Chapter 8: Ready to fight

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Astra’s POV I had a dream that Salvy was slowly drifting away from my arms, and no matter how fast I ran, I couldn’t seem to catch him. The light began to fade as it exploded, taking Salvy with him, and there was me alone and lost in the darkness. I couldn’t find my way out. The uneasy feeling shook me awake with a cold chill in my body. I woke up to see that Salvy was not on my side. I rushed out of bed to go look for him. I looked at the living room, yet he was not there. The feeling of nervousness rose through my body. I opened every door room I saw and looked at them. There were no people Salvy was gone and the gang. I’m not denying that I was anxious about the thought that he could have wandered by himself or his life could be in danger just because of me until I made it to the kitchen. “Oh? Astra, what’s the commotion about this early in the morning” Salvy said, smiling after tasting the food he was cooking. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw him safe and smiling at me. His smiles were really enough to get me through as the sight of him wearing an apron gives me life. “What are you wearing, Salvy?” I asked as he stopped what he was doing and looked at me with his one eyebrow up “What, you got a problem with it, hm?” he said with a smug tone in his voice. “Yes, I do. It’s hilarious,” I said as I laughed at Salvy hysterically. He pouted and kicked me, but I avoided it, causing him to fall, but I reacted quickly and caught him as the pout on his face was now replaced with embarrassment. His body was firm to my touch. He’s so adorable, no wait..wait! Did I really just admitted that to myself? No, I didn’t. No one heard “Why do you retract to my touch? Do I intimidate you?” he shook his head “No? Do I turn you on?” I sneer as I say those words to Salvy, teasing him. making his face redder than it was before “Why don’t we dance, Salvy?” I said as I near his face and pulled him closer to me again, resting my forehead into his I helped him to stand as I swayed with him to dance his body, now comfortable with my touch as I rubbed the palm of his hands, he seemed to be shy at my action “Do you want me to stop Salvy?” “Ah!... No, it actually makes me comfortable,” he replied. As my mother did this to me when I was a kid, I know. To actually think I could remember such pleasant things from my past. I never wanted to look back at it anymore, but what made me remember my mother’s loving touch? is it the warmth of your hand, the peace in your company, or was it the light you bring me. “Ahm Astra, I didn’t know you were an excellent dancer. I’m sorry I suck, I don’t know how to dance,” he said, then right away stepped on my foot. “You’re not wrong, though, hahaha.” You’re right. You’re hopeless, but you never failed to make me smile. “I’m sorry, Astra, I really am terrible at this. Let’s stop,” he said, withdrawing from my touch, but I tightened my grip as he tried to focus his sight on other things to hide his blushing face, but I reached my hands to his cheeks as I drew his face near to mine to see his eyes shut. “Hahahhaa hm? Why are your eyes shut.” I pinned my face closer as he squeaks “Salvy, open your eyes,” I whispered, but he didn’t obey me “Salvy, open your eyes,” I repeated as he shook his head, telling me he didn’t want to “Salvy” “No!” he immediately replies as I chuckle at his childish action. “Salvy, look at me,” I whispered in his ears as he slowly opened his eyes to look at me. I was met with lovely crystal blue eyes. It was gorgeous if only I knew that these eyes that looked at me straight before were the eyes of someone who would save me. What has changed from them? Did something even changed about the way you look at me? “ah yes, your eyes are still scanning through mine, reading me like a book. There is something that has changed the way your eyes sparkle. They show how much you adored me. You have the most beautiful eyes, Salvy, the only eyes that see me.” “Your eyes are gorgeous, Salvy,” I commented. “Th-thank you, Astra,” he replied with a smile as we continued to dance “Astra? Ca- ahm” “Yes, Salvy?” “Can I-I a-ask you something?” “Of course, Salvy anything.” “How did you learn how to dance?” he asked. Shyly, for other situations, they wouldn’t even know that I could dance. I wouldn’t even tell someone why I learned how to dance, but Salvy was the first person that I was willing to dance with and the person I’m ready to talk to about myself. “Muerte hired a Dance instructor to teach me how to dance to have the perfect form every day I trained until my body aches just to dance perfectly,” I said as he smiled at me, a smile that was reassuring me that I did great and I don’t have to worry anymore. “Who’s Muerte” I was startled at his question and stayed silent for a while as I never thought Salvy would ask about the person that I despise the most am I ready for this? Should I even answer his question? “It’s okay, Astra. If you don’t want to answer my question, I understand” his eyes are focused on me, saying that he understood and there are no words needed to speak for him to understand. But in front of me was the person that I admired the most. “He’s the person I want to escape, the person I keep running away from, the person who ruined my life, the person I despise” It is all that he needed to know for him to understand how painful it is to go back to him. Salvy didn’t reply or simply uttered another word. He just leaned his head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat reassuring me that he was by my side. It felt safe again to feel his warmth, but you’re going to leave me, right? I feel a sudden sting in my heart. “I’ll be coming back.” He said, and I just hugged him Salvy’s POV “Hey lovebirds, we’re back,” Yoru greeted “Where have you guys been?” Astra questioned “We just fetched something Salvy needed for the soup..” Yoru said but your just hella suspicious “Why do I not buy any of that?” Astra read through him just like that “Okay, okay, I give up. I just bought something too, hehe.” he whistled as he retracted his glance to avoid Astra’s sharp eyes “Is the soup ready, Salvy? I really want to taste it. I can’t wait!” The big Intimidating teddy bear said excitingly. Gosh, he’s just really different once you get to know Velo. “He’ll make a great wife boss, eh?” The gray-haired boy teases as he winks, earning a hit on the head “Ouch! Yoru, why do you always have to hit me in the head? You’re going to make me dumb.” “You’re already dumb, you Imbecilce,” Yoru shouted as Chico was still rubbing his head. “And oh, by the way, we bought you a present,” Velo said, pulling something out of his pocket. “pre...present? You don’t need to but thank you for your efforts,” I said while rubbing my neck, feeling overwhelmed about the gang having a gift just for me as Velo handed the box to Astra. “We leave it up to you, boss.” Astra smiled at them as he opened the box and showed me what was inside. It was a white gold necklace with a sun as a pendant. “There’s no refusing to it, Salvy,” Yoru quickly said with a grin. I was dazzled at the beauty of the shining necklace. It was inside the moon surrounded by stars. “HA!! HOW MUCH IS THIS NO, I WON’T ACCEPT IT,” but it was too late. Astra was already putting the necklace on my neck. His soft hands touch my skin as I relax, letting him put it. “This is just a thank you and farewell gift, for we don’t know when we will see you again,” Yoru said. “This will let you remember that you are our sun,” Chico added honestly, I was touched by their actions, and I couldn’t thank them enough for treating me as a member. “And the stars symbolize us as we are your guardians,” Velo added proudly, pointing at himself. “Hey, don’t get all the credits, you moron,” Yoru yelled “What about the moon? Who does it symbolize”? As I asked, everyone looked at Astra, and I focused on him too as he was wearing a smile that fits his face perfectly. “He will be your protector,” Velo stated. And my heartthrob knowing that he’ll be my protector from this day on, in return, I’ll always be your savior Astra... “Thank you, guys, and sorry that I don’t have gifts for you guys,” I said as I went back to cooking. Chico helped me finished, and we shared the soup that I made. “You don’t need to give us a gift. It was nice just knowing someone like you,” Velo said Astra’s POV We were getting ready to leave, but I couldn’t help to feel agitated. Something just doesn’t feel right about today. It’s not just about my dream, but I just don’t think this is the time to bring Salvy back home. “Hey, Astra, why are you lost in thought? What are you so worried about” Yoru said as I flinched as he tapped my shoulder. “Oh, it’s just you, Yoru,” I said, recognizing his voice. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have approached you from the back, Astra.” “What are you thinking?” He asked, but I didn’t want to trouble him. “Nothing, it’s nothing; Yoru, get ready; we will take our leave,” I instructed and stepped away. “Astra…” “I told you it’s nothing, Yoru.” I returned with a stern tone in my voice. I’m lost. I know Yoru will understand why I acted this way towards him; I should not let my guard down nor even take my eyes on Salvy. “If It’s really nothing, Astra, then what causes you to let your guard down. You didn’t even feel me coming.” “What are you trying to tell me, Yoru” I looked back at him as I glared, observing his moves. “I know that you are not open with your feelings even to say what’s bothering you.” “I just wanted you to know that if something happened, we’d be right at your back,” he asserted. I didn’t reply. I knew that I could always count on him. But was it in everything? “For now, I’m sure you must have realized the situation you put Salvy in” I now face his direction once again, glaring at the boy’s smirking face. “What are you trying to say, Yoru.” “That you’ll just danger Salvy’s life.” “You’re just not good for him.” “You’ll just scare him.” “You will only get yourself killed or even worst..” “DON’T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD, YORU” “Or what, Astra, you can’t do anything. You can’t even get yourself free,” He expressed, still wearing that stupid look on his face. I was raging with anger, but I controlled myself, clutching my fingers into a fist. “Am I wrong? You cannot even fight those people who just use yo….” “You wrenched. What do you even know about me? What do you even know about my suffering!” I shouted as my nails dug deeper into my palm, leaving a mark “You’re just a good-for-nothing piece of trash. That’s why people call you the Fallen star.” “Am I right?” my vision darkened. I was on edge, blood running down my hands as my nails penetrated my skin. I was not even aware that I was running towards- toward Yoru as darkness consumed my eyes. “YOU JERK!” I punched him right in his face, pulling his shirt as he was still smirking at me “You jerk after I finished with this; you won’t be wearing that smug looked on your face.” I punched and punched him so that he’d eat his words back, but he was not even defending himself as he cackled, demented by his thoughts “’re crazy; I don’t want to have something to do with people like you; you may now leave,” I announced, releasing my grip from his shirt, leaving him lying on the ground as I withdrew and walked away. “A-a-ast-ra,” the weekend boy called to me, looking back to him as I watched him tried so hard to stand up. “I-I s-so happy,” he said, as he tried his best to speak from the weakened state. I was too hard on him. His eyes were swollen, as his nose was bleeding while he was saying those things to me. “I… have watched. Ha… wa-watched you suffer all these years,” hardly speaking as Yoru was catching his breath for forcing himself to speak. He reaches his arms towards me, and I quickly run to the man to support his balance. “Yoru, I was too hard on you.” “It does not matter...Astra, I-I was a jerk,” he mumbled as I sat him on the chair and handed him water. He then drinks. “I watched you suffered all this time. You lose each piece of yourself one by one. You can’t just love Salvy.” “But” I was going to speak when he stopped me. “All the suffering you had, the lights faded from your once full of light eyes.” “I have never seen anyone but Salvy who had brought it back who had made you smile like that” “It’s much better like this. You have nothing to lose, only yourself.” “I was scared that you’ll go crazy by the pain if ever Salvy would be gone.” “Why don’t you just let him go? You don’t need him.” “I thought, but you seem so happy, Astra. I was jealous by the fact that no matter how hard I tried, I never got the chance to make you happy.” “But you always got my back Yoru.” “I know that’s why I would like to see you find yourself again. I wanted to see you live a life where you’re free, but you can’t because you have loosened your hope to fight.” “But Salvy...Salvy came he… he inspired you, didn’t he” His head looked down. “It should have been me, but I couldn’t catch you no matter how near you are to me right now.” “I didn’t mean what I said. I just wanted to see how bad you wanted to fight for the thing you wanted.” “I can feel by your punches how important Salvy is to you.” “No matter what you do or choose, will be just right here to support you,” he grasps at my arm, indicating that he will be by my side when I fight. It gives me all the strength and courage I ever needed. He then stood up. “I’m ready to fight, are you?” “Gladly,”
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