Chapter 6: Are you scared of me?

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*After an hour* Salvy’s POV The sun glimmers from the window into the room, telling me to wake up. The sun was bright and warm, and I enjoyed its company as it gave color to this dull room. I looked around and remembered that I was still in Astra’s room. It wasn’t much, just a bed and a table beside it, it was sure so dull and straightforward, but how could I not notice it last night? Maybe I was just too worried about Astra. “Hmm, did he carry me?” I smiled at the thought of Astra carrying me to his bed. It’s weird, yes, but recalling what his gang told me, Astra is a straightforward person who does not show any emotions nor affection he’s cold. Still, they know that he does everything to keep them safe, and I’m grateful somehow to be the person he shows affection to, and that’s all enough for me. “OH NO, NO, NO! s**t, I’M DEAD,” I told myself as I hurried to get up from the bed, remembering that I didn’t go home last night and forgot to call my mom. She’s probably worried about me right now, so I rushed in the hope of finding my phone, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. “Ah, s**t, where did I put that stupid phone? I could swear I have put it in my pocket” I cursed at the thought of me forgetting where I put my phone, so I continued finding it and decided to look under the bed. I am in a weird position as my head was looking under the bed, back arched, my body is all bent down—this is such an odd position. I just hope no one will come in right now *creak** the sound of the door opening* why can’t the world just leave me at peace for f*ck sake. The door creek open, but it was just silent. Maybe I just imagined it, so I resumed looking for my phone. “Ahm Salvy, what are you doing down there?” a very defined voice speak and I knew exactly who he was. “Ah eh hehe, I was just finding my phone,” I replied awkwardly while slowly getting my head out from under the bed. “Oh, did I interrupt you? Don’t mind me here, just keep looking,” he said, and I was getting so shy that I could feel my cheeks burning up. However, I scratch my neck, nervous but manage to turn around to face him, who was wearing a black long sleeve so lovely it fits him very well and leaning at the door with a sly smirk on his face. At this point, I don’t know why I felt nervous at the way he was smirking at me, but it just got me all more flustered when I realized I was just staring at him, so I decided to turn around, pretending to look again for my phone to hide the blush that was forming up in my face and I didn’t bother to speak a word. “Are you shy with me, Salvy?” Astra asked while I heard steps coming my way. I closed my eyes as my heart couldn’t take this much embarrassment. Still, it didn’t help as I could feel my heart was going to explode, making it hard to breathe; suddenly remembering what I told him a while ago, I’m such a dumbass. I shouldn’t have said to him that with that tone in my voice; what if he thinks I’m really a weirdo or a creep right now? What if he thinks I like him that way? s**t! This is my time to die. “Hey Salvy, Salvy, are you listening? Why do you always zone out when I get closer to you” he commented, heading my way. Maybe I was just really overthinking. Why am I even thinking like this? I haven’t done anything wrong, but why do I feel so shy around him? Salvy, you dumb s**t, get yourself together, okay? You weren’t like this when you told him those words. Where’s your courage now, huh you p*ssy, just find your phone and then talk to your parents and everything’s going to be alright just breathe, breathe. I felt a sudden touch on my shoulder, making my body shuddered from the sudden contact with his warm hands as I quickly drawback. “Ha…” I gasped while I was now looking in his direction “Eh?” Astra voiced, perplexed at my reaction “Salvy, you weirdo, what are you doing?” “No, what are you doing?!” I said, passing the question to him, avoiding the spotlight that was shining on me. “What?” He tilted his head, looking at me with confusion “You’re the one that backed away.” “But never mind that I was just going to ask you to eat with us since the gang wanted to thank you for saving my life, and also Coco is waiting for you out there,” he said as he was moving back from me. “Oh, okay, thank you for inviting me, Astra,” I replied, calming down as I got up from the floor, headed straight towards the door, completely ignoring him. I just wanted to get out of this awkward situation when he instantly overtook me and quickly closed the door in front of us. “Hey Salvy is something bothering you?” he asked, walking towards me as I was stepping back to avoid any contact with him, but he continued to walk near me. “Salvy, is there something your not telling me?” how could he just know am I too obvious, and why do I feel like this guy is dominating me. “There is nothing, Astra, I promised,” still backing away from him as sweats were beginning to form up in me until there was no way anymore my legs hit the bed, and I accidentally slip causing me to sit on the bed as Astra was still going near me. “Really? Why does it looked like you’re not telling me something, Salvy.” his eyes were prying on me; I could not escape its beauty. “, there is nothing, Astra, I swear.” “Then why are you avoiding me, huh Salvy.” “I’m…. no-not avoidi….” “ AHHHHH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” I shouted and flinched when he suddenly blocked the ways at my side with his arm. I was now under him in a bed! My poor heart is going to burst. Could this get any worse? He put his forehead against mine, our noses touching each other. My body felt weak; my heart was racing. It felt so hot the way his face and body were near me leave butterflies in my stomach. I can’t think straight and move my body. I was so stiffed and focused on his features it got me all flustered once again. I close my eyes, wishing everything will be back to normal once I open them, but this dear universe fails to give me the things I don’t exactly want to happen. “Is my Salvy shy with me?” he whispered in my ear. MY?! Did he just address me as his?!! Calm down, Salvy, get yourself together. His raspy voice sends shivers to my spine. I can hardly move his hands found their way to my chin, pulling me my face nearing him as I smell that minty fresh breath. “No-o-o, I’m not,” I tried my best to replied, but my voice quivered. Astra’s hand touched my lips, moving them around, feeling the features of my lips as his other hand fix my hair and caressed my cheeks. My body feels so hot my heart is going to rupture anytime soon. I can’t think straight. I was so focused on getting away that I was oblivious to how near our lips were, one wrong move, and I could have kissed him. This boy is driving me nuts. He’s killing me. “Then are you scared of me, Salvy” he breathes in my mouth, bringing with me the air that he was able to breathe into my mouth. He was so close I could feel it. “N-o-o, I’m not Astra,” I replied, still closing my eyes. Was he going to kiss me? I’m not ready for this, Astra. I opened my eyes slowly, and I could see him pulling away his face from mine. “Oh, okay, I’m glad that you aren’t Salvy,” he said as he stood smiling down on me. “EH?!” I yelled, puzzled at what was happening “What?” he laughed as he was holding on to his stomach. I recall that he was wounded there. “You should have seen your face Salvy. You’re so unbelievable HAHAHAHAHAHA! He laughed and laughed as it was annoying me. “Why are you pouting about do you think I was going to kiss you, huh, Nii-chan” He grins and proceeds to laugh again, huh Nii-chan, Japanese? What does that mean? You know what, never mind. I stand up from the bed, not making any more comments, and pretend he wasn’t there. I was tired of this bullshit. I need some fresh air. As I was going to open the door, he commented. “Nice view from behind, Salvy” my face feels so hot from the sudden comment my brain just shut down, panicking Ahhhh, help me! I got flustered, my body boiling from the embarrassment, so I immediately left the room and shut the door, trying to catch a breath and get away from Astra. Once I came out, they were all staring at me s**t I’m really dead this time. “Hey, Salvy, why are your cheeks so red?” Chico asked. Astra’s POV “Hmmm? Hahaha,” I laughed as I got to see Salvy’s flustered face. What was he so nervous about? that i***t being all talk hmp. He sounded so confident before he couldn’t even look at me in the eyes now. “Hahahaha,” I laughed again as I remembered Salvy’s red face. I tried something uncomfortable for me to do; I got used to it. I feel disgusted with myself every time looking back at the people whose eyes were full of lust, hungry for something more they all make me sick, but why was it different? I don’t like touches nor contact, but being close to him felt comfortable. The heat of his body pulled me to be near. I wanted to stay in the warmth of his skin; I felt safe, his skin so smooth like silk. Lip soft and tender, I’m not thinking about wanting more. It just felt right by your side Salvy. “Why am I even constantly thinking about you.” That airhead he’s really hiding something from me; he didn’t even ask me if I had seen his phone. He was just all flustered by me. Hmm, cute, I can’t help but think about your childish ways, your lack of capacity to think straight when I’m near you; you really think I don't know? I’ve noticed, it got me thinking, what if you’re also afraid of me? It worries me that you’ll see a side of me you don’t want to. That time you didn’t look away and saved me. You were the bravest man for me. I remembered you just called me an i***t the first time we met. Was it because you don’t know who I am? That’s why you didn’t run away, not even the slightest look of fear in your eyes, so now I asked you again you’ve met my gang and have the hint of who am I and what I am, so I wondered if you feared me then I’ll let you go, but the way you answered sure it was shaky but It wasn’t because you’re scared. You’re childish ways. I’ve never seen someone who asks me if I’m okay rather than trembling with fear. I never met someone who cared so much for a stranger. Someone who’ll see through me, telling me I have beautiful eyes even If I was threatening you, not to mention following people around you’re really are an airhead, Salvy. I just laughed, thinking about his action and how we actually met. It was priceless and something to remember, but I fear the day you’ll know who I am, Salvy.
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