Chapter Nine

925 Words
I opened my eyes when I heard my alarm blaring so I sat up and hit it with my hand really hard, feeling pain shoot all throughout my hand as it got warm. "Son of a b***h!" I hissed, holding my wrist and examining my hand. I watched my knuckles start to bruise but it didn't swell, making me feel a little relieved. I got out of bed and glared at my alarm clock then walked over to my dresser, taking out a pair of black yoga pants and a light blue shirt that said 'Don't give me homework, I'm allergic.' I threw my clothes on my bed and took my shirt off, covering my breast as I put my bra on. After putting my bra on I grabbed my shirt and put that on, realizing it made my boobs look bigger than they actually are. I sighed and took my shorts off, grabbing my yoga pants and putting them on. Yeah, I'm feeling lazy today so I'm not even gonna put an effort into what I look like. I also don't care what people think, which is why I feel so careless about going out wearing this s**t. I grabbed a pair of socks I found laying on the ground and snatched up my converse, sitting on my bed and putting them on. After I put my converse on I stood up and grabbed my phone off my nightstand, leaving the house to head to school. The school is walking distance, by the way. ****** "Alright class, today we will be learning about Functions." My math teacher spoke, the whole class groaning in disapproval. I loathe this class for two reasons. One, math can kiss my ass. Two, Jason and his best friends are in here. As usual, the girls were gushing at him and his 'gang' while they were completely oblivious to it. I knew everything was gonna go back to the way it was when we got out of that cellar. He doesn't even know I'm in here right now, making me kinda relieved. "Psst! Hey! Tori!" I heard Skylar whisper from beside me, tapping my arm. I squeezed my pencil in anger and kept staring straight ahead, pissed off at her. "Tori!" She whisper/yelled, stabbing me with her pencil. I snapped my pencil from how hard I was squeezing it and turned to her, giving her a deadly glare. "What the f**k do you want?" I whispered back, irritated. "I'm sorry about locking you with Jason." She replied and for some reason her apology made me more pissed off at her. I gripped my desk tightly, looking back at the teacher. "I'm gonna snap your neck just like how I snapped my pencil if you don't leave me the f**k alone." I snarled, catching the teachers attention. "Miss Saunders! What is the meaning of that?" My teachers voice boomed, causing everyone to turn around and look at me in confusion. I felt my face pale from all the stares, "Skylar-" "No excuses! Threatening someone like that isn't tolerable in this classroom, that's a detention! Go to the principals office, now!" My teacher yelled, pointing at the door. The classroom was dead silent as everyone watched me get up and leave the room, embarrassed and pissed off. It didn't bother me that everyone was staring, the only thing that bothered me was that Jason was staring. Sighing, I opened the door to the principals office and walked in, seeing the secretary look up at me. "Hello Tori, what can I do for you?" She asked politely. "I got a detention." I deadpanned, watching her smile fall. "Oh, you can take a seat right over there, the principal will be with you shortly." She said with a frown, grabbing the office phone and dialing a number. "Hello, I have Tori Saunders in my office and she's saying she is here to see the principal." The secretary paused. "Yes, okay, thank you, goodbye." She hung up the phone and turned to me, "the principal is on his way." I nodded, sitting down in a chair and pinching the bridge of my nose, feeling stressed out. Minutes later the principal walked in, telling me to get up and follow him into a different room. When we were in a different room I sat down on a chair and he pulled a chair out to sit down in front of me. We got situated and that's when he finally said something, "I spoke with your teacher." I nodded and he continued, "and what you said was very, very disturbing." "I was joking! I wasn't actually gonna do it!" I replied, agitated. "Yes but we have to take things seriously around here because we don't know whether you're joking or not." He said, giving me a stern look. "Okay, I get it, can I go back to class now without a detention?" I questioned. He sighed and rubbed his hands together, probably regretting what he's about to do. "Fine, don't tell anyone I let you off that easy though. This is your last warning." "Thank you! I won't do it again!" I grinned, patting his head and running out of the room. "Tori, here's your class slip." The secretary told me with a little confusion in her voice, handing me a grey slip. I said a quick 'thank you' before rushing out of the office, running down to the classroom while reading my slip. Suddenly I crashed into something really hard, sending me flying to the ground.
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