Chapter Ten

866 Words
I hit the ground and groaned, feeling my head start to throb in pain. "Deja f*****g Vu." I said, pain clear in my voice. "Are you alright? Do you need help?" A voice said with a thick Russian accent. I looked up at the male and nodded, watching him reach his hand out for me to take. I took his hand and he pulled me up swiftly, keeping his hand around mine. "Uh... thank you." I said awkwardly, slowly slipping my hand away from his. "No problem." He smiled genuinely, making me wanna faint. His accent and his smile... they're both gorgeous... "How come I've never seen you around? I'm sure I would've remembered meeting someone like you." I said, trying to get my mind off his smile. "I'm new, my parents moved here from Russia if you haven't noticed." He replied, "I was supposed to be shown around the school but the guy who was assigned to left me." "Awe, I can show you around if you'd like?" I questioned. "Sounds great, thank you." He smiled again, making me quickly look away. "Anytime. First I have to stop by my class and give my slip to the teacher, then I'll let her know I'm showing you around. Follow me." I stated, walking to my class with him following me. When we got to the class the new kid and I walked in, the teacher stopping her lesson and the students turning to look at us. Jason and I locked eye contact for a split second before I quickly looked at the teacher, feeling his stare burn into my side. "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs. Jaylen." I said, giving her my pass. "But I was gonna show him around, he's new." Mrs. Jaylen scanned both of us over before nodding, letting us go. "Thank you." I smiled, turning to the new kid and grabbing his wrist as I pulled him out of the classroom. "Who was that?" He asked once we were in the hall. "Mrs. Jaylen." "Not her. The guy who kept staring at you." "Oh, him." I said, my mood dropping. "He's nobody." "If he's nobody then why was he glaring at me every time I looked in your direction?" I came to a halt and my eyes widened. "He was glaring at you for looking at me?" "Yeah, he looked pissed. Are you two dating or something?" "What? No. He's the bad boy and I'm the regular bland girl, we just don't fit. I'm not his type." I shrugged, starting my walk again. "The way he was looking at you says otherwise." "No, you were looking at someone else, it was probably Charlie. He has a major crush on me." I said, starting to panic. There's no way in hell Jason likes me. Who he was describing in the cellar was everything I wasn't. "So what's your name?" "My name's Zach. Yours?" "Tori." "Can I tell you something Tori?" Zach suddenly asked, both of us stopping our walk. "Sure, what is it?" I raised a brow, confused. "You're a very pretty girl, you know that?" He smiled at me, making me weak at my knees. "Thank you." I blushed. RING! The bell rang, causing me to jump and Zach laughed. "Well, I guess this is where we part ways stranger." "Yeah." I smiled, "see you around?" "Of course! You're a very entertaining girl." He smiled again, taking my hand and kissing it. "Nice meeting you, Tori." And with that he let my hand go and walked away, leaving me to stand in the middle of the hallway with a goofy grin on my face. "Who was that?" Skylar's voice spoke up from beside me and I turned to her, forgetting all about why I was mad at her. "Zach." I said, watching her raise a brow before she started to smile widely. "Oh. My. God! You like him!" She gushed loudly, catching other people's attention. "Shut up!" I hissed, watching her nod with a grin. "Okay! Just give me details right now." She demanded. "Well... his smile is so handsome and he's drop dead gorgeous! And don't even get me started on his accent!" "Wow, I've never seen you so lovesick over someone. It's kind of weird, a good weird though." "I know we just met but damn, I really do like him." I admitted, "or maybe I don't like him and the reason I'm acting like this is because when I smashed into him I hit the ground pretty damn hard." Skylar gave me a weird look before shaking her head mumbling, "I'm not even gonna bother asking." "I think I got brain damage." I told her, my eyebrows furrowed in thought. "You don't have brain damage." She rolled her eyes. I gave her a blank look, "I hit my head really hard on concrete twice." "So?" She shrugged, but groaned when I kept staring at her blankly. "Fine, we will take you to the hospital after school since you're so sure you have brain damage." I nodded then we got what we needed for the next class and went there. •••••••••••••••• Next chapter will be in Jason's POV ! Until next time, byeeee
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