Tortured Questions

1098 Words
    I woke up chain to a chair once more. I do wonder how long they are going to keep me in this room. They left here three days ago and haven't been back since, so yes, I am really confused at the moment. On the much broghter side, it is quieter here.     "LET ME GO YOU NO GOOD FOR NOTHING FREAKS!" Bloody hell, Cooper is loud. What are they doing to him this time? I groaned as his screms got louder. The door banged opened and three guards walked in with a struggling Cooper. I watched as they chained him to a chair across from me. Cooper fell silent after he noticed I was in front of him. "How long have you been here?"     "Shut up. You will speak when spoken to boy." The guard growled, slapping Cooper in the face. If he did what the guards wanted, he wouldn't get hurt. "Get the whip with the spikes." Cooper looked up in panic. I made no reaction, because it won't do me any good.     "Now, which one of you would like to go first?" The second guard asked. None of us replied. "Let's start with the girl. The boy seems to have come to care for her." The third guard came back in with the whip. He handed it to the second guard, who gained a rather nasty grin.     They gave no warning, of course, they never do. The whip hit my face, barely missing my eyes. "Not even a flinch." They must be new guards, I thought. The guard holding the whip turned to Cooper. "Now boy, I want you to answer some question and I expect an honest answer, or she gets hurt." Joy, more scars to count when I have the time.     The whip came down again. I cringed this time as the spikes hit my right eye. They laughed as they asked Cooper another question that he failed to answer. They got my left eye, rendering me blind. I blinked my eyes quickly, hoping that the light will come back, but it didn't. "Well, would you look at that, she can no longer see." Laughter filled my ears.     "Okay, okay, I'll answer honestly!" Cooper panicked. Bloody fool! You should have done that moments ago before the took my sight! These people, no, mosters, deserve to burn in hell! I will figure out how to get my revenge! They want to torture us, they will be tortured in return. I growled and it almost sounded inhuman. "Evie?" Cooper whispered.      "Looks like the girl has been angered." The guards laughed, thinking that they have won. I turned towards the guard who spoke and growled once more. I felt something spark inside me that called for vengence. It calls for the blood who did me wrong.      "Burn in hell!" I hissed. Choking came from the guard I was facing. The other two guards panicked. Cooper shouted in fear and burning flesh filled my nostrils.      "What did you do you stupid girl!" One of the guards shouted.     "You two burn!" I snarled, gaining screaming from the guards.     "Evie?" Cooper questioned in fear. I ignored him and waited for the smell of burnt skin and screams to die down. Of course, that won't be for a while yet. No one will come for a while, and I doubt any of them will notice that three guards are missing. "They aren't fully burning." I ignored him once more.     "Tell me, why do you three enjoy torturing so much?" I asked.      "What are you?" One of them gasped out, as I prolonged their deaths.      "Your worst f*****g enemy." I answered calmly. "Answer the question." I ordered. "Tell me everything these people have planned."     "Why should we tell you anything?" Another guard asked.     "Because I hold your life in my hands and you have two choices. Answer and you live. Disobey and you die. It all depends on what you have to say." Although I'm not able to see, I can sense their fear. "Well?"     "The queen...the queen plans on controlling everyone within these lands. She then plans to take the other lands and rule the world as her own. Only those who follow her willingly will live and be gifted an everlasting life." The guard begin. "She plans to take out the weak kingdoms first and then work her way up. She controls the shadows. The ones who control the shadows is the leader of the army. The oynx stone around her neck assures that. She loses that stone, she loses the biggest part of the war." I grinned.     "What else?" I inquired.     "She wants to find the leader of the light and corrupt her. She wants the leaders followers to bow down to her as she sees the light and hope die in her eyes." He finished, refusing to say anymore. Not having anymore use for him, he quickly burned.      "You promised he would live!" One of the other guards shouted.     "He refused to answer anymore of my questions." I hissed. "What do you have to tell?"     "The queen is going to give the light leader to her brother. He will control the leader and if the leader is a girl, he will use her to birth his children. If the leader is-" I cut him off and took pleasure in his choking. I don't know why, but what he says angers me. "Please, I beg of you." He gasped.     "Why keep the leader?" I asked.     "With her power, they will rule the world and no one will ever dare to challenge them." He answered. I let him and the other guard burn after that question.     After an hour of silence, Cooper opened his mouth. "You killed them." He muttered. "I didn't know you had magic! How long have you had magic?"     "I haven't the slightest clue." I bluntly said. "It just happened. It was like I didn't have control of myself. It was weird. What did it look like? The fire?" I asked.     "It was...colorful. Pretty really, but watching them burn was terrifying. You really didn't know you had magic?" He asked in disbelief.     "Not at all. It was like my anger took over and I just let it lose. Kind of refreshing, except for the part where I could feel their life force drainging as they died." I said. He didn't respond. I don't blame him, because I am still pretty confused myself.
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