Chapter 02 • Father's Warning

1095 Words
"Father! Father!" Owen burst into their house, rushing for the kitchen. "Father! I have great news!" "What is it, son?" A man in his late thirties stepped out of the small kitchen, wiping his hands. "Great news, father! Athalia is going to be the one to embed the royal clothing for the princess's wedding!" "Really!?" His eyes lit up, looking at his beaming daughter. She nodded. He beamed back, "Oh, come here, my child!" He opened his arms, welcoming Athalia. Owen joined in on the hug, their smiles radiating joy. "Simpson, it appears you're only encouraging this girl to venture into the wrong path," an older woman's voice echoed from the kitchen doorway. The trio separated. Their father, Simpson, rolled his eyes toward the door. "Please, not now, mother!" The elderly woman hissed, dressed in her usual plain clothes. She scrunched her face, "What did I say wrong! Huh? Encouraging a nineteen-year-old girl, ripe for marriage, to delve deeper into her embedding business. A business meant for men! She's the only girl in the five kingdoms who embeds, and for the royals, no less." "But that is a good thing, grandmother. I do it to help provide for the house—" "That's a man's job! That's why we have Simpson here and Owen!" She snapped. "Grandmother, father is sick! He can't work like before!" Owen frowned. "Keep quiet, little boy! You don't know anything, except how to blindly support your wretched sister in breaking all the norms of a lady!" "That's enough, mother! It's too early for your tantrums! Leave her alone," Simpson huffed, holding his children's shoulders and leading them to their small living room. Their grandmother, Jana, rolled her eyes and turned away, heading back into the kitchen. As Simpson led his children into his bedroom, he motioned for them to sit by him, holding their shoulders. Smiling at his two amazing children beside him, he opened his mouth to speak, but a hard cough interrupted him. He beat his chest, trying to control the deep cough. Athalia and Owen exchanged worried glances as they patted his back. "I'm fine, I'm fine." Athalia grimaced, nodding in agreement. She then reached into her hide bag and pulled something out. "Here, father. Her Highness raised my payment to half a bag of silver!" "That's wonderful!" "It's more than enough to restock the house for this week, pay Owen's governance fee, and buy a few more things for everyone." Simpson smiled warmly. "Oh, my child, I can't even begin to imagine how this house would be without you. Although I do wish you would consider going for governance classes as well." Athalia chuckled, "Oh please, father, no offense, little brother, but I find governance classes limiting. I prefer to work and create on my own, in my own space and time. Besides, what could they possibly want to teach me that I don't already know?" Simpson laughed, "That's undeniable, my dear. You're a bright girl who managed to teach herself how to read by stealing my papers every day at the age of ten." They all laughed. "Thank you, father. I can't imagine having a more supportive father than you," she hugged him. He rubbed her back, sighing heavily. "Very well, after both of you are done at the governor's house for Owen's class payment, come home quickly. Father Clarence is visiting today, and he wrote that he needs to see you urgently." "See me? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" "Of course not, dear. I'm sure you did nothing wrong. He probably just misses you and knows you have a very busy life." Athalia nodded, agreeing with her father's words. A few hours later, Athalia and Owen returned home from the governor's house. As they entered, they froze at the sight of the old man in their living room. "Father Clarence?" Athalia called. Owen ran up to him, wrapping him in a hug. Father Clarence reciprocated, gently patting his head. "How are you, child?" "Good, Father Clarence. It's been so long!" "That's true, young one," he playfully tapped Owen's nose. Father Clarence then looked up at the young girl, "Would you not hug your godfather, child?" Athalia smiled warmly and ran into his arms. Clarence laughed, patting her head. "You've grown so fast." Simpson then walked in, "Come, Father, let's eat dinner." The three of them nodded and followed Simpson into the kitchen. With a freshly cooked meal on the table, Father Clarence and their grandmother, Jana, discussed and laughed, leaving Simpson and his two children to talk for a while. Father Clarence then turned to Athalia. "Athalia, how has work been?" "Good, Father. How is the church?" "We thank the Lord that everything is still going well." He cleared his throat. "So, Athalia, I wanted to ask, have you noticed any changes around?" "Changes? No, Father. Why?" "Yes, Father Clarence, why?" Simpson chimed in. Father Clarence grimaced, "Well, Athalia, two nights ago, I had a dream." "What was it, Father?" He looked down for a few seconds, then back at their worried faces. He then smiled, "I just had a dream that Athalia got a raise." Athalia's face lit up, "I did, Father!" "Good. Um... Athalia, can we go for a stroll outside? It's evening, and the dark sky can be very intriguing." Athalia gave him a suspicious look but nodded. "Okay, Father." The two got up and walked out. Padding outside on the soft grass under the evening sky, Athalia played with the waistline of her long straight gown. Father Clarence then spoke, looking up at the sky, "Something dangerous is coming, Athalia." She snapped her eyes up at him. "Dangerous?" Clearance sighed, drawing his gaze back to the girl. Her bright violet eyes shone with worry. He sighed deeply. "Athalia, I don't know exactly what, but I've had this unsettling feeling for days now. I feel that a major change is coming your way, for you and your family. It may not be good." "How, Father? Why would anyone hurt us?! We owe no one!" "I know, dear. But what's coming your way is inevitable. I just called you out here to advise you to be prepared and keep your eyes open. Whatever it is, child, you have to be ready to face it." Athalia's face paled. She unconsciously stopped walking. Father Clarence sighed, "Don't overthink it, child. Just stay strong in faith. Remember all I've taught you and stick to your morals, okay? The Lord never abandons His children." He held her shoulder. Athalia nodded, taking a deep breath.
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