric rustling filling the room. She returned, drawing near once again, and took hold of my hand. “Since you cannot see, I’ll let you experience me through touch,” she shyly confessed. Guiding my hand, she brought it to her bare hip. The softness of her skin filled me with warmth, and I slowly traced my fingers up her body, savoring every moment of contact. Sitting up, I discarded my shirt and lay back down, reaching for Angelina and gently pulling her against me. Holding her close, I continued to explore her skin with my hand, relishing the delightful sensations it provided. Without hesitation, I pressed my lips to hers once more, kissing her with a heightened hunger and passion. I then positioned myself above her, my breath brushing against her bare skin as I trailed my lips down her body. Angelina’s reaction to my touch was evident, her body arching instinctively, drawing us closer. She had shed all her garments, leaving herself completely exposed for me to explore. However, I respected her shyness and the significance of this moment. “Stop me if you’re uncomfortable,” I whispered, and she replied softly, “I will, but for now you can continue.” Placing my lips against her skin once again, I continued my exploration, my hands tracing delicate patterns and cupping her breast, while the intoxicating scent of her arousal filled the room, driving me to the brink of madness. I knew I had to take things slow. I refused to mate with her until I marked her. My mark would transform her into a lycan, a process that could overwhelm her. She might even sleep for days during the change. So, for now, this was as far as we could go. After a while, I pulled her closer to my body, feeling the warmth radiating between us. As I held her tightly, I whispered, “Sleep well, Angelina,” against her ear, savoring the softness of her nuzzling against me. She yawned softly, her breath tickling my skin, and I made sure the soft blankets covered us, keeping us both warm. It did not take long for me to fall into a comforting sleep, happy that I had finally found my mate, knowing that she embraced me for the way I was.
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