Chapter 03 • Sisters

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At the castle of the kingdom of Werleria, a sliver and gold carriage rode in through the royal gates, having the large palace doors pull open. The moonlight bounced off of the shining metal of the carriage, carved into the letter 'LyD'. The wheels pulled to a stop as guards from all around the palace line up next to the carriage. "Her Highness has arrived!" A servant by the door announced into the long torchlit corridor. Another servant nodded, rushing to the royal dining to announce. "Her Highness has arrived!" They gasped, rushing from their position into the castle welcoming hall. One of the maids shouted to the kitchen servants. "Her majesty has arrived!" The maids displaced, running to the welcoming hall. As all the maids gathered at the welcome hall—footsteps echoed from the steps outside. All the servants fell on their knees, bowing their heads to the floor. Majestically, a long slender beauty walked in, holding her head up high with her hands held in front. Her royal blood-red coat dragged on the floor as she walked, with her gold and diamond crown set between the perfectly plaited braids of her natural cream coloured hair that ended below her waist. Her chains and jewels clicked loudly in the pin-quiet hall. Her golden hazel eyes pierced forward. As she padded through, his majesty, king Xeron, stepped out to the end of the hallway. "Here comes my queen, Lyzebel", he opened his arms to his gorgeous wife. "Good midnight, my darling husband", she embraced him, planting a kiss on his lips. "I have missed you dearly, my queen". "Not as much as I have missed you, your Highness. Two weeks away from you was harder than expected, but I had to for the sake of politics and democracy", she rolled her eyes, kissing him again. Circling his arms around her waist, he smiled, "I understand, love. How about you go upstairs and freshen up. Invitation for your arrival party has already been sent. In two days, this palace is going to be very entertaining, just for you". "Oh, my king! You shouldn't have!" She cooed, trapping his lips in a passionate kiss. Pulling away from her smiling handsome husband, her eyes unconsciously landed on the collar of his royal coat. Her brows scrunched at the sight of red lipstick. She then heard her king speak, "Is something wrong, Lyzebel?" Lyzebel looked up, pushing out a smile. "Of course not, my king. You are right, let me go and freshen up". "Good. I will have the servants bring dinner for you". "Oh no need, my king. I already ate on my way here. I just need my royal bath then a good night's sleep. The journey was rough". "Very well, my love", he kissed her forehead, gaining a bow from her, before she padded away. As she strode forward, she snapped her fingers, causing the nearest guard to look up. "Send in three of my slave girls to run my royal bath". "Yes, my queen", he bowed. After her Highness's bath, she got herself ready for her night's sleep—having the king later join her to bed. ~ A few hours later, Queen Lyzebel laid sound asleep in their room with only a few candle lanterns lit—she suddenly snapped her eyes open. Slowly, she sat up on the bed, staring up at the wall clock. It was a quarter past two in the morning. Her brows furrowed. The king wasn't lying next to her. Why could he have gone at such an hour? Lyzebel then got up and padded straight to and through the door. Slowly, she walked along the long candlelit corridor, contemplating between the king being in the throne room or library. Before she could exit the corridor up to the stairs, she heard a noise from one of the bedrooms. She halted, slowly striding to the room on the other side of the hall, opposite her and her husband's. She finally reached the slightly open room door, peeking in silently. Her brows instantly shot up. King Xeron had his back facing the door, completely naked, groaning heavily as he thrusted back and forth in the woman between his arms—having her back against the wall, moaning. He continued to please his desires with the woman in front of him, holding her neck and kissing her lips passionately. The girl with him was enticingly beautiful, having long silky black hair that reached her waist, alongside her well-bestowed body curves and jade green eyes filled with lust as she looked up. "Oh, Lamia! My beautiful Lamia!" The king moaned foolishly, throwing his head back as he fastened his pace. Lyzebel continued to observe the sinner couple carry on as she watched her husband release his urges alongside his dear mistress. With a stoic expression, she stared at them as they share a passionate kiss. The king then placed her down on her feet, still caressing her perfect body. He then began to nibble on the skin of her neck and shoulder, causing his mistress, Lamia, to moan louder to her husband's touch — Lamia accidentally glanced at the door, letting her eyes jam with Lyzebel's — her brows quirked. Lyzebel's expression remained unmoved as she slowly stepped away from the door and padded away silently. Minutes later, his royal Highness finally stepped out of the room fully dressed, leaving Lamia in her room to clean herself up. The door suddenly banged open, causing Lamia to flinch. She turned around; barely dressed in her robe — sighted the queen at the door. Lyzebel frowned. "Your Highness!" Lamia bowed with an innocent smile. "How was your journey, my queen?" Lyzebel's face was stuck in a deep frown, "I see you kept my husband busy this night. I am sure that is the same way you have been keeping him busy on all my travels". Lamia chuckled, "Well, your Highness. What else can I do when his Highness demands? I am just his loyal subject, here to please him on orders", she bowed dramatically. "And you had the audacity to do it the day of my return! Worst in my palace!" "Exactly! It makes it more exciting. Besides, the king could not restrain himself from a midnight snack, my queen", Lamia smiled shamelessly. Lyzebel's face brewed with anger. A smile suddenly stretched on Lyzebel's lips. Lamia smiled back. "Always adventurous, aren't you, little sister?" "What can I say? s*x tastes so much better when it's done with a powerful desperate human". Lyzebel chuckled, "I understand. He is my husband after all. How was he?" "Same before you left. Boring. I wonder how you keep up with his weakness". "I don't. We haven't had s*x since our wedding night. I needed to make him desperate enough to want to f**k anyone. Even my only little sister". "Lucky you", Lamia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I always get the slow fuckers! Hmph!" Lamia then asked in a more serious tone. "When will we be performing the ritual?" "In two nights, after my welcome party". "The king is throwing you a welcome party!?" Lamia widened her eyes. "Yes. All the five kingdoms will be attending". "f*****g bastard! I will ensure his death to be slower than planned". Lyzebel laughed, padding closer to her sister. She gently kissed Lamia on the head, "Save your anger for later, little sister. But remember, performing the ritual that night is beneficial to us, as I will gain more sympathy from the other kingdoms for losing my husband on such a happy day". She patted Lamia's head before walking out of the room. Lamia huffed, pushing out her lips like a child. "Ugh, whatever! s*x is so draining! I am starving!"
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