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Emmett POV I was once known for being one of the strongest warriors in our kingdom. However, everything changed when I faced a powerful witch in battle years ago. Her curse not only robbed me of my sight, but also stripped me of my ability to shift into my Lycan form. As a result, I found myself confined to the palace, unable to fulfill my duty of protecting my kingdom. Instead, I was left to pass the time sitting idle, feeling powerless. My social interactions outside of the palace walls were limited because of my condition. My sister often accusing me of being in a grumpy mood since I stayed away from everyone. But I felt empty, lonely, and useless. For the longest time, it was widely believed that I would find my mate in my parents’ closest friend's daughter. I, too, held onto that hope. Yet, when we came of age at twenty, she found her mate, and it wasn’t me. I was happy for her, with my condition I would have made a bad mate for her. Shortly after her discovery, my sister, Eve, also found her mate and left the kingdom with him. I celebrated her happiness, but the departure of my twin sister and closest friend left an emptiness within me. Even my youngest brother, John, found his mate last year, prompting discussions in the kingdom about me possibly taking a chosen mate. At twenty-seven, I remained mateless, and while my parents understood the importance of me taking a mate, they never pressured me. I always thought the absence of a mate was a blessing, since chances are they would reject someone like me. Today, I took the opportunity to slip away to a pond near the palace. The moment I arrived, the air carried the sweet scent of a spring day after a rainstorm, drawing me in. As I ventured closer, the sound of twigs crunching behind trees caught my attention. In that very moment, Kyro, my lycan, howled, sensing my mate’s presence. She was hiding nearby, and I couldn’t help but be curious as to why someone would conceal themselves from me, rather than announcing their presence. I tried to remain calm and not frighten her, but worry consumed me as she passed out. I almost did not catch her, but luckily my other senses were heightened. She was so delicate and based on her young voice; I bet not even in her twenties. Cradling her gently in my arms, I made my way back to the palace. “What am I to do with you, little mate? Will you even accept a damaged Lycan like me?” I whispered, the weight of her in my arms feeling incredible. Kyro, my lycan, snarled, urging me not to let her slip away. “Let’s take time getting to know her before making any decisions. She may long to return to her home realm, and I won’t force her away from her family,” I tried to reason with him. As I approached the entrance of the palace, I could hear my mother and father. My parents have been kind and strong rulers for over twenty years, maintaining peace in the kingdom. Lately, there has been a rise in feral werewolves, causing my mother to worry about my safety. She’s concerned that since I can no longer see or shift, some werewolves might come after me because of my position as the next in line for the throne. “Emmett, why are you carrying an unconscious girl?” My mother gasped as I approached. “I hope you did not hurt her,” my father spoke. “Really? Do you think I’m capable of that?” I sighed. “Caius, take it easy on Emmett. I’m sure he has a good explanation,” my mother intervened. “I found her at the pond. She claims to be from the fae realm, but is clueless about how she ended up here. I believe the shock of being in a new place overwhelmed her.” I explained. “I understand. I’ll call for a guard to take her to our medical facility,” my father offered, his voice filled with concern. Just as he spoke, I heard a guard approaching us, ready to fulfill his duty. “No, she stays with me,” I growled, my protective instincts flaring up without a second thought. “That’s not all you have to say about her, is it, Emmett?” My mother stated knowingly. “She’s my mate.” I confessed. “That’s great news,” my father exclaimed. My father has expressed concern about me entering a relationship or finding my mate considering my lack of outings from the palace, but the real question is whether she would be willing to accept me. “Take her to your room, Emmett, and we will have a doctor sent over.” My mother ordered. Nodding in gratitude, I made my way to my room, the weight of the girl’s unconscious body becoming more apparent with each step. Fortunately, even with the absence of my sight, I could effortlessly maneuver through the palace and its surroundings. making it an easy task to carry her. Tenderly, I laid her down on my bed, hoping that she would find some comfort in this unfamiliar place. The doctor quickly entered my room. Outside, I patiently waited against the wall as he carried out his examination. Despite my lycan’s strong desire to be by his mate’s side, we were both worried about her. Once he finished, he came into the hallway. “She is fine,” he began, his voice calm and measured. “But based on the exam, I can tell you she is not a complete werewolf. It would seem she is a hybrid, a cross between wolf and vampire.” He paused, considering his next words. “That being said, she may have passed out due to lack of feeding for a long time. I can have a blood bag sent to your room, although vampires prefer blood from a fresh donor.” “That’s not necessary,” I replied, my voice steady. “If need be, I’ll allow her to feed from me.” The doctor acknowledged my request and left. Walking back into my room, I settled into the armchair beside my bed. I could hear her gentle breaths and the faint rustling of the sheets as she shifted. Suddenly, her murmurs broke the silence, her voice filled with confusion and a hint of frustration. “Not funny, Alex,” she muttered, her voice tinged with sleep. Who was Alex? I thought to myself. “Where am I?” she mumbled, her voice trembling with fear as she slowly regained consciousness. “Please don’t be afraid. You are in a safe place.” I reassured her. “You’re real,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “That’s not possible. You’re the drawing that has come to life.” “You’ve drawn me? I asked. “Yes, I’ve drawn you many times.” She admitted. “Do you know what I am to you?” I Asked. “My mate. But I don’t understand how, since you are a creation of my imagination.” She responded. “I’m very much real,” I assured her. “We will find out how you entered this realm, little mate,” I reassured her. “Who are you and where am I?” Angelina questioned. “My name is Emmett, and you are currently in the werewolf realm, although I am a Lycan. My mother and father are the Lycan King and queen of this kingdom.” “I’ve heard of your realm. One of my father’s relatives, named Phoenix, lives here,” Angelina revealed. “Phoenix is on the council for this kingdom. I will notify her that you are here,” I promised her. “We will find you a way back to the fae realm, but it may take some time,” I explained to her. My lycan growled inside me, yet I couldn’t bear the thought of her being stuck with me, a mate who couldn’t even keep her safe. “If this is real, why are you trying to send me back?” she asked, her voice trembling. “Aren’t mates supposed to stick together? Or do you want to reject me? If that’s the case, can you get it over with now? I can find a way back to my home on my own. But please, don’t prolong this if that is your intention. I don’t blame you. I’m nothing special, and I doubt a lycan would want a hybrid as a mate,” she confessed. I got up and walked over to the bed. I reached out until my hand made contact with her. “And here I was worried you would not want to stay here,” I said. “I have no intention of rejecting you, Angelina. But I also don’t want to force you to stay with someone like me. The choice is yours.” “Why would I not want to stay with my mate? We are destined to be together,” she asked, her voice filled with confusion. I cleared my throat, knowing it was best to just be honest with her. “I’m cursed,” I admitted, “and as far as we know, there is no cure. Because of the curse, I am blind and I cannot shift into my Lycan form.” In that moment of silence, Angelina startled me as her small hand touched my face. I could feel the warmth of her touch, contrasting with the surrounding air. “Why would I reject you over that?” she asked, her voice filled with kindness. “Do you think of me as some heartless being, even though we just met? I may be startled by ending up in another realm, but if you allow us a chance to get to know each other, you will soon learn that events like this are normal for my family. And one thing I know is that every curse has a cure; you just have to be willing to find it.” Her words resonated with me, and I felt a glimmer of hope. “I would like very much for us to get to know each other, if you are willing to give me a chance,” I responded, my voice filled with sincerity. Once again, she surprised me, this time by taking my hand and guiding it to her face. I could feel the softness of her skin and the slight tremor in her touch. “Yes, I would like to give you a chance,” she said, her voice filled with warmth and acceptance. In that moment, my heart felt a happiness that I had thought impossible.
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