Werewolf Village

1331 Words
    "Now dear, I need you to keep your eyes closed as I remove your cloth. I don't want the light to bother eyes. Do you understand?" Healer Ellie asked.      "Yes ma'am." I closed my eyes as she began to upwrap the cloth. The wieght of the cloth disappeared. She gasped, probably seeing the scars that litter my face. That's probably not the worse of it though. I can imagine the rest of the damage the rest of my body holds.     "Alright dear, the windows are covered and only a candle lights the room. I want you to slowly open your eyes. It may take you a while to adjust to anything bright." She said. I slowly began to blink, but everything is so bright. I rubbed my eyes, but Healer Ellie quickly stopped me. "That will irritate your injuries, dear." I nodded as I managed to keep my eyes open.     "Why are you glowing?" I asked.     "You can see auras. How long have you been able to?" She asked. I shrugged, not knowing how to answer that one. "It appears the magic within you is starting to come out. We will have to find someone to help train you. I will ask my sister if she knows anyone."     "I have a weird life." I muttered.     "Don't we all, my dear." She chuckled as I pouted. "Now, I want you to take off your shirt and pants so I can heal your injuries. They are going to leave scars, but I find that those tell the best stories. Don't you agree?" I nodded. I remember someone telling me to value the scars I get, I just don't remember who.     I stood naked before she gestered to a bed. "I need you to lay on your stomach first." She said. I slowly lowered myself onto the bed. "You are highly malnourished and weak. I would suggest being put on bed rest for a couple weeks and then slowly venturing out and about." I groaned. "I know it sounds dreadful, put it is for the best. If you do as you are told, everything will go well. I can also put you in a magical coma. It will help the healing process."     "Can we do the magical coma? I feel that will be much better." I said.     "Yes, yes it will. My sister and I will have to use our healing powerss to do so, but it will be done. We will have to inform our village leader what we will be doing. I will warn you, there is no telling how long it will take for you to heal. You could be in the coma for three months to a year." Healer Ellie explained.     "I understand and I am willing to take that chance. I don't have anywhere to be after all." I muttered. I hissed in pain as she cleaned my wounds. "So, where exactly am I? Everyone looked at me oddly as I came in."     "It's because you lack magical creature abilities. You are in the Werewolf Village. Not a great name, but it makes it obvious as to who we are." She explained.     "Huh, so werewolves do exist. I guess that makes sense." I said. "So I am taking the other prisoners they saved were werewolves?" I asked.     "You are correct. You have caught the eyes of the cillage leader and his son. Something that isn't very common. We still to ourselves, but since the war broke out, we really have no choice but to get involved. We just don't have the army to do it though. We need allies aand such." Healer Ellie looked distant for a moment before smiling at me. "I am sure the future will be bright though. War doesn't last forever and the enemy nevers wins."     She spent two hours healing me. It made me realize how abused I was in the prison. It really is quite shocking. "Now, I will be back. I have to get my sister and the village leader. It shouldn't take long at all. Put your clothes back on while I am out." She informed me. I nodded and watched her leave     There was a ruckus outside before the door opened again. Three people walked in behind Healer Ellie. "Cooper insisted on coming. I hope you don't mind." She said. She frowned as I looked at Cooper, who is rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.     "Just have to know everything, don't you?" I asked in amusement. He grinned.     "Now, Healer Ellie told me what you two have decided. I wanted to talk with you before you went into your coma. You are within a village filled with werewolves. None of us will bring you harm as long as you remain here, but you are also a magical in some way from what Cooper tells." Where is he going with this and why is Cooper red in the face?  "If you wish to remain in the village you will have to marry one of our own." Now I understand why Cooper is red in the face. HIs father wants me to marry him.     "Somedays I wish I was dead." I sighed. Cooper's father looked at me offended. "I am guessing you are wanting me to marry your son?" I asked him. He nodded firmly. "If I make the desicion to stay, then I will decide when to marry him. I would rather get to know him better. I make no promises though. I will not have someone try to control my life."     "Very well. We will move you to a more comfortable bed. You may call me Lord Vixen." Lord Vixen informed. I nodded and stood up. He opened the door and I flinched.      "Too bright." I complained, covering my eyes in pain.     "Close the door. I should have thought about it before. I will cover your eyes back up. I will guide you to where you will be staying." Healer Ellie informed me. She grabbed the cloth from before and covered my eyes. I sighed, wishing to have a break from everything.     We walked for a good while before arriving at where I'll be staying. "Now, it will be just outside the village, but someone will be with you at all times." Healer Ellie explained. "We will be keeping a close eye on you in case any changes appear. I am confident everything will go well though. I am going to remove your cloth now. You gentlemen will be staying out here. No arguing!"     We walked in amd her sister was holding clothes. "I am Healer Mary. I need you to change into these. They are more comfortable than the rags you are wearing." She said as she handed me the clothes. "There is a bathroom right there, go in and change while we prepare your bed."     I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I stripped out of my baggy clothes and slipped on the nightgown. It reached my knees and the sleeves cut off at my wrist. The material is soft and comfortable. Thhe white from the gown made me seem paler than normal.     I walked out and the healers stood there waiting. "Good. Get into the bed and get comfortable. Close your eyes and just relax. Don't think. You will feel the magic run over you as you go to sleep. We will know when you are ready to come out. We will see you soon." Healer Mary explained.     The process took a while, but I eventually felt the magic they were talking about. It is calming and peaceful. It is like someone is hugging me and warming me up. Like a safe cacoon or blanket. Their voices faded into the background and soon i heard no more. I saw only black as I drifted away.
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