Chapter Six

844 Words
Jason didn't respond, instead, he reached in his pocket and pulled something out. I stared at what was in his hands until it clicked with me what it was, I gasped. "You had a phone this whole time?!" I screamed, getting up and running over to him. "Yeah but I have no signal." He deadpanned, not even caring that he broke me with that little sentence. "No signal?" I asked slowly, wanting to make sure I heard him right. He's gotta be f*****g with me. "Yeah, are you deaf?" He asked, giving me a retarded look. I scowled, crossing my arms. "I'm not deaf! You dick." "Wellyouseemprettydeaftome." He said quickly, shrugging and looking back on his phone. "What?" I asked, not having one clue on what he said. "See? You're deaf." He smirked, glancing at me briefly before looking back at his phone. "Well, I'm sorry I can't speak Chinese!" I frowned, watching him chuckle a little. "I wasn't speaking Chinese." He said matter-of-factly. "Oh! Speaking of Chinese, I have a joke!" I grinned, watching him snort. "If that was supposed to be the joke then I'm never listening to yo-" "That wasn't the joke." "Okay, then tell me the joke." I nodded, "a Chinese couple have a baby, their baby is white, what do they name it?" Jason turned his phone off and put it in his pocket, turning his head to look at me with furrowed brows. "I don't know. What?" "Sum Ting Wong." I said, holding my laughter back as I waited for his reaction. "I swear Tori, you're so racist." He shook his head at me but I didn't miss the smile he had. "Is the bad boy smiling?" I grinned, trying to see his smile. He bit his lip and tried to contain the smile but he failed, causing my grin to widen. "I see your smile! Come on, you can't hide it forever!" I chirped, giggling at little. "Okay fine! You win." He stated, looking at me with his charming smile. That smile makes him look so hot. Wait, what? No! I can't think like that, I will not like my enemy. "Hello? Are you in there? I would like to have Tori back." Jason's voice broke me out of my train of thought. "Huh?" I blinked, shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts about him. "There you are, I thought I would have to give you CPR." "You don't do CPR on someone when they zone out, genius." I rolled my eyes, putting my hands on my hips. "No but it'd give me an excuse to kiss you." He winked, causing me to cringe. "No. I would never let a player kiss me, the thought of it disgusts me. Why kiss someone who's gonna just f**k you over? Player's like you are only doing this because you want s*x. People like you are a disgrace, people have feelings too but when you just f**k around with their feelings it grosses me out. That's why I'm single, everyone's a player nowadays. It's not right so why waste time with them?" "Okay, there's three things wrong with what you just said." I raised a brow at him, waiting for him to explain the reasons. "One, I'm not a player. Two, player's aren't in it for the s*x. Three, that is most definitely not the reason you're single." "Pfft, you'd say anything to make me not hate you while we're trapped together and since player's aren't in it for s*x, what are they in it for?" I asked, avoiding the the whole 'that's not the reason you're single' part. "Most players do it because they're afraid of being heartbroken. The thought of it kills them which is why they break hearts first." He shrugged, acting like it's the most normal thing ever. I stood there, my mouth agape. "That just proves that you're a player, you seem to know a lot about them and you're defending them." "Okay no, I don't like players. I think it's wrong to f**k with people like that, other people have feelings too. By the way, I'm not a player." He said, a frown forming on his face. "Don't judge someone before you get to know them." He stated, shaking his head in disapproval before pushing himself off the pole and walking away. I frowned deeply at his words and turned to follow him. "Jason! I'm-" "Don't apologize, for all you know I could be a player who's had a hundred girlfriends." "No, I wanna know you. I really do, I'm sorry for judging you... I sincerely apologize..." I said, watching him turn back to me. "You don't wanna know me, nobody does... all because they don't care." "But I do wanna know you, I mean it." I frowned. "You're just saying that so when you do know me you can have a reason to judge." "Would this change your mind?" I asked, forcing myself to do what I did next. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling him stiffen under my touch.
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