
2021 Words
Angelina POV I never could have imagined finding a mate as gentle and caring as Emmett. His touch was comforting, easing my nerves and shyness. He waited for me to break free from the shell I often hid in. When he offered to let me mark him first, my heart fluttered with anticipation. In that moment, I knew he would be the one to help me conquer the fears that held me back. With my family, I never felt comfortable opening up about my deep-seated fears. I didn’t want to burden them. But with Emmett, I felt safe, to be honest. I believed he would be the one to help me become strong. I was determined to free him from his curse. As we entered the dining hall, Emmett I took our seats. Soon, Celia, his mother, joined us, sitting next to me. Across the table, Jordan settled down with a beautiful woman who I assumed was Stella. “I’m so glad you both joined us today. Emmett never graces us with his presence, so I am grateful to you, Angelina, for convincing him,” Celia said. “Thank you for having me,” I replied, as more people entered the room. One lady immediately caught my eye. It was Phoenix, a pure-blood vampire from the same bloodline as my father, Daniel. I had only met her a few times. She was a distant cousin of mine. “Angelina, is that you? You’ve grown into such a stunning young woman. I was surprised to hear you were here and thrilled to learn you were Emmett’s mate,” Phoenix exclaimed, bending over to hug me. “I’m happy to see you again,” I whispered softly. “You’re still the shy little girl I remember,” she said with a smile before taking her seat. Celia brushed her soft hand against mine. “Emmett mind-linked me about your dreams, sweetheart. If and when you’re comfortable, I would like to know more. I may be able to help, based on my experience with dream lands,” she offered. “Okay,” I replied, as the staff began placing plates of food in front of everyone. The table was now a vibrant tapestry of colors and scents. Celia cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone, this is Angelina, Emmett’s mate,” she introduced me, her voice carrying across the room. She then pointed to each person seated at the table, introducing them one by one. As Celia spoke, I took in the sight of the friendly faces around me. Jordan, with his warm smile. Stella radiating kindness. Crystal, Stella and Jordan’s daughter, whose intense gaze lingered on me. And Phoenix and one of her two daughters, Emery, exuding a sense of strength and grace. Celia continued, explaining that her daughter Eve would join us later, having just given birth to a pup. Her mate was currently with Caius, her husband and John, her other child. “I look forward to meeting everyone over time,” I said. Emmett leaned close to me, concern etched on his face. “Are you doing okay? I understand if you want to go,” he whispered. “I’m okay,” I assured him. The remainder of breakfast was filled with conversation and laughter. I listened, taking in the room's warmth. As we neared the end of the meal, Jordan approached us. “Emmett, your father asked if I could help with your daily appointment today. We can go now if you’re finished,” he offered. Emmett let out a sigh. “Angelina, I have to go for a little while,” he said, his hand squeezing mine before he left. “But my mother and Stella will keep you company.” Celia offered to take me to the garden for a talk. I nodded in agreement, following her lead as Stella trailed behind us. The garden was full of colors, alive with the fragrance of blossoming flowers. I wrestled with my curiosity about Emmett’s mysterious appointment. I didn’t want to pry, so I remained silent. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took a glimpse at a few of your sketches before your supplies were returned to you. Your talent as an artist is exceptional, Angelina. But there’s something more... your artwork exudes a magical essence. Do you have any knowledge of witch lineage in your family?” Stella asked. “Yes, I do. Well, sort of. It’s a bit complicated to explain. My mother’s original mother’s grandmother was a witch. However, my mother experienced multiple reincarnations due to a curse. In her original life, she possessed magical abilities, but after the reincarnations, she lost them. So, when my siblings and I were born, our parents didn’t know what to expect.” I responded. As the words left my lips, I realized how crazy it all sounded, even to my own ears. “I believe I understand,” Stella explained. “You call yourself a hybrid, but you possess magic. I believe you might be a tribrid.” “You mean I am part witch as well?” I asked. “Yes,” Stella nodded. “And a strong one at that. I could feel your power, although new and untrained, emanating from your paintings. But that’s not all. When you entered this realm, you somehow managed to block all methods of transportation. I am unable to portal to the human realm, and when I tried, I could sense the same power from your artwork blocking me.” “I-I did not know I could. It was not intentional,” I stammered. “I know you did not, sweetie,” Stella reassured me, her hand reaching out to rest gently on mine. “No one is upset with you. Your power acted on its own, and most times, that happens for a reason. Your power wants you here, and it does not want anyone leaving. We just need to figure out why. But I’m afraid until we do, I cannot help you connect with your family.” “I understand. I guess I still have much to learn about myself.” I said. “Stella is a powerful witch,” Celia chimed in. “She will help you, Angelina, and she will help you discover that power hidden within you.” “I’m sure you are thrilled to have Angelina. You have always wanted another daughter around,” Stella said, turning to Celia. “Yes, I am. Although I cherish my two sons, I have always wished for another daughter. My son John was predicted to be a girl when I was pregnant with him. It was a surprise to all of us when he was born.” Celia giggled. “In the little time I have had with you, Celia, I know it would be an honor to have you as my motherly figure here,” I said, meaning every word. Crystal walked out to the garden, joining us. She gave me one look, but did not say a word. “So, Angelina, about your dreams,” Celia started, as a loud growl from what seemed like it was coming from the palace interrupted her. The sound reverberated through the air, causing Celia’s face to sadden. My heart skipped a beat at the intensity of the growl. “What, or who, was that?” I asked, my voice trembling, as I heard another growl. Crystal stood up and looked at me again, this time with anger etched on her face. “This is your fault,” she snapped at me, her voice filled with accusation. “His lycan is fighting him right now because of you.” “T-that was Emmett,” I stammered, my fear clear in my voice. “How can you be his mate when you show your fear, even in your voice? Emmett needs someone strong who can help handle his lycan,” Crystal snapped again, her words hitting me like a punch to the gut. Stella grabbed Crystal’s hand. “That is enough, Crystal,” Stella snapped, her voice firm. “Angelina does not know everything about Emmett yet, and this is not her fault.” Crystal stormed away. “I’m sorry, Angelina,” Stella apologized."My daughter means well. She is just very protective of Emmett. The two of them are best friends." Another growl escaped from the palace. “What’s going on? I should go to Emmett,” I said, my voice filled with concern, as I stood up. But Celia grabbed my hand. “Emmett did not want to tell you yet as he did not want to frighten you, but now that you have heard him, it is best I tell you. Part of the curse on Emmett blocks his Lycan, as I know he has told you. He cannot shift because of it, and his lycan also became more feral. He loses control since he is caged, never able to stretch his legs. Because of this, Emmett’s Lycan takes control of Emmett in human form and causes a good amount of damage. He has hurt people he did not mean to, as his Lycan lost control of his humanity. Even controlling Emmett in human form, he was strong. In order to prevent any more damage, we found that if Emmett allows his Lycan control of his body for an hour every day, he can then keep him under control the rest of the day. So, for years now, he has spent an hour locked up, allowing his Lycan some freedom until he can gain control again. Sometimes his Lycan remains calm, and other times, like now, as you can hear, he loses control,” Celia explained. “He must be in so much pain,” I whispered. Celia squeezed my hand. “It is hard. I wish I could do more for him,” she said. “I would like to see him,” I demanded. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Celia said. “I think it is. Angelina is his mate, maybe she can calm him,” Stella offered. “Fine,” Celia responded. “I’ll take her,” Stella offered, as she stood up and beckoned me to follow. We made our way through the place until we reached a staircase leading down into a lit basement. Inside the basement, a large cell came into view, with Emmett trapped inside. As Crystal sat outside the cell. Emmett’s frustration was clear as he slammed his body against the cold metal bars. Crystal’s voice snapped with irritation, questioning why I was here. Stella intervened. “Give Angelina a chance to calm her mate,” she said, guiding me closer to the cell. As I approached the bars, I had the opportunity to speak with Emmett’s lycan. My voice trembled with nerves. Emmett continued to bash against the bars, his primal instincts taking hold. Noticing Jordan, who stood nearby, I looked at him and made a request to go in with Emmett. After a brief hesitation, he agreed, cautioning me about Emmett’s feral state. Understanding the risks, I nodded in agreement. As Jordan unlocked the cell and allowed me inside, a low growl erupted from Emmett’s throat. The sound reverberated through the small space. It was a chilling reminder of the raw power within him, even in his human form. Despite the growl, Emmett inched closer to me, drawn by our connection. I brushed my hand through my hair, exposing my neck to him, a vulnerable gesture of trust. “I am your mate, not a threat,” I declared, summoning my courage. Emmett grabbed me, his grip tightening, but then he released me and pressed his head against mine, seeking comfort. Meanwhile, Jordan stood at the entrance, ready to intervene if necessary. I assured him that I was safe. Emmett sniffed me, taking in my scent, before relaxing further. His grip softened, and he held me close, as if seeking peace in my presence. “I’m going to help keep you calm from now on, I promise,” I vowed.
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