Chapter Seven

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May I remind you all that I'm only hugging him because I wanna know more about him, he's still my enemy. I let him go after a couple seconds and forced a smile on my face, hoping it wasn't a grimace. "You... hugged me." He said to himself, probably in complete shock. "Yeah." I drawled. "But you hate me..." He furrowed his eyebrows, giving me a weird look. "I know, I just wanted you to tell me more about yourself because there is nothing better to do. I still hate you though so don't think that hug changed anything between us." I said, making it very clear that I still hate him. "Okay, now that I know why you wanted me to tell you then I don't wanna tell you. You don't really care, you just want some entertainment. I'll tell someone who's actually willing to know me." He frowned. I looked down at the ground, suddenly feeling guilt and regret form inside me. I opened my mouth but shut it, not knowing what to say to him. I heard him mumble something under his breath that I couldn't quite understand, I only made out a few words such as 'why' 'do' and 'like'. I raised a brow and shook my head at myself, not even gonna bother asking him what that was about. Sighing, I began walking towards the darker side of the cellar. Maybe there's an exit over here... "Where are you going princess?" "Nowhere." I shrugged, continuing my walk to the darkness. When he didn't respond I glanced back over my shoulder, seeing that he was watching me. I rolled my eyes and looked forward, not being able to see a damn thing from the darkness. "Ah bloody hell." I grumbled, squinting my eyes. "You're British?" "No asshole, I always say that." I replied, walking forward carefully. I'm looking for one of two things. An exit or a blanket. I would prefer an exit but if I find a blanket I won't complain, it's f*****g cold down here and I thought I was gonna die last night. "I already looked over there princess, there isn't anything but a dead animal." I froze in my tracks, my eyes widening in horror after hearing that. "What kind of animal?" "A cat." "C-cat?!" I squeaked, fear clear in my voice. "Yeah, you can't tell me that you're afraid of-" I turned around and sprinted back to Jason, using his body to hide myself. "Cats." He finished, walking away from me and towards the worn out mattress. "Hey! Cats are scary creatures, you can't blame me." I defended, watching him shake his head in amusement. "Whatever you say princess." "I thought I told you to stop calling me that, it's weird and unsettling." I shivered. "Anyway, what time is it?" "11:52." "Damn." "Yeah, I'm going to sleep. Do you wanna-" "Nope. I already told you I don't need you to survive down here, goodnight." "Are you sure? It's a lot colder down here than it was last night." "Yes. I'm positive." With that I laid down on the concrete once again and tried to keep myself warm and comfortable. I need to get out of here soon before I end up in a hospital. I tossed and turned for what felt like forever, trying to go to sleep and warm up but I couldn't. I glanced behind my shoulder at Jason and saw that he was sleeping already. Maybe just one night wouldn't hurt... I came to my decision and crawled over to him, sneakily laying down in front of him without waking him up. I closed my eyes in relief, happy I didn't wake him up. The relief vanished when I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me against his chest. My eyes widened in surprise, I guess he wasn't sleeping after all. "You finally came to your senses." He whispered into my ear, pulling me impossibly closer to him. I'm not gonna lie, this is a lot more comfortable and warm but it's all wrong. He's supposed to be my enemy, not someone who holds me. "Get your hands off me." I hissed. "No, it's much more comfortable when we share our body heat." Before I could reply, I felt a weird little smile tug at my lips from his sentence. I wiped the smile off my face as soon as I felt it form and frowned, upset with myself at the moment. I have this weird feeling in my stomach when he holds me and ever since I've been trapped down here with him I feel more happier, I feel like I have nothing to worry about other than to get out. I've been hiding these feelings as well as pushing them away because I don't want anyone to know about them. I'm afraid of my own feelings.
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