
1896 Words
Emmett POV As I woke from my sleep, I could feel Angelina’s presence in my arms, her body shifting. A part of me longed for us to remain in that dreamland together. But I couldn’t help but question if the figure before me was her or a figment of my imagination. As I shifted in the bed, a distinct scent assaulted my senses - the unmistakable smell of blood. “Angelina, are you awake?” I whispered, my voice filled with concern. “Yes,” she replied softly, her words audible as she nestled in my arm. “Your bleeding,” I said, my voice filled with worry, as I felt her slip out of my arms and rise from the bed. “Sorry, I’ll go stop it right now,” she responded. I stood up and reached out, clasping onto her before she could take another step away. “You need to tell me, is it on your leg? Like, where you cut yourself in the dream?” I asked. “Yes,” she replied, her answer lacking any hint of alarm. “This isn’t the first time you’ve been hurt, is it?” I growled, my frustration seeping into my words. I heard her stumble back, my anger clearly having startled her. I sighed, realizing I had unintentionally frightened her. “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” I said, attempting to maintain a calm demeanor. Slowly, I pulled her closer to me, my hands searching for her leg, hoping to assess the extent of her injury. “I-I’m not in any c-clothing,” Angelina stammered, her voice shaky. I had forgotten she slept naked against me. “Can you guide my hand to where you are hurt?” I asked. Together, we moved my hand to the cut, and as I grazed it, I could feel the warmth of fresh blood on my fingertips. She winced in pain, her body tensing against mine. In that moment, I remembered the dream - the vivid image of the deep, jagged wound. She must have cut it on something sharp. Gently, I lifted her up, surprising her once again. I tried my best not to touch her in any intimate way as I carried her into the bathroom. “We need to clean the cut,” I said, my voice steady as I turned on the bath faucet. “I can do it. You don’t need to,” she protested softly. “It’s fine, let me help you,” I reassured her, feeling her tremble slightly against me. “Are you afraid of me now?” I asked, my heart sinking. “No, it’s just... I’m not really comfortable being naked,” she admitted. “I can’t see you anymore, Angelina,” I said. “I’m sorry, I should not have said that,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “I am used to not being able to see, and I have learned my way around. I can rely on my other senses to help me. I won’t touch you anywhere you’re uncomfortable with. I just want to help you wash the cut, so I can see if we should go to the medical facility for stitches since you don’t heal,” I explained, hoping to ease her worries. Once I heard the tub filling with warm water, I plugged it and carefully set her down on the ground. “I’m going to hold you in my lap in the tub so I can help you. Is that okay?” I asked. “Okay,” she whispered, her trust in me evident. As I started to remove the remainder of her clothing, she stammered, “W-why are you undressing?” I replied calmly, “So I can hold you.” I heard her turn. My actions were not meant to make her uncomfortable, but at the same time, even if she said no, I was going to insist on helping her. I needed to. My Lycan was going mad inside of me, trapped and restless. He may not be able to shift, but he could still take control of my body. Although I knew he cared for Angelina as I did, he was more primal, and there was a danger he might force his mark on her, regardless of my pleas for patience. Once undressed, I lifted Angelina into my arms again and carefully got into the tub with her, the warm water enveloping us both. Holding her close, I reached for her leg and used a soft washcloth to gently clean the injury. Once done, I simply held her, the scent of healing salts mingling with the warm steam of the bathroom. “The salts I put in help heal, so we need to let it soak for a little while. Just relax against me,” I instructed. “I want you to mark me,” Angelina whispered. As I held onto her, the warm steam enveloped us, creating a comforting atmosphere. Her words filled me with happiness, but I knew the importance of waiting until she was truly ready. “My mark will transform your wolf into a powerful Lycan,” I explained gently, my fingers tracing patterns on her skin. “However, the change may require a few days of sleep for your body to adjust. We can take things slow if you prefer, or if you want, you can mark me first. It won’t complete our bond, but it will deepen our connection. And when you’re truly ready, I promise to mark you.” “If you want to mark me now, be prepared to enter your first heat,” I cautioned, feeling her shift slightly in my lap. “Even if you mark me first, it may trigger it. I understand you’re not ready to mate, but if we avoid it while you’re in heat, it will cause you a great deal of pain.” “I understand. You’re really willing to let me mark you first?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied, my heart pounding with anticipation. She turned around in my embrace, her arm brushing against mine. “I want to mark you. If it triggers my heat, I’ll be ready,” she declared, her warm breath tickling my neck. Her body pressed against mine, her breasts gently pushing against my chest. As her teeth bit into my marking spot, warmth filled me, electrifying every nerve ending in my body. The sensation was both exhilarating and overwhelming, as if her touch had ignited a flame within me. My arms instinctively wrapped around her, pulling her closer, as her bite intensified the connection between us. With each moment that passed, I could sense the swirling mix of emotions coursing through her. Fear and uncertainty mingled with desire and longing, creating a potent blend that pulsed through my veins. The floodgates of her soul opening wide, pouring into me like a raging storm. I could detect something remarkable within her. A strength that surpassed what she herself was aware of. It radiated from her, an undercurrent of hidden power waiting to be unleashed. It was as if she held within her a dormant force, patiently biding its time until she was ready to embrace it fully. And woven into the tapestry of her emotions was an undeniable attraction towards me. It was a palpable sensation, a magnetic pull that drew her towards me with an intensity that couldn’t be ignored. Her liking for me was evident, but it was her pure and strong heart that struck me the most. It beat fiercely, unwavering in its dedication, promising a depth of love and loyalty that was rare to find. As she released her teeth from my skin, I kept my arms wrapped around her, not wanting this moment to end. The warmth of her body against mine brought me joy, knowing that she had marked me. But I also wanted to wait before marking her. I needed to be certain that I could always access her dreams first, ensuring she wouldn’t face any danger during her sleep. “Thank you for accepting me, Angelina,” I murmured. “You are strong and powerful. I can feel it now that you have marked me.” “I hope one day that is true,” she whispered to me. “I wish to shift and heal, so I am not a burden.” I held her even tighter, reassuring her, “I will never think of you as a burden.” As my hand brushed down her body. “How does your leg feel?” I asked. “Better,” she replied. “I think it will heal on its own.” Standing up together, we stepped out of the bath. I placed her down and handed her a towel. “Thank you,” she responded. “My mother mind-linked me. They have breakfast ready,” I informed her. “Would you like to eat with everyone? If you’re not comfortable yet, I understand.” “I’m fine going,” she said. I heard her rummaging through the bag of clothing as I made my way to the closet to get dressed. The staff had prepared outfits for me, accessible since I preferred not to have help during the day. “I’m ready,” Angelina announced once I emerged from the closet. “I’ll have someone assist you in getting more clothing later today,” I assured her as she took my hand. “Thank you. I’m looking forward to getting to know this place,” Angelina said as we walked out of my room. “You navigate so well for not being able to see,” she remarked. “That’s because he is stubborn and refuses any sort of assistance,” Jordan chimed in, his voice carrying a teasing tone as he snuck up on us. “Angelina, this is Jordan. He is like an uncle to me and my father’s second in command,” I introduced them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Angelina greeted him politely. “You should have seen Emmett when he first lost his sight. He ran into everything, walking around. But he was determined to live as normal as possible,” Jordan shared, causing me to sigh. He never knew when to stop talking. “Is Stella coming to breakfast?” I asked, changing the subject. “Yes, and your mother has already filled her in. My wife, Stella, will try to help you contact your family, Angelina,” Jordan explained. “Thank you,” she responded as the three of us walked towards the dining hall. I chuckled, warning her, “Be prepared to be swarmed.” I knew my mother, Stella, and anyone else around would be excited to talk with Angelina. “I’m used to it. I have a big family,” Angelina laughed, her voice filled with warmth. With Angelina now in my life, a renewed sense of motivation surged through me. I vowed to myself to break the curse that had held me captive for so long. I was going to regain my former strength, not only to protect Angelina but also to fulfill my duty to this kingdom. I am no longer content to sit by. I needed to make my mark instead of fading away.
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