Chapter 01 • Athalia The Embedder

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Nineteen years later. "Ouch!" Owen, the ten-year-old boy, groaned, nursing his reddened thumb after accidentally striking it on a rock. His pants were rolled up to his knees, allowing the cool water of the serene stream to touch his skin. His tiny toes played with the colorful pebbles nestled in the water. Owen sighed, pushing back his unruly brown curly hair. He dipped his fingers back into the water, searching for a specific stone. After a few failed attempts, he grinned. "Ah, got it!" He plucked a small round stone with light purple and ocean blue streaks. He beamed in triumph, then jumped out of the water. He hurried to his hide bag resting on the grass, swiftly depositing the rock among other colorful ones. Hanging the bag over his shoulder, he fastened it shut and scanned the grassy valley. "Good, no one saw me!" He stood up and sprinted toward the slope leading to the town. Bounding downhill, he smiled at the quaint buildings of his small town. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked meals from inns, bakeries, and homes. The sounds of horses neighing in excitement echoed through the air. Carriages raced along the smooth dirt road, eager to serve customers on the roadside. Children played around muddy puddles, dodging their mothers' scolding. He chuckled. It was a typical day in the Sunndrom Kingdom, with a bright, green, and cheerful atmosphere in every way. Owen smiled, feeling the warm sun on his skin, with the lingering moisture from the previous night's rain still in the air. He raced straight for the castle. Reaching the open castle gates, he sprinted in, waving at the knights and friendly servants of the royal family. He rushed to the castle's main building and made his way to the back door. Running down the dungeon stairs, he greeted and waved at every laundry maid working there. Finally, he hurried down the last set of stairs, leading to a small wooden door. He stopped, knocking three times in a specific rhythm. The door opened. "Athalia!" He called out, startling the girl who was working at a stone table near the blacksmith's fire. She lifted her metal face shield, revealing her soft skin and beautiful long hair. She glanced over her shoulder, her eyes a lovely shade of violet. Her slender lips were dusted with coal and dust from her work. "Owen! Finally! Did you get it?" "Like a mother's kiss to a baby's buttocks! Yes, I did!" He skipped over to her. "Who kisses a baby's buttocks?" Athalia crooked her head. "I don't know, just sounded right to say," Owen shrugged. He glanced at the stone table in front of her, spotting an exquisite fabric gown on a metal tray. "How's it going?" He inquired, studying her long hair tied up in a peculiar fashion. He had no idea what she'd done with her hair, but it looked somewhat unruly. She remained focused on her work, not looking up. "Did you get all the stones?" "You bet I did!" He proudly displayed his hide-skinned bag. "Good," she said, peering through a magnifying glass strapped to her head. With a thumb forceps and a needle holder in hand, she placed beautiful small rocks on the dress. "Did you get the moon spit stone?" "Yes!" He retrieved the purple and blue stone, placing it on the table. "Good, now go pour the remaining stones into the crusher." Owen nodded and rushed to the funnel-like grinding machine. He poured the stones in and mounted the bicycle, pedaling to start the grinding process. As Athalia continued her work, the machine separated the stones by size, crushing them into different bowls. Athalia approached the machine, picking up a bowl filled with stones of the desired color mix. Owen followed her. "Athalia, it's incredible how you built something like this! Others who embed fabrics grind stones manually, but you created your grinder, and your father never hired a teacher or sent you to school." Athalia poured the sandy, colorful dust into a bowl of thick oil liquid, stirring it with a wooden spoon. She scooped a portion into a thin hide bag. "That's because, Owen, I don't need someone else to tell me how to use my brain," she winked at him, tying the bag and pricking the pointed end. Skilfully, she poured the liquid onto the royal gown, crafting intricate designs and patterns. Owen watched her work with keen interest. With a smile on her face, she meticulously adorned the dress's flare, adding colorful stones to specific spots. Finally, she placed the 'moon spit' stone in the center of the gown. Athalia sighed, sliding the metal tray holding the fabric into a metal oven. Inside, the stones would heat and bond with the fabric. "Great job, Owen. I didn't think you'd be able to follow the map and find all the right stones." "I told you I can do it!" He proudly patted his chest. Athalia smiled, donning gloves and retrieving the tray with the hot, beautifully decorated dress. She grinned wider. "You did well! Now come, let's go present this to Her Highness." Owen nodded and assisted Athalia in folding the dress, placing it carefully in an animal skin package reserved exclusively for royal attire. The two ran out of the room and headed to the princess's chamber. Upon reaching the door, Athalia knocked. "Enter!" The two walked in with bowed heads. "Good morning, your highness." "Athalia! Owen!" Her highness, standing by her bed in a nightgown, stepped away from her dressers, artists, and hairdresser. "I've been waiting for you all morning!" She smiled warmly at her loyal subjects. "You may raise your heads now." They obeyed, grinning. "Forgive us, Your Highness, but finding the perfect pearls and stones for your dress took some time," Athalia explained. "Oh, I understand. You are the only fabric embedder, and the only female embedder, to boot, who can source the perfect gems in record time! Your secret is safe with me. That's why you've been my most trusted embedder since I was twelve." Athalia curtsied in gratitude. The princess was just a year older than her, at twenty years old, and preparing for her wedding in a week's time. "Thank you, Princess Amber." "No need, dear. I can't wait to wear my dress, showcasing your masterpiece at the midnight ball in the Werleria Empire." "Werleria Empire!" Athalia's eyes widened. "Yes, consider it your reward." Athalia beamed with joy. The Werleria Kingdom was renowned for its wealth, power, and population. It was home to humans, dragons, sorcerers, and vampires, although not as many humans as in Sunndrom. Additionally, it was ruled by one of the oldest and most powerful royal bloodlines in history—the Dranvons. Amber stepped closer, dismissing her other servants. "You may leave." They bowed and left the room. Amber turned back to Athalia, whose face was illuminated with both dirt and happiness, her unique sweet violet eyes shining. Amber held her shoulders. "Athalia, as you know, my wedding is next week, and I'd like you to be the embedder of my wedding dress." Athalia gasped in shock. "What!" Owen's eyes widened. "Yes! Athalia," she cooed at the frozen girl. "You are my most loyal subject and friend, that my late mother, Queen Zaraya, raised both of us to be like sisters! You've always been there for me," she smiled at Owen. "My point is! You are the only person I trust with this task, and you cannot say no, for it will crush my heart! Please, Athalia," she held Athalia's hands. Athalia's eyes watered, "It will be an honor, my highness!" "Splendid!" Amber opened her arms, pulling Athalia into a hug. "Thank you," Amber whispered, rubbing her back.
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