Chapter 8

1876 Words
ROSIE POV “So let's talk again how you plan to end me right here and right now boy.” I heard Mr Drew say with a serious voice. Oh this is going to be fun. I thought smiling to myself. I was able to see the arrogant jerk face. He didn't look all confident like he was before. Serves him right for being a jerk. “We need to go. Just look at the time everyone it's really late.” his friend who came without a plus one who is going to be our beta to be said, suddenly coming into his aid. “We will be on our way now. Sorry for the disturbance.” his other friend whose mate smiled at me earlier said before dragging the jerk out who still didn't utter a word. I felt like laughing at his face but I kept it in. Who knows, he might revenge some other day when am alone. Juliet followed behind before the soon to be beta followed them. “Go and wash your self in the restroom rosie.” Mr Drew said before returning to his counter. I walked to the bathroom to do what I was asked to do. As I was cleaning my face with water, I noticed a presence behind me. I raised my head to see it was the lady who smiled at me. She stretched her hand to give me some tissue. I wasn't sure whether to collect it from her or not. I curiously looked at her wondering why she was trying to be kind to me. “Take it already will you? My hand is beginning to get tired.” she said with a gentle voice as she had a smile on her face. I slowly collected the tissue then thanked her before cleaning my face with it. “I'm sorry about earlier. I couldn't stop the alpha to be from being mean to you because you know he has more authority than me.” she apologized. “No no no you don't have to apologized for what you didn't do. He should be the one apologizing and not you.” I said quickly. “Well but I still feel the need to apologized because I honestly felt bad while I watched how he humiliated you.” she said with a sad look on her face. Well this is kinda weird for a stranger who is my age mate to feel bad for me because I have never had any friend except Sun as everyone at school was either mean or just didn't want to have anything to do with me. I was still curious about what her main aim is towards me. But like they say don't judge the book by it's cover. Maybe she's just trying to be nice or on the other hand maybe she's just pretending to be nice. Know what I don't know what to think anymore because I'm confused right now. “Why are you trying to be kind to me?” I decided to ask her. “I'm sorry if you think I have bad intensions but trust me I don't. Infact I don't know why but since I entered this place and I locked eyes with you, I felt in my spirit to be friends with you. Infact my wolf agrees with me. We both just felt a strong connection to you.” she said. Well that's strange. How is it that she just locked eyes with me and boom she wants to be friends with me. Is that how people get together as friends by just looking at each other? I thought feeling confused. “But you can't be friends with me. If you haven't noticed, I'm an Omega like lowest rank in the park. And you, you are at the top because soon your mate will be the gamma of the park that means you also will be the gamma female. There is no way we both can be friends because we don't fit the same level.” I said trying to put some sense into her head. “I understand where you're coming from but I honestly don't mind about your status and all. The only thing I want from you is your friendship.” she said. I couldn't help but wonder why she's so persistent. She doesn't want to ever give up even when I tried to warn her. “You might be bullied for being my friend.” I said to her. “And why is that?” she asked looking confused. “Because that's what happens when I get a new friend. They won't last long before they leave. At some point, I got to find out that some who decided to stay longer where bullied just so they should stop being friends with me.” I told her. “Well no one can bully me except they want to face the wrath of my mate.” she said with a smile. I was getting frustrated with her. Why can't she just give up? I decided to consult my wolf on what she thinks about this. “Sun what do you think?” I asked her in my mind. “Well I think you can be friends to her because to me, she doesn't seems that bad and you need a real friend in your life. I haven't gotten any bad vibe from her so I think you are free to be friends with her.” Sun said. Well I think I will go with what she has said. She was right, she doesn't give any bad vibe and also I noticed that she wasn't in talking terms with Juliet because ever since she entered, I haven't noticed her say a word to Juliet instead I caught her roll her eyes when Juliet was accusing me earlier. I guess I will just have to give her a chance. “Alright fine. We can be friends. But when you start getting bullied just because of me, don't say I didn't warn you because I did.” I said to her. She let out a bright smile. “Thank you so much of accepting. You don't know how much this means to both my wolf and I.” she said. Her smile was contagious that I couldn't help but find myself also smiling with her. I noticed her eyes became clouded as someone was mindlinking her. After she was done talking to the person, her eyes became normal. “Sorry about that. That was my mate he was wondering where I was. Anyway I have to go but before I go can I get your number please?” she asked “Aright.” I agreed before giving her my number. She thanked me and was about to leave when I noticed I forgot to ask of her name. “Sorry I forgot to ask of your name.” I shouted before she could walk out of the door. “Its Angel” She replied. “Wow your name is lovely.” I complimented. “My name is...” “Rosie. I know. I saw your tag.” she said smiling. “Ohhh” was all I could say. “i have to go before my mate barge in her looking for me.” she said before she left. I turned to look at my face in the mirror. So far so good apart from the incident with that jerk, I can say today wasn't actually really that bad as I thought it would be. I was happy today full of smiles and lastly I got a new friend who I hope will last as my friend not like the other ones who will just leave. I changed into my clothes and left the restroom. The restaurant was already empty except for Mr Drew was was still by the counter calculating the money he earned from today's sells. “Mr Drew I want to thank you for coming to my aid earlier. I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble and am so very very grateful for helping me out.” I said to him. He looked at me for some minutes still quiet before letting out a sigh. “You don't have to be sorry Rosie. You didn't cause any trouble. You are just a victim. I'm sorry you have to go through all this things. I know it's really not easy for you. I totally understand but you need to be strong for yourself okay. I need you to learn how to stand your ground. That way you won't be easily maltreated.” he said looking at me with a sad look on his face. I gave him a smile. “Trust me Mr Drew, I'm really fine.” He let out a sigh. “My wish for you is that your mate will find you quick and he will love and cherish you so much. So you can stop being maltreated and disrespected.” he said. I gave him a sad smile this time. ‘Oh Mr Drew, I have found my mate already and he doesn't want me. Instead he also maltreats and disrespect me also. He doesn't love me or even cherish me at all. I don't think I will ever be loved in this world even till I die.’ I thought. “Thank you so much Mr Drew. Well right now, I have to go because it's becoming late already. I need to rest for tomorrow classes.” I said to him. “Your right it's getting late. You can go my dear see you tomorrow.” he said. I left the restaurant and walked slowly home. I began to imagine how life would have been if my parents were still alive. Maybe I would have had so many friends and also maybe I will be happy with my mate. Fate just had to be cruel to me. I finally arrived home and went straight to my bedroom and laid on my bed. I wish I could just shut my eyes and sleep but I can't do that because I have assignment to do. I rested a little before changing into something lighter. I went downstairs to prepare a late night snacks before going back up to face my assignments. My mind went to the classes I missed when I was sweeping the environment as my mate had ordered. I can't get the notes of that day because no matter what I do, no one will be willing to give me their notes to copy from. I let out a sigh as I continue my assignments. In no time, I was able to finish them all. I went to my bed to sleep. I just hope I won't get anymore nightmare because I honestly need to rest for today's stress. But that wasn't possible because I still woke up with sweat all over my body as I was breathing hard trying to control my breath. I have to say goodbye to my remaining sleep because there was no way I was going to be able to sleep back again. Why do I have to suffer this way?
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