Escaping Voor

1064 Words
    We've been in the room for two weeks. At least, I think we have. I've been asleep most of the time. I also can't see any light, so...yeah. " do we get out of here?" Cooper asked.     "I don't know. Ask someone who isn't blind." I snapped. He huffed in irratation. Screaming and shouting errupted in the halls.      "Do you hear that?" Cooper asked. I sighed, annoyed.     "Dude, I am blind not deaf!" I snapped. The screams and shouts got louder. Sounded like someone fighting for thier life. Perhaps many people. "People are probably being tortured again and fighting back this time. I just wish there was a way out of these chains." I muttered.     "I think a fight is happening out there. Sounds like there is a bunch of guys out there and the screams must be from the prisoners." Cooper stated. "I'm going to try and reach the keys from the ashes, which I have been trying to do over the last week." Oh, it's only been a week. Feels longer than that, I thought surprised.     There was scraping across the ground and chains rattling. There was a loud thud followed by a groan. I snickered, guessing that he had fallen. "I got the keys, but I am now covered in dead mans ashes." He whined.     "Could be worse." I said laughing. Cooper grunted in response. "We need to find the place where they store weapons. I can remember having weapons with me when they caught me." I informed him.     "Alrighty. I knwo where those are. I stoled weapons the last time I was here, but there was one labeled grey eyes, which I now know is you. They were protected by magic. The guards can't even mess with them. Ah-ha, I am now free. I feel so much better." I listened as his footsteps came to me.     "They made sure to cover you in chains." Cooper complained as he unlocked the chains. "They must know to fear you, because this is down right ridiculous. You should be feared though. Remind me not to get on your bad side."        "Noted." I said as I was released from the chains. I stood up, stumbling into Cooper.     "Are you falling for me now." He playfully asked.     "Shut up and get us out of here!" I ordered.      "Sorry." He muttered. He opened the door and the noise of fighting intensified. "Whoa. This is crazy, I mean, there is so many people here who are fighting. They are saving the prisoners too!" He exclaimed.     "The weapons, Cooper!" I hissed.      "Right, right, this way." Cooper went to the right. "Oh s**t, that was bloody. It's a good thing you do not have your sight. This is horrid."      "I wish I had my sight so you didn't have to be my eyes. It would be even more helpful if I had my memories. I need to know who I am. I didn't care much about it before, probably wouldn't have cared if it wasn't up until a few weeks ago. I feel magic running through my veins, I just don't know how or why!" I exclaimed.     "Duck!" I ducked as a whizzing went past my head. "That was a close one. Bloody dangerous people! We shouldn't be too far now."     We walked for a good while before pausing. "We are here." Cooper said. A door opened and I could feel magic drawing me in.  "Be careful, Evie. This place is a mess" I nodded in response. I paused when I felt the magic at it's strongest. For some reason, I could see an outline. I found it odd, due to know having my sight.     "Strange." I muttered. I reached out and felt a trunk. The magic calmed as I opened it. "Mine." Somehow, strength entered into my and I felt myself changing. Cooper gasped in fear and surprise. I flinched at the bright light and the suddenness of my sight coming back.     "Evie?" Copper asked carefully.     "I need a dark cloth and quick. My sight has suddenly come back and everything is so bright." I commanded. It didn't take long for him to find a cloth. I welcomed the darkness, happy that the bright colors are gone. I then took in the other changes. I felt metal resting against my skin, but my clothes still felt old and unwelcoming.     "On a brighter note, you look slightly better. Whatever magic that was, it helped you." Cooper said. I stood up. Cooper gently grabbed my arm and led the way out of the room.     "Cooper?" A man questioned.     "Father! I didn't think you would come!" Cooper exclaimed in shock.     "I am not leaving the last of my family in this hell. Who is she?" Cooper's father asked.     "This is Evie. She was blind and then suddenly got her sight back, but everything is so bright to her, that her eyes need to stay covered. I will explain more soon but we need to get out of here!" Cooper explained quickly. "Which way are we going and Evie, I am going to carry you so we can get out faster. I don't want you hurting yourself if you fall."     "Fine, but I hate this." I growled as he picked me up. He only laughed in response and began running, most likely following his father.     "Now, we had to move our home. They found where will lived. We have a more secluded area that they won't find at all. Magic protects it and it is also protected by water. Turn this way, we will be traveling by water." He informed Cooper. "Put her in this boat. Is everyone here and safe?" Cooper's father shouted.     "Yes sir." Many replied back.     We began to move. The boats rocked gently as we went through the tunnels. I wonder what the tunnels look like. "The tunnel leads out into an underground lake. The guards don't know about this area. We will enter into the lake and then enter into another river. From there we will walk and then go across another lake where we will enter our new home. We are now exiting the Kingdom of Voor." Cooper's father finished. I wonder what will happen next.
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