Chapter Eight

806 Words
"I need to get out of here!" I complained, banging on the doors of the cellar. "It's not gonna work princess, they won't come back for us." Jason said from the bottom of the stairs, making a scowl form on my face. "Can you like, not?" I asked, turning to face him. "What?" He asked innocently, smirking at me. "You don't know how bad I wanna choke you right now." I said through clenched teeth, punching the cellar door really hard and something clicked. My eyes brows furrowed and I looked down at Jason who looked just as confused as I was. I turned back to the door and pushed it, watching it open. My eyes widened and I shoved it as hard as possible, opening it completely. "We're free." I said, a grin slowly starting to form on my face. I got out of the cellar and heard Jason come out from behind me, saying something I couldn't quite understand. "We're free!" I yelled, running around and enjoying the fresh air. We might've only been down there two nights but that took a giant toll on me, I felt like I was going insane. "Oh my god, I can't even describe how happy I am to finally be free!" I laughed, falling on the comfy grass and staring up at the blue sky. "Yeah." A male voice said from behind me and I sat up, looking over at Jason with a smile. "We're free..." I trailed off. "I see that." "Now we go our separate ways, I only needed you to survive down there after all." I chuckled slightly, watching him force a smile. What he doesn't know is that I can see right through that smile. I know that type of smile, it's the smile I use when I'm unhappy. Instead of pointing that out, I pretended not to notice. "Bon voyage me old cream cracker!" I jumped up, saluting him. He shook his head at me with a slight chuckle before he saluted back. I grinned, putting my hand up for a high five which he gave me. I turned to walk away but his voice stopped me. "Do you still hate me?" I turned back around to face him, noticing his face has a look I couldn't quite read. I frowned at his question and we locked eye contact, standing in silence. "I'm sorry... I just want to know. You seem like you're my friend one second but you also seem like you still hate me the next second, you're just confusing me..." "Acquaintances." I confirmed, my face holding no emotion. "I'll take what I can get." He stated, giving me a slight nod. I turned away from him and began to walk away, hearing his voice speak up once again. "See you at school..." I clenched my eyes shut at that sentence and kept walking, ignoring the little jolt of pain I felt in my chest. He won't see me again, he's only saying that. I'm not that stupid, he's the golden boy of the school! Loved by everyone, really hot, and a total badass. He wouldn't wanna he seen with me, a regular boring girl. I'd ruin his reputation if anyone seen him with me. Shaking my head, I continued to walk home in silence. ****** I finally arrived home, feeling the need to take a shower and go to sleep for school. I bet my mom is probably worried sick, I can't believe Skylar would do that to me. I opened my front door and went in, shutting it behind me and going up to my room. Surprisingly I didn't see my mother around here but I shrugged it off, walking into my room. When I walked in everything was exactly how I left it except for a note sitting next to my phone. I walked over to it and picked it up; "I'm so sorry Tori, I hope you're not mad at me for locking you in the cellar with Jason. I wanted you two to get together but then I realized what a bitchy move that was, so I unlocked the door. See you at school tomorrow! Xoxo, Skylar." I rolled my eyes, crumbling up the paper and throwing it away. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed sone clothes then I went in the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower I dried off and got dressed then I got in bed and checked my phone. No notifications. I sighed and looked at the time, knowing I never get notifications unless it's Skylar or my mom. It's already 7?! God, time flys by so fast! It felt like I just woke up. I chuckled to myself and turned my phone off, putting it on my nightstand and forcing myself to go to sleep early.
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