Queen Dark-Lilac

902 Words
    I could distantly hear the clanking and squeaking of the cell door. I didn't have the energy to look up or even move at all. The guards haven't been buy to bring food for a week, perhaps longer. I blame the Cooper man. He bad mouths the guards all the time, which means no food for us.     "Alright, grey eyes, you are going on a little trip." I cracked an eye at the guard and gave a grunt. Cooper grumbled something and the guard growled in return. "You look like you ain't even going to move on your own any time soon. Looks like we will be dragging you." I just gave a grunt in return.     I fell to the ground and heard a c***k. How many times have I broken my bones since being here? "Maybe the girl will start talking. We need to know who she is." I in wardly rolled my eyes. What do these people expect from me? Money? Jewels? A map...a map! Didn't I have a map at some point in time? I think I did at some point. I wonder what the map involved. I do believe it was something important.     I managed to open c***k my eyes, but quickly shut them. The room had gotten brighter. Where in the hell are they taking me? This place doesn't look very welcoming and it doesn't feel very welcoming either. "She looks a lot worse in the light than the dark. I don't think the queen will get anything out of her." One guard said.     "You are so annoying." I managed to say. The guards dropped me in shock. I honestly have no clue what made me say that. My throat is dry and it hurts still from the lack of use.      "So you do talk." The head guard growled.     "Only because that stupid cell mate you gave me. He doesn't know how to shut up." I whispered. The guards lifted me by the arms once more, not saying anything else about it. I know this is not going to end well for me.     We stopped at two dark wide oak doors. They opened dramatically slowly. What is up with these people and their dramatics? Wait...did they say queen earlier.     I got dragged into the room, where many, many people stood watching. I looked ahead and saw a lady dressed in black, sitting on a throne. The queen I suppose. She looks likes she swallowed a sour fruit. Perhaps she got rejected by some bloke. Who knows.     We stopped in front of her. She stared me down and I just stared at her, not really reacting as she narrowed her eyes and bared her teeth. "Tell me your name." She ordered.     "Evie." I whispered. The guard hit me upside the head.     "Louder girl." He growled.     "My name is Evie. Can we hurry this up. Kill me or torture me. At this rate in my life, I don't even care." I asked, trying to make my voice not waiver. Those around me gasped, insulted by the way I would address her.     "How dare you speak to me this way! Do you know who I am?" She asked in anger. She didn't even let me answer. "I am Queen Dark-Lilac. You will address me as so."     "Sorry, I don't bow to people." I informed her. "Kind of can't anyways. So, what honor do I have to see you."     "What do you know of the war?" She asked.     "War? What war? I've been in a cell for the last two years and for a year I just wondered around, and wow, talking is taking a lot of effort. Why do you think I know anything about this waar?" I asked, coughing after I got done talking. She raised a brow.     "It is said that you were traveling with people. That you are a leader." The queen said.        "Lady, you're crazy. I don't remember who I am. All I have is my name and a few things that flip across my mind from time to time." I snapped. The guards roughly held out my hands and pulled up the sleeves to my shirt. The queen's eyes widen.      "You have been blessed my the dragons." She said. "You may be of use to me yet."     "You are crazy. I've had these markings for a long time." I said. She smirked and stood up. "I would watch yourself girl, I can have you killed right now."     "Go ahead. I'm not afriad of death. I've been in your prison for the last two years. I have scared enough of our guards off with my laughing as they torture me. I may be weak and not able to protect myself, but I will not die fearing someone who hurts people for their own joy." I stared her in the eyes. She isn't fazed as she walked closer to me.     "You are rather bold." She murmured as she got closer. "I can convince you to come to my side. You, you have magic surrounding you. Very powerful magic."      "I think I'd risk death." I growled. With one last smirk, she gave a small nod to the guards. Her glowing eyes was the last thing I saw as I was knocked in the head.
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