Chapter 7: The Calm before the storm

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Yoru’s POV “Hey, Yoru, I’ll just go check Salvy. You guys go ahead.” Astra said to me. I wasn’t sure at first, but his smiles were different when I saw him this morning. It was genuine and pure. I had never seen Astra smiled that way before; even if I knew him many years ago, the first time I saw him, we were both young that were bestowed an ill-fated future, but he was different. He was beautiful and intelligent. His pale, sensitive skin was distinctly contrasting his curly ink-black hair. His eyes color of golden as it sparkles when light shines through them, making it look like the star under the dark sky. It symbolizes your name, Astra, and from that, I knew life would be hard for someone gorgeous like you in the streets, and that’s why I decided to stick around you to keep you safe. But boy, was I wrong. I knew you never wanted to be in this place, but you have nowhere to go. Still, the pain and suffering make you cold everyone feared you for your cold-blooded combat and shooting skills, and we both know that you did all of that to protect yourself. Still, in the end, the blood in your hands forced its way to your brain. Little by little, it destroyed you as you felt numb; nothing even stopped you from always getting used. I can’t protect you. You can’t fight because you need something. That’s why you can’t stop and take advantage of Muerte’s eyes on you; you became a leader but not because you’re his favorite, but just simply amazing. Everyone in the gang adored you, but no one really saved you. You keep difriting apart from the real you, or you’ll be weak; you cannot stop, or you won’t be free. I kept chasing and chasing you, but It was hopeless. Your eyes were empty. You don’t even know who you are anymore, but he came. He did something I cannot do, Astra. He brings back the light in your eyes, but you know this won’t last, right? After a while, I went back from our meeting room just to see Chico and Velo eavesdropping on the door as Astra and Salvy were talking, these idiots. I thought, slapping my hand on my face. Grr, Really, guys? Can you two just give me a break? What am I a nanny!? I’m tired of babysitting these two. “YOU TWO DIDN’T I TELL YOU NOT TO EAVESDROP ON SALVY AND ASTRA?!” I shouted in their ears while suddenly emerging from their backs and pinching their ears, dragging them away as far as I could, shoving their bodies on the wall; their heads were shaking to look at me as they let out a low whimper. “Bo-boss-s” “”” Chico and Velo whispered why trembling in fear, reluctant to turn around as they knew what they’d expect from my face. “Morons!” I shouted as I hit their heads and as an exchange of their cries, oh god, give me strength to not kill these two in front of me. “Boss, we’re sorry, forgive us! Ah!.... Ah!!...huhu” “Yoru! Please, we’re sorry” they cling to my knees as they tug my shirt, crying and asking for forgiveness like little children *sniffs* the two sniff as they continue sobbing, and I just want to be out of this place. “Yoru out peace!” That’s all I wanted to say, but I can’t leave the hideout for a chance they’ll follow and find me again with my gang making Astra’s life and the men in danger. I might not show it, but I actually care for these idiots. Just when I was about to grant them my forgiveness, all of a sudden, Chico blew his nose on my pants. “GRRR RAWRWARAR RAAR ARGHH ERRRRRRR” I’m losing it. I’m going crazy, like transforming into a monster you don’t want to see as they witness it and instantly running away from me. “Ah, gods above forgive me for what will I do. May their soul rest in peace.” “THAT’S IT. I HAD IT WITH YOU TWO. I’LL KILL YOU,” I said as my body was boiling with anger, vision blurry, running after these two numskulls going back and forth from room to room “HEY GET BACK HERE, YOU JACKASS” I followed them as I was swinging a wooden chair on my way until other members calmed me down. That was good because I was on the verge of hitting Chico with a chair. As I was calming down and setting the chair aside, Salvy went out of the room. As he smashed the door, panting, his face was all red. Was he running away from Astra din something happened? “Hey, Salvy, why are your cheeks so red?” Chico asked innocently. Salvy’s POV “Hey, Salvy, why are your cheeks so red?” Chico asked innocently. My body was hardened that I could not move. How do I even start explaining what had happened inside the room with Astra? This is so humiliating. They are all looking at me. What should I do? Should I just pass out here, or should I pretend to be dead and never wake up that stupid, stupid Astra! Whatever I think about, there’s no denying that I can get away in this situation he put me in, grrr Astra!! You’ll pay for this; I didn’t even get to find my phone. How am I supposed to call my parents now? I thought to myself as I walked towards the gang, irritated I even forgot what situation I was in, in the first place. “HA!!! DID BOSS ASK YOU TO MOVE IN WITH US” Chico excitingly said. Making me confound as they gang up on me, resulting in me staggering to get my way out of here as they waited for my answer. Do they really want me to stay with them? That’s sweet. I smiled at the Idea until a bomb came. “DON’T TELL ME HE ASK YOU TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND?!” Chico exclaimed happily as my soul was sucked out of my body. How could I even face this much embarrassment? I wanted to faint when Yoru quickly boinked the both of them and threw them away. “Sa-Salvy, excuse those two for their behavior. They really are… ahm well you know idiots,” Yoru babbled as he looked down, scratching his neck, ashamed of what his members said. He looked back at them, instantly glaring at the two, bringing up his fist. “Eh? Hehe, no worries, it’s is fine, Yoru,” I said, reassuring him that it was nothing. “So…?” “So?” I asked, diving deeper at what he wants to know, and I shouldn’t have done so. “So, what was the right question that Astra asked you? What happened in there?” He questioned, and my face is blushing again, recalling what had happened “EHHH! It’s nothing he did not ask me anything I promised.” I shook my head, panicking and denying, but he did not buy it, not a single bit. “Oh, is that so? Well, great,” He uttered, not convinced at my reply, but what does he mean by great does he not want me to be here, or oh no, is he Astra’s boyfriend?! “ARE YOU ASTRA’S BOYFRIEND?!” I shouted, my eyes widen in the thought of him being his lover and also surprised at what I assumed. “WHA-WHAT?!” He yelled, shocked by my question “SA-SALVY, I’M NOT... ARGH, YOU f*****g MORON! He stated as his eyes were focused on me. An intimidating aura shadows him, his face darken as he walks towards me, ready to kill me. “AHHHH YORU I’M SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN TO I’M JUST CONFUSED AT WHAT’S GREAT” I Yelp as I was running far away I mean far far away from him I hid in Chico and Velo’s back, but they were more scared than me and hid as well I have nowhere to run anymore, so I sit on the ground hopeless huddled myself into a ball and covered my head. “I’m sorry, Yoru.” this is it this is where my life ends “Eh, Stupid, you can’t just be like that when you’re running for your life; you’ll die, you moron!” he complained as my eyes sparkled at the thought of him not wanting to kill me “YORUUUUU!” I called as I ran to him, crying, handing him a hug for sparing my precious life “Yoruuuu!! *sniffs* you’ to me. Thank... you for not... killing me!” I said in between sobs, continue crying and hugging the blue-haired boy. “HUHUHUHU, WE WANT HUGS TOO,” Velo and chico exclaimed as they were now crying too, scooching in for a hug until we didn’t realize that the 4 of us were hugging and crying well, not really the four of us Yoru his face was annoyed as he tried so hard to escape our grip, but there is no running now I smirk as I got that evil look and smile on my face WHAHAHAHAHA I maniacally laughed in my mind. “Great, another i***t, I speak too soon of you, Salvy, now the Trio is complete,” Yoru said, struggling to get away. “So, Can anyone explain to me why you three are crying and hugging Yoru?” Suddenly the voice caught our attention, and we pulled out of the hug immediately. The two were still crying as we saw Astra reading his book peacefully on the couch, his hands on his cheeks. What a captivating view to see. Wait, how did he get there?! I didn’t even hear or notice him. If he was an opponent, we could have died. “s**t, I’m so distracted I didn’t even feel Astra,” Yoru mumbled, but I heard as I was close to him, his angry face turn into a terrifying look. “We just wanted hugs too, boss! Ah!” they speak at the same time, crying while hugging each other. “A-huh and you?” he looked in my direction, and all of the faded shades in my face comebacks seriously; why do I keep doing this. “Yoru didn’t kill me,” I said without hesitating, as you know how my brain works when I’m shy. “What?” Astra commented as he was confused at my words and scowled on Yoru as if he had done something “What, no no, I was not going to kill him, Astra. I swear he-he.” as he shakes his head and arms hastily as beaded sweat starts to drop down the side of his forehead. So I came near him and hugged him again. “SALVYYY!!” Yoru shouted at my sudden action and tried to push me away, but I hugged him tightly. What was he so panicky about “Yes, Yoru is good to me. He spared me.” I said “Sa-Salvy shh,” he whispered. “Oh good, it’s nice to know you’re all getting along” he smiled and asked me to follow him into the kitchen. The three of them dropped their jaws, as I was puzzled by sight, but I pulled away from Yoru and nervously walked towards Astra. “Did bo-boss” Velo speak but was stuttering, having a hard time processing his thoughts to words as he was pointing at the man whose back was turned as he stared at us in disbelief at what was happening. “Shhh, you moron!” Yoru made him shut up, and I was even more puzzled than before. “Don’t die on us, Salvy,” Yoru whispered again, and I gulped at the thought of what could happen. As I was near the kitchen, Astra pulled me and pressed me into the wall, his hands on top of me, his head looking down on me, faces close again, heat submerging to my body rapidly, and I’m sure that I was a blushing mess his face nearing me again is this it? Is this the time he’s going to kiss me? Why do I even have this thought were both boys? This is nothing I should not give this a meaning. He breathed in between my neck and ears. I felt a spark that weakened me again. “Why don’t we have the surprise here now” I squirmed at the heavy feeling of nervousness. What is Astra planning? What surprise, what is he going to do?! I have enough today. My heart can handle any more surprise from you, Astra. My heart already hurts, and it’s still early in the morning. I’m not going to make it tonight if I keep panicking when you’re near me. “Hahaha, hey creep! You’re so cute when you’re flustered, Salvy.” He whispered in my ears. His breath touched my skin as it sent shivers down my body. He flicked my nose and dragged me outside again, holding my wrist as I went into a panic and died… I don’t even know what’s happening. My brain just shut down from his touch. “SURPRISEEEEE SALVY!” “ WOOF, WOOF!” The gang, together with Coco, shouted as I was taken aback to reality it was beautiful they had put a little surprise with balloons and party poppers as there was a cake and wine set up on the table they all looked happy. I burst into tears. I’m such an awkward person. I don’t know why I cried; I just felt accepted and appreciated. “YOU GUYS! COCO!” I cried out of happiness and opened my arms to welcome Coco into a hug. As my tears were still dripping from my eyes, I missed this dog. I’m pretty sure they would follow him and hugged me, too, but they all looked like they were backing away from someone’s look, and I turned back to Astra that was giving me a grin. I was just happy and distracted, hugging Coco as she hugged me back and licked all over my face. “You guys don’t want to come in for a hug?” I turned to look at them with Coco as we do our puppy eyes, pleading for a hug. But they all looked at my back and turned around, whistling and avoiding eye contact with me as I turned around again to Astra cause he was being suspicious; oh yes, you bet he was, but when I saw him, he was just smiling at me and my heart soothe at the precious site of him smiling. “Thank you guys, you even got my favorite cake! Strawberry cheesecake ihhh!! I can’t wait to try it” I was jumping and shaking with joy, excited to eat a piece of the cake I have been craving for a long time now. I’m pretty sure I’m drooling over it as I imagined its delicious flavor ohh! I can’t wait; please cut the cake, guys. “Salvy, what are you waiting for? Eat the cake,” Astra ordered “What?! Just mine?” I asked “Yes, It’s a thank you gift from the gang,” Astra replied “Actually, it was the boss’s idea he planned this all for you,” Chico intervened, and Astra glared at him as Chico frighteningly turned away from his gaze, maybe for outing him like that hahaha. Still, I was teary-eyed at hearing that it was all planned by Astra, so I ran to him. “ASTRAAA!!! THANK YOU,” I called as I ran to him, crying at the happiness that I was feeling. I give him a hug a thankful hug and lean my head on his chest. He looked down on me. I’m pretty sure he was smiling. “Ahm Sa-sal-vy you..shouldn’t ta-touch like that,” Velo said, worried about me and boss’s reaction, and I came back to my senses again and was going to pull away when he pulled me and hugged me back. “Astra..” I gasped at the sudden moment and looked up to him as he was looking away, but I could saw a pink shade on his face, and it made me happy that he hugged me back. “Astra!” I said, smiling at him “WHA-WHATTT?! THE BOSS HUGGED HIM BACK!” I looked back to the gang as their mouth was open in disbelief as I pulled back and chuckles “Thank you, everyone.” “And also, let share the cake.” I smiled, and we shared the cake as we cheered for Astra being safe, and for me, we told stories and were just enjoying ourselves. That’s when I noticed Astra was not there, so I stood up and looked for him when I saw him in his room reading a book. I wished I could just stare at him being this peaceful, but he noticed me right away but didn’t bother to stop me from walking near him. “Hey, what are you reading,” I asked “It’s nothing, by the way, Salvy” he paused and smiled at me as he reached through his pockets. “Here’s your phone” He handed me my phone, and I was in shocked as all this time I was worried about where did I place it, and It was just with him unbelievable! “ I called your parents assuming your dumb ass didn’t and asked them your favorite food also; I informed her that you’ll be coming home tomorrow. How’s that sound?” I was supposed to be mad but did he really done all of that just for me? After this thought, I wanted to feel happy, but it hurts me to know that I’d be leaving him. “It’s okay, Salvy,” he said as I was baffled at what he meant “It’s okay, Salvy. You don’t have to worry about me. I can handle myself. We’ll see each other again.” He said, reassuring me. I smiled at the thought of him knowing what I was just thinking how does he do that in the tiny amount of time that we spend. “What happened to the no, or maybe if we see each other again in the streets, you weirdo don’t come following people again, okay?” I laughed, remembering our conversation in the hospital god, I was so scared that I wouldn’t see him again, but a dog led me to him, just funny how destiny works. “Well, that’s because you saved me again, and I’m grateful for that.” “And also, I told you to stop following people, but you followed a dog. Look how dumb you really are” I pout at his words. He just ended up always teasing me in a way. “Thank you…” he said with his soft voice as he looked so sincere and contented. “I would like to see you Again, Astra.”
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