The Field of Dreams

1046 Words
    I walked through trees before entering a field. Unlike other fields, this one held glowing lights. Tall grass reached my knees as I walked further into the feilds. The lights floated around me, barely grazing the grass. I noticed that some scenes played in the ones that got closer to me. It made me more curious.     As I got closer to the middle of the field, I was met by a younger girl. I watched her curiously as she gently touched the lights as they came close to her. They changed colors and mutiplied. "Hello." She said. He voice sounded like bells. She looked at me and smiled. "Welcome to the Feild of Dreams. Beautiful isn't it."     "Why am I here?" I asked.      "You are here because the magic that has you under the sleep brought you here. Your memories lie here, but you will have to find them here. These are all your dreams. Your mind is really strong. I'm glad to finally meet you." I looked her confused. "My name is Sapphire. You will know me soon. I am here to help you. I'm seven."       "How is a child going to help me?" I asked in amusement. She shrugged. I took in her appearance some more. She had eyes that looked like sapphires, so I guess the name makes sense. Her skin is light and her hair is a light red.     "Come here. I want to show you something." Sapphire grabbed my hand, pulling me to the spot where she was standing before. "Get on your knees and wait." She whispered.     A blue and silver light drifted towards us. "This is one of my favorite dreams you had." She reached out and the light landed gently in her hands. We looked into it and a scene played. It was of me a little girl. She looked like a minni me. "You often dream about playing with your daughter. Watch it closely."     The little girl and I ran around in what looked like a garden of flowers. She skipped around while I chased her. I smiled as I caught her. The young girl laughed and hugged me. "Beautiful." I gently touched the light and it burst into silver and blue butterflys with flowers falling around us.     "Awesome!" Sapphire exclaimed happily. "I didn't know that could happen! It is so amazing when you learn knew things. You know, if I had lived, I would have wanted to be just like my mom. Strong and brave."     "How old were you when you died?" I asked in shock.     "I was only a couple hours old. That's okay though, I've stayed by my mommy's side. Even though she can't see me, I stay with her." Sapphire explained. "Mommy was really sad after she lost me, but she pulled through. She will have a big family soon. Mommy will get married and a twins. I can't say the gender though. I want that part to be a surprise for myself too! She'll be the best moomy she can be and protect them with her life. The daddy will be the best too! They will live a long and happy life on a farm after the war is over."     "That sounds amazing." I said. She nodded in agreement. "I have to decide whether or not I am going to marry a man. How can you marry someone you barely even know?" Sapphire shrugged. "Is there more to this place?"     "Yeah. There's a river by the edge of the field with singing fish! I'll show you everything there is, but you will have to find your memories soon. Time is different here. An hour here is three months out there. It's really weird." Sapphire took my hand and led me away from the field. "Everything in this area is weird. Our mind comes up with the oddest things. The Field of Dreams represents your mind. The field reprsents the part of your mind where all the peace and good memories lie. Farther that way lies the Lake of nightmares. You have a lot of those and they are scary. I went there once and I haven't gone back since. Over that way is where a cave lies. That holds your sad dreams. They are very few, but I still don't like going there either."     "Wow. Very organized." I said in shock.     "Yep. There is a choatic area around here where you store all the things that confuse you. That's also where you have been the last three years. You retrieved to the side of choas, turning your anger, sadness, and pain into laughter. That was scary." Sapphire shivered. "I was the voice in your head, I was keeping you from going to far. It is a good thing Cooper came when he did or you would have been lost. I'm glad he was able to make you talk again."     "That was kind of annoying. I liked the quiet, but that is probably what was making me go insane." I laughed. "Although, the best part in the prison was creeping the guards out when I laughed as they tortured me."     "Yeah, that is what got the queens attention. The rumors of the grey eyed girl. By the way, your appearance is going to change again. Your hair will no longer be red, but I'll let you know what you'll look like when you wake up."     "Yeah, let's keep that part a surprise, Sapphire." She beamed at me. "Wow, that is a really pretty river."      "I know! Come on and step in it with me. The fish will come up and start singing to us. We won't be able to understand them, but still is cool. They sound really pretty." Sapphire walked into the river until the water came up until her knees. I followed her, but the water didn't come up to my knees like hers.      The fish came and began to swim around us. The singing started. The noise is calming and beautiful. The words flowed over me. "I don't think I've heard such wonderful sounds." I said quietly. Sapphire said nothing, but she didn't need to. The song is enough.
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