
2185 Words
Angelina POV I spent countless hours daydreaming about my future mate as I grew up, observing the mate bonds between my siblings and their partners. I often wondered whether my mate would possess the same affection and care, and if he would accept me despite my shyness and lack of outgoing nature. I never imagined on my eighteenth birthday, I would find myself nestled against my mate’s warm body. He exceeded all my expectations and desires. In a moment of uncharacteristic boldness, I shed my clothing, allowing him to explore my body through touch. Though he couldn’t see me, I wanted him to understand my appearance through this intimate connection. His hands and lips traced my skin, always mindful of my comfort and boundaries. Afterward, he held me close, satisfying the cravings for our mate bond. However, I wasn’t yet ready to mate, and I was relieved that he respected my need for more time to become comfortable. I drifted off to sleep fast, my body pressed against his. A deep slumber carried me into a dream. These dreams served as an escape from reality, allowing me to enter the vivid landscapes depicted in my paintings. Now, I realize those paintings were more than just creations of my imagination; they were windows into another realm. I wonder if the dream I found myself in was yet another painting of a different mysterious realm. In my dream, I found myself in a field filled with vibrant, colorful flowers. Their sweet fragrance filled the air as I ran through the fields, feeling the soft petals brush against my skin. An enchanting forest stood in the distance, casting a magical aura over the entire scene. Nearby, there was a cozy and inviting small house, adding to the charm of the place. In my painting, the first time I painted this place, Emmett was leaning against a tree, engrossed in a book. And whenever I revisited this dream, he was always there, reading. However, in my dreams, I could never truly interact with him. It felt as if he existed and yet didn’t, a paradox of presence and absence. But this time, something was different. As I continued running through the fields, enjoying the breeze against my body, I heard his voice in the distance. Startled and intrigued, I stopped in my tracks. “Who’s there?” he called out, his voice carrying a hint of surprise. I stood still, trying to process what was happening. And then I heard him running towards me. “Angelina, was that you?” he asked, his eyes meeting mine. The confusion was clear in my voice as I responded, “Emmett, are you here in my dream?” He closed the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me. “I can see you. Is this the real you, Angelina? Is this how you look?” he asked, his touch sending sparks through my body. “This is the real me,” I replied, blushing at the intensity of his gaze. “But how is this possible? How are you here?” he questioned, releasing me from his embrace. “I could ask the same thing. This dream and painting have always been a dream of mine, and you have never moved from the tree.” I admitted. “I’ve had this dream almost every night since I was cursed. It’s the only time I can see, but I have always been alone until now. My wish came true, even if only for a short time. I can see my beautiful mate.” Emmett said. His words made my cheeks flush more with warmth. “My father could enter my mother’s dreams, so maybe we have the same connection,” Emmett suggested, his eyes remaining fixated on me. “Maybe,” I said, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, relieved to share this secret with my mate. Emmett reached out and brushed his hand against my arm, his touch filling me with a tingling sensation. “I still can’t believe this is you, Angelina. Can I ask you a favor? You can say no if it makes you uncomfortable,” he asked. “Yes, you can,” I answered. “Can I see all of you here?” he inquired, his eyes searching mine. “I hope this can be a place where we can share ourselves when sleep takes over us. But I don’t know if that will happen or not. I know what you feel like, but I wish to memorize all of you with my eyes so I can hold on to the memory of what you look like,” he explained. I remained silent for a moment, the weight of his request sinking in. Undressing in front of him felt comfortable, given that he couldn’t see me before. But the thought of being exposed when he could be made me nervous. What if he doesn’t like my body? I thought to myself, my insecurities creeping in. Yet, I pushed aside my nerves, reminding myself that we were mates and I should feel comfortable showing myself to him. “Okay,” I responded, my voice steady but my hands trembling. He moved closer, his touch gentle as he placed his hands on the hem of my shirt. he pulled it off, revealing my bare skin. His hand trailed along my back, unclasping my bra, and then moved to my pants, undoing them with care. As he slid them off, along with my panties. I wrapped my arms around my body, shielding myself from his gaze. My nerves threatened to overpower me. “Angelina, you did not have to agree. The last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable,” Emmett spoke, his voice filled with understanding. “You can get dressed again,” he said softly, turning and giving me privacy. Taking a deep breath, I summoned the courage to step forward, determined to overcome my shyness. I wanted him to see me, to accept all of me. Instead of getting dressed, I wrapped my arms around him. “I want you to see me. I’m just not used to this, so I’m nervous,” I admitted, baring my true feelings to him like an open book. “I’ve been nervous too, ever since I first found you. I feared you would not accept me,” Emmett confessed, his vulnerability shining through. “You can turn around now,” I whispered, and he obliged, pivoting to face me. As his eyes met mine, I felt a surge of warmth and acceptance. “You are beautiful,” he declared, his hand resting against my body, sending a wave of electric sensation through me. “Thank you for letting me see you,” he expressed his gratitude, his lips descending upon mine in a tender, heartfelt kiss. Emmett scooped me up into his strong arms, making me feel weightless. As we moved together, I couldn’t help but ask, “Where are you taking me?” “To the house.” His response came with a deep desire in his voice. Finally, we reached the bed inside the house, a place only existing in my dreams. Emmett placed me on the bed and removed his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his boxers. My nerves tingled, but I remained silent. He lowered his body, hovering above mine. Emmett’s touch sent a surge of electricity through my body, making my heart race and my breath hitch. As he passionately kissed me and he gently explored me with his hands on my skin. But as his lips trailed down, and his teasingly nipping at my breast, a mix of anticipation and anxiety began to overwhelm me. My nerves tightened. Emmett’s hand continued its journey, inching closer to my most sensitive area. The closer he got, the more my body reacted involuntarily with a jolt. “Angelina, is everything okay?” he asked, his voice filled with concern, breaking the spell for a moment. I hesitated, feeling a mix of vulnerability and honesty welling up inside me. “I’m not ready,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. It wasn’t a rejection of him or his desires, but a recognition of my own emotional state. I needed more time, more trust, before I could fully surrender myself to him. Emmett gently eased himself off me, his warm touch leaving a lingering sensation on my skin. I instinctively pulled the blanket over my body. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, my voice quivering with vulnerability. “You don’t need to apologize, Angelina,” Emmett reassured me. “We just met, and it’s important to go at a pace that feels right for you. I won’t pressure you into anything.” I looked up at him, searching for any signs of disappointment. “You’re not upset that I’m not ready to mate yet?” Emmett’s eyes softened, his gaze filled with genuine care. “Why would I be upset? I want you to be ready and fully accepting of my mark. You’re much younger than me, and this is all new to you. I will never reject you for telling me to stop. Your comfort and readiness are my priority, always.” Emmett stood up and got dressed. “I’ll be right back,” he assured me. “I’ll get your clothing from outside, and then we can spend the remainder of this dream together talking” With those words, he departed the room. Clutching the blanket tightly around me, I observed his departure through the window. As he ventured into the field, a faint creak resonated within the house. It was unsettling, for in my dreams, not only was Emmett someone I often saw but also nightmarish creatures that looked like shadowy figures with crimson eyes, often plagued my sleep. Like wraiths, they materialized, transforming my dreams into horrifying nightmares. At that moment, one of these creatures began to manifest itself in the corner of the room. I knew from experience that remaining motionless rendered me invisible to their dark gaze. So, I held my breath, my heart pounding against my chest, as I maintained absolute stillness. I dared not even flinch as the creature lingered, its presence hanging heavy in the air. My frozen state persisted until I heard Emmett’s voice once again, drifting up the stairs towards the bedroom. As he entered, the shadowy figure dissolved into nothingness, fading away like a distant memory. “Angelina, what’s wrong? You look terrified,” he said, concern etched on his face as he handed me my clothing. I dressed fast, with urgency in my movements, and simply uttered, “Let’s get out of the house.” But as I spoke, a shadow materialized in the corner, lurking dangerously close to me. Emmett growled, his protective instincts kicking in as he positioned himself between me and the mysterious figure. “Run,” he commanded, his voice firm and authoritative. Without hesitation, I obeyed, sprinting out of the room and then out of the house, stumbling over a rock and cutting my leg in the process. I quickly rose to my feet and glanced back at the house. A wave of frustration washed over me as I questioned my own abilities. I should be able to defend myself, but the fact that I couldn’t shift yet made me feel weak and helpless. I despised the fear that gripped me, and I detested the fact that I had left Emmett behind. Soon after, Emmett emerged from the house, blood trickling down his arm. However, his focus immediately shifted to my injured leg. “You’re injured,” he exclaimed, his voice filled with worry. “S-so are you,” I stuttered, but as he wiped his arm, the wound miraculously healed. “I’m a Lycan. I heal fast. Even though you can’t shift yet, you should still heal. Why aren’t you healing? And do you have any idea what that thing was?” he asked me. “I don’t heal fast like you. My healing process is as slow as a human’s. My siblings believe it’s because my wolf isn’t ready to shift. Even drinking blood doesn’t help, despite being part vampire. As for that thing, I’m clueless, but I’ve encountered it numerous times,” I confessed. “It’s gone for now. Has it ever tried to harm you before?” he pressed. “Yes, but I’ve discovered that if I remain still, it’s as if it doesn’t even see me,” I admitted, feeling a sense of relief as Emmett pulled me close to him once again. “Whatever it is, it’s real and powerful. I’m determined to get to the bottom of this. Hopefully, we’ll continue sharing dreams so I can protect you from their grasp,” he vowed, inspecting my injured leg. I opened my mouth to speak, but the dream world began to fade, and my eyes fluttered open to a sun-drenched room, with Emmett stirring beside me.
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