Chapter 9: What home feels like

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Astra’s POV We were inside the meeting room. As I lay out my plan to the gang, I mark each place to avoid while taking Salvy back to his house. Although Salvy brought me here unnoticed, two days was more than enough for Muerte’s troupe to move and find ways to know our whereabouts. We should be cautious and ready for this. I have already been on the run for two weeks. It’s not just Muerte who’s been breathing on my neck all this time; his company and other enemies have been closing on us. This circumstance won’t only danger Salvy’s life but ours as well. The gang and I already plan everything, even the smallest detail we could miss from the routes that we are going to take, given that they could be waiting for us or if they would be following us to our disguises, we will move in pairs. Now, the only thing we need to do is to execute our plan. “As we all know, that they are closing on finding us or have just been planning to attack.” “We should be wary and don’t ever let your guard down.” I look at each of them with menacing eyes to see if even one of them has doubts or was not taking this seriously, but as I observe their eyes, they glance back at me with fierce. I could read that they were already preparing to fight. “We will protect Salvy, boss” The gray-haired boy stood up straight to do a salute. “Yes, boss, we will protect him no matter what” The blond-dyed hair followed, imitating the latter. “Oh really, not to burst your bubbles, but you two are the most scaredy-cats in this group!” and without a doubt, Yoru is always there to keep these two idiots in place, and I thank him for that. “What are you saying, Yoru? I’m not; I’m strong and big and scary, argh!!!” Velo opposed as he flexed his muscles and shouted like a scary monster. If only I didn’t know him, then maybe I would believe him. As the three were busy killing each other, Salvy came in, and all of us were staring at him. The three stopped what they were doing and focused on Salvy as I was too because he was wearing the costume we gave him. “What, what are you all looking at? Is there something wrong does it not fit me” he said rapidly, shy while his face was in dismay. “I knew it. I look ridiculous. I shouldn’t have picked this outfit. I’ll go change” feeling disappointed, Salvy turned around to walk out and go change as his appearance still struck us before we even knew that he was about to leave. “WAIT!” Yoru and the two shouted, hoping for Salvy to come back as he turned around once again with a gloomy face “It does not suit you,” I commented as Salvy looked gloomier than before “BOSS, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? LOOK AT HIM,” Chico exclaimed, pointing to Salvy as his looks enthralled him. “Let me finish; that face you’re wearing does not suit you, Salvy” his head slowly rose and pouted. “I’m sorry I look terribl..” “You’re stunning, Salvy” The group gasped as I told Salvy those words; his eyes started flashing. He indeed looked gorgeous. His golden blonde hair laid back as his jawline became prominent. Those blue orbs were visible seen underneath those clear eyeglasses. His black turtleneck fits his fine slim body as a long black coat layers it; he looks elegant. “Thank you, Astra,” he smiled. 1hour later “Yoru, you’ll be with chico and Velo; you’ll be with Nubes.” “The rest of the gang, you know who your pair and places are; be careful.” “I’ll be with Salvy. Once we get there, immediately head to our warehouse, where the other groups will meet you. Do you understand? Is everything clear?” “Yes! Boss, be careful with Salvy. I know you won’t let anyone lay a single finger on him,” Chico noted “Ah, Why am I even stuck with you” Yoru growled at the small boy “What? are you saying you don’t want to be with me?!” the other boy snarled “EXACTLY,” Yoru replied, causing the two of them to stir a fight as I scowled at them “WHY YOUUU LITTLE PIECE OF..” Yoru was ready to hit the boy who was trying so hard to get out of his grip as Yoru then glanced at me and immediately pulled away from his clasp on the latter “Ahem, as I was saying, it’s okay to be with you even though you’re an i***t,” he mumbled the last part, but Chico heard it loud and clear “Why you..” “Hey, boss is looking at you,” Velo signaled the other, and Chico right away stopped. “You guys go and move to signal us right away if you find anything suspicious,” I commanded. Everyone started to head towards their designated places; this is not just about Salvy going home but also about us being aware of what was waiting for us outside in those times we spent hiding. When everyone was gone, I turned around to look at Salvy, who was taking of his coat, his fit turtleneck trace the figure of his body. “So Salvy, I’ll just go change. I’ll be right back.” Salvy’s POV “So Salvy, I’ll just go change. I’ll be right back,” Astra said as he winks at me; it was so quiet without those three, it feels lonely in here. Well, not really as I’m with Astra, but once he changes, I can feel the room’s emptiness. Like its soul was taken from it *sighs*. I look to find something that’ll entertain me. I scan through the book that Astra reads, but none of them seem to interest me simply because they were complicated. I just admire how he reads through all of this. As I was flipping through the pages, a picture fell out. I kneeled to pick the image. It was a picture of a girl with an adorable child in her arms. I looked more closely at it as I noticed the resemblance that the girl and Astra shared. I gasped. Is this his mother? She’s lovely. No wonder Astra looks like that. It runs in their blood. I smiled as my heart was complete with a cute little Astra when suddenly I heard a banging. I know that it was just us who knew this place. Could it be that someone is there at the door? I listened to the loud banging once again, and I got scared as I ran to Astra’s room only to find him topless with a towel on his waist showing his toned and yet slender body, his hair still dripping wet I could just faint here now that I saw his damp look just kidding. “Astra!! No! It’s not what you think. I didn’t mean to walk on you like this; I’m sorry!” I declared as I was covering my eyes not to see his bare skin as I already invade his privacy “I’m so sorry I’ll leave,” I apologized again, still covering my eyes and trying to figure out where the f*cking doorknob is and why I am constantly just caught up in situations like this. Aha, there it is. I finally found the doorknob, but when I turned it, a hand was holding mine. It felt warm but also caused my body to be frail. “Salvy,” The once again raspy voice whispers to me. “You can look now,” he said, and I opened my eyes as I thought he was already wearing clothes, but my eyes were surprised to see him smirk at me as I learned through the door, his hands clutching mine. My heart yet again pounding. He’s so near again. I feel so vulnerable to the image of Astra in front of me. “What brings you here, Salvy?” he then grins and bit his lips “I-I ju-just heard banging sounds, and I got scared I-I’m sorry, Astra,” I said while closing my eyes. “Oh, or was that just an excuse to see me topless?” he chuckles as droplets of water fall from his hair. “EHHHH?!” “Silly come here,” Astra said as he pulled me to go with him on his bed “NO, ASTRA!” I shouted as I was not sure if he was ready for this “No what?” he asked, and I opened my eyes to see that he opened his curtains, and I got a view of people constructing besides our building. I got scared for nothing stupid me. “Oh, it’s just some construction.” I realized “Uh-huh, and what was that no Astra all about” he grins, and I gulped argh! Foolish me “Hmm, do you want to do it, Salvy? I mean, you know we can try,” Astra said “No-no, you just misunderstood it, I just tho-thought..” “You thought what” he pushed me down to his bed with his topless body pressed on me. I cannot move. “A-astra,” I murmured as he burst out laughing. “You thought about that HAHAHA, you’re hilarious, Salvy, but I won’t do that to you.” “Now get up, and I’ll go change and don’t get scared, you baby” I stood up from the bed and headed towards the door as I ran back to him and hugged him tightly as if I didn’t want to let go. “Salvy, what are you doing?” “A-astra, be careful out there” I was holding the tears that were bursting to fall as I buried my face in his back. He stood still and didn’t even move. It pricks my heart, but what did I expect? It was me who wanted to do this. “You know I’ll miss you,” I uttered and left as I heard a little to no sound before I closed the door. “I’ll do too” that was all I had to hear Astra. Astra’s POV I finished changing, and now Salvy and I made our way out to our given route. I wear my long white coat and black turtleneck to match Salvy’s outfit as we act that we are going on a date. Minutes passed, but I couldn’t seem to shake the feeling of uneasiness. Something was just not right. I could feel it as we continued to walk to the streets and crowded people. I check upon Salvy to spot him enjoying the view. He was gazing at all the stores and buildings as his eyes beam every time he saw something interesting he’s really like a child. “You know I wanted to see how the city looks like from up close. I was right. These buildings are gigantic.” He said as he described them with his hands still having the twinkle in his eyes; Salvy was amazed at anything he saw, to be honest, but these streets are none other than part of my story. I cannot let Salvy walk these streets alone to be gorgeous was a curse to me, and I don’t want it to happen to him. The city’s beauty holds darkness and its deepest darkest secrets. It can deceive you, I know, cause this is my world. It let me experience the worst It could give me, and now I’m used to it, but I don’t want Salvy to see this city the way I do. “I know this is just a coincidence, but I thank you for letting me have the opportunity to see the city I always wanted to since I came here, but I never had the chance” was he talking about the time that he followed me? If I got a chance to be with you again, I’d take you to the most beautiful place for me, Salvy; I just wish that I get to see this face of yours again. “Hey, Astra, I forgot to tell you, that outfit suits you” he looked at me and smiled as he continued to blabber about anything that did not make sense, but I liked listening to it. We were near, and I didn’t feel anyone following us. The gang hasn’t reported anything suspicious, but it’s not enough to lower our guard. As we are near Salvy’s house, The feeling of anxiety gets heavier and heavier as I stay attentive to our surroundings, but I can’t sense anyone or danger coming for us. We are here at Salvy’s doorstep, waiting for his parents to come out. The door opened, and I was ready to fight my guards high it only took a second to pull the trigger, and I was ready. The door swang open “SALVYYYYY!!! THANK GOODNESS YOU’RE SAFE!” His mother shouted as she hugged him tightly “HA!! SO YOU’RE THE BOY MY SON’S BEEN TALKING AND THINKING ABOUT THANK YOU FOR BRINGING HIM BACK US” the lovely woman looked at me from head to toe. “WHY ARE YOU SO TENSE YOUNG MAN SHAKEN UP,” She said, looking at me, who was just still processing if I should lower my guard or not. “MA DON’T JUST GO OUT ME LIKE THAT IT’S EMBARASSING,” Salvy yelled back at his mom, and I smirked at him, causing him just to hit his face. I giggled at his action as his mother noticed what we were doing. “You to bonded together that’s nice come and join us for an early dinner ahm.” “What his name again?” he looked at Salvy and quickly whispered, but I heard. “Astra” “Oh yes, Astra, please join us,” she said as she offered me to enter the door. “Honey let the boy come in on his own you’re scaring him” Now I know where Salvy got his childish and friendly antics. His family they are...they are really that close. The warmth I feel when I’m with Salvy is the warmth that surrounds this family. I felt comfortable and calm the moment that I stepped on their house. Is this what home feels like?
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