Chapter 7

1966 Words
ROSIE POV I woke up feeling a bit refreshed that last night. The ointment I bought and applied all over my sore body last night actually helped me alot. I was able to sleep well and while I was asleep, my awesome wolf was healing me. “Thank you sun for helping out.” I said to her. “Its not a problem Rosie. Remember I'm always there for you both in good times and in bad times. Besides it's our mate who did this to us so I can't just let only you suffer.” she said. “You are the best wolf I could ever ask for. You are always selfless and I'm lucky to have you as my own.” I said smiling. “you and your sweet words.” Sun said rolling her eyes with a grin on her face. “But be honest with me Sun, how are you feeling right now?” I asked her hoping there was some few changes today. “well I'm not feeling so find but I'm fine for now.” sun answered. Rosie sent her a little smile. “I'm sure you will be fine soon. I'm sure of that.” I said to her. I stood up from the bed and took a shower to relax more which was really nice too. After I was done getting set for the day, I had a quick breakfast before leaving for school. When I arrive school, talked to no one as I walked through the hall way and also when I arrived class. Students were giving me the look but I ignored them all. I sat down waiting for the teacher to enter. I didn't want to come in contact with that arrogant jerk. I just wish I could stay far from him throughout today. It was like my wish was heard and granted because even after lunch break, I hadn't seen him around. I have never felt so happy like I felt right now for days. After school ended, I happily ran to Mr Drew's restaurant. “Good morning Mr Drew.” I greeted smiling brightly at him. “Morning Rosie. Hmm I see you look so happy today. Tell me what happened to you that you are this happy.” he said with a smile on his face and his eyes brows up. “Or have you found your mate?” he gasped with his hand on his mouth like he was surprised. I laughed at his reaction. Wow Rosie you are laughing, that's new. I thought to myself. “I must be right for you to laugh. So who is he?” Mr Drew said with a smirk on his face. Mr Drew was kinda right although I won't tell him that. I was happy because of a so called mate I was given but the reason I was happy is not because he makes me happy but because his absence makes me overwhelmed with happiness. But I'm not ready to tell Mr Drew about him since I couldn't do it thanks to the command that has shut my mouth forever. “Mr Drew I haven't found anyone yet. I'm just happy because my day is just awesome that's all or aren't you happy to see me happy like this once in a while?” I asked with a pout on my face trying to take his mind off the mate thought. “Trust me Rosie, I'm so happy to see you smiling and looking all so different. But it's because it's so unusual of you that's why I'm wanted to find out if you found your mate or not. Well my dear don't worry your mate is coming and trust me you will be the most happiest person when you finally get to meet him.” Mr Drew said with a calm smile. I sent him a smile also but he didn't know the smile was a cover up to how pained I was inside. I although found the so called mate who was supposed to make me happy and take all my sadness and sorrows away. But what do I get,some jerk who cares about status and himself. Egotistic jerk. I rolled my eyes internally. ‘Calm down Rosie, today isn't the time to think about it. Remember be happy. Work with a smile on your face.’ I reminded my self. “Well if you would excuse me Mr Drew, I need to go change. Can't keep the customers waiting right?” I said sending him a wink. “Right.” he answered also sending me a wink also. I went to change into my working clothes. I served my customers with a bright smile on my face. Some who were like a regular in the restaurant where surprised to see me smiling for real for they knew that I usually faked a smile while serving them. They complimented me that I should keep smiling because my smile was indeed very beautiful. I even got more tips that I have never gotten before. Work was amazing today but it was now time to go home. I was about to go change my clothes when I heard the door bell ring sending a signal that someone just entered the restaurant. Well I will just attend to this last person before I leave home. I smiled before turning to welcome the person. “Good eveninnnnn” I found myself not being able to complete my greetings because of how shock I was when I saw who was standing right in front of me. “Can't I just stay a single day without seeing your ugly face you Omega?” the jerk oh I mean soon to be alpha said with an irritated voice. ‘well I feel the same way jerk.’ I thought rolling my eyes internally. “So you work here also?” I heard a voice I knew so well say. I looked to see Juliet standing right next to him with her hands locked with his. Just seeing the both of them made me feel nausea and my wolf was boiling with anger as she kept walking round giving me a headache. ‘Why can't my day just end smoothly? Why do I have to come in contact with this two beings?’ I thought feeling sad for myself. My happiness were all gone. I couldn't bring myself to smile anyone. “Yes I do. Let me direct you to your table.” I said as calm as I could be. I directed them to their table. Well they were not the only ones who came alone. I saw both the beta to be and gamma to be behind them. The Beta didn't walk with someone but the gamma walked with someone who gave me a smile. I'm guessing it's his mate or something because it's so obvious. I gave them the menu and stood waiting for all of them to place their orders. I made a silent wish for them to just eat peacefully and just leave me alone. But guess what? It looks like the person who granted my wish earlier has changed shift without another because my wish wasn't granted. The moment the arrogant jerk ate a little bite of the cake he ordered, he quickly shouted for me to come. I rushed to him wondering why he was shouting and disturbing the peace of other customers well not like they care since he had authority. “How may I help you sir?” I asked as polite as I can be. “Is this what you people serve in this place?” he shouted. I was confused. He ordered what almost everyone ordered and the rest were eating in peace without complaining so I wonder what's his problem. “Sorry sir but I don't understand.” I said still sounding polite. “Oh you will understand very well. What is this I see in my piece of cake, a strand of hair in my cake and from the color I could tell very well that it belongs to you. How could you be so careless to allowing your hair enter the food I'm going to eat.” he said angrily. What what did he just say? A hair in his cake wait scratch that my hair in a cake? That's not possible because I have never baked here so there is no way my hair will be found in his cake and also our cooks always cover their hairs to avoid incidents such as these. “Excuse me sir with all due respect that's not my hair.” I said. “Oh so now you're calling me a liar is that it?” he asked standing up. “I think she just did. Can you imagine the b***h has no respect or what so ever.” Juliet said eyeing me. What's her deal for goodness sake. I wanted to talk back at her when I felt my face covered with something as some people let out a gasped. I closed my eyes and used my hands to clean my eyes so I could see what it was. On opening my eyes, I saw on my hand that it was cake. I looked up to see the jerk with his plate on his hand. He actually dumped his cake on me. I felt so humiliated. Juliet made me feel worst as she began to take pictures of me laughing. I began to fight my tears from falling. I just stood there all covered in cake not knowing what to do when I felt something cover my head shielding me. “Young man although you are the alpha to be, I don't appreciate such character here. My worker did nothing wrong. You shouldn't treat her like that. Besides she only works as a waitress here and not as a cook so there is no way her hair will be found in any dish. Also that doesn't look like the color of her hair. Her hair color is light brown and the strand you were holding was black just like your date's hair.” I heard Mr Drew say. What will I ever do without him? He came to my aid when everyone just sat and watched. He didn't care if he was challenging the higher authority all for me. I felt so touched and emotional. “What are you saying? That I put my hair in his cake? How absurd?” I heard Juliet shout. Well I could only hear them since my face was covered. “You said it yourself not me.” Mr Drew said with a bored voice. “Do you know who you are talking to like that? I can end you right here and right now.” I heard the arrogant jerk say. The next thing was everyone was silent. I was curious why the whole place was quiet when I heard the alpha's voice. “Hey Drew my man. How are you doing?” “I'm good Bryan. Well I called to inform you that your son is in my restaurant right now. Wow his really big unlike the last time I saw him.” Mr Drew said. I was so surprised to hear him call the alpha with his first name. That means they were friends. “Your young man is indeed big.” the alpha said laughing. “I will call you later I need to attend to my customers.” Mr Drew said before hanging up. “So let's talk again how you plan to end me right here and right now boy.” I heard Mr Drew say with a serious voice. Oh this is going to be fun.
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