Chapter 13: Safe

2263 Words
Salvy's POV I hear noises so loud, so loud, like it’s in chaos. I came back to my senses and remembered I was still in this room. This dark, suffocating room where I hang hopelessly. I thought I was free. My dreams must still have a little hope to make me see things, knowing it might be that last that I breathe. Ha… you’re so pitiful, Salvy. You really think you can get out there. You can’t even move. “GET OU THE WA…” “Muerte?...” “Huh…? what’s that noise is that gunshots and people shouting what is happening outside” is there a fight going? I can use this as a diversion. This is the best time to execute my plan; Muerte is distracted. I need to escape now. I need to get out of here. It hurts so much I can’t hold on anymore. I needed to use my remaining energy as I cried, feeling hopeless if I could even make it out of here alive. I’m so tired I wanted to pass out, but I can’t. I can’t let the pain and tiredness get to me; I shall make it outside if I still want to live. There’s no other better time to make my move. I need to escape now. “WE NEED TO FIND SALVY NOW BEFORE MUERTE GETS TO HIM,” Yoru? that you Yoru..? “Yoru, I’m here...I’m here Yoru help me” I tried my best to shout, but it was hopeless; I didn’t have much strength left to scream. “YORUU!” *BANG BANG* another gunshot what’s happening. Is that him the voice I hear, or was I imagining things at the last moments of my life cause I know that right in here, your voice is what I want to listen to, your face is what I want to see, I want to see you before I die. “MUERTE, COME OUT WHEREVER YOUR HIDING” it’s really you, Astra?...what are you doing here? Did you come for me? Did you risk your life going here just to save me? No, go back now! Escape now, Astra! Don’t let him get to you. Don’t turn around; ran now, Astra. Why did you even reach for me? I’m just nobody. Why do you keep risking your life for me, or is this just my illusions? Do I just hear the both of you? Am I going crazy? Is it because of the pain? I’m so scared, I’m afraid! I want to get out of here; please help me. I want to be with you, Astra. I just want to see you even before I die; It hurts so much I’m so tired. “YOU MONSTER!” Yoru! Astra Yoru, are you in danger. I need to do what I have to do. I’m already in so much pain, but I’m going to die anyway. Why don’t I make myself suffer even more? I’ll make it even more painful. For you, Astra, I want to try. I tried reaching my right arm with my left hand as I couldn’t move it anymore, given my dislocated right shoulder. The chains were too short as I struggled to move the chains along with my remaining strength sweats were again flowing through me as I was lifting my body, getting a grip to reach my right arm. I suddenly fall again due to my strength, causing my weight to dislocate my shoulders more, like the painful sting so hard it made me teared up. I tried once again. I was nearly there, almost there, just an inch. I was close to reaching my right arm. “Ha….ha!!! Almost there! I can do this!” I disregarded the pain that was still stinging and reached my right hand, and if that wasn’t hard and painful enough now, I needed to dislocate my thumbs so my hand could fit through the chain cuffs. “I can do this; I can do this! Salvy, you can do this 1...2…3!” “AHHHHHHHHHHH ARGHHHHHH!!” F*cking hell! The pain almost causes me to pass out. I feel so dizzy I’m a f*cking i***t. The agony made me want to go crazy as I was holding the tears. “One more…*cries* ah! Breathe! Ha! just- just one more, just one more Salvy, don’t be an i***t!” “ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!” I fell to the ground as my hands were free from the cuffs “Ha... aha... ha!” I was crying at the relief and pain that I was having right now, but as I thought I would be free, I really hoped, but the darkness shattered it for me. I can’t feel my legs; I can’t stand; I can’t move. “SALVYYYYYY!!!!” Astra, you’re calling out to me. I’m here, Astra. I’m here you wo-on’t lose me. “Ahhhhhhh!” I cried and cried at the hopeless and desperate feeling I had at the disappointment of why can’t I move. But the desperate feeling pushes me to try. Astra, I’m coming for you. I tried to crawl, ultimately accepting the misery in my journey as my right shoulder dislocated and my hands were aching. It’s all killing me, but I put my weight on my hands, dragging me to crawl and move. I just need to do this, and I’ll be free just endure this Salvy just a little more. I saw a little light coming from the space of the door and the floor I was near. “BANG BANG!” YORU!!” ASTRA…. YORU… What happened to Yoru?! No, don’t tell me! This can’t be. I made my way to the door, but it won’t budge “Help...somebody, please help.” “HELPPPPPPP!” Astra?! I...m co-oming. “I can’t feel my body anymore, Astra. I can’t see anything. Everything is in pain. Tears were now streaming down my cheeks as I gave in to the feeling of defeat. I don’t want to do this anymore. “I-I ju-ust wa..wan-ted to see” “Astra…” “Ah!’t reee.aach the handle ha!” I can’t take the pain anymore. I can’t take it anymore… I can’t do this anymore. Forgive me, Astra. I can’t last in this pain any longer. Suddenly the door opens the light shines through me with the Star that gave me hope. “sa..” “SALVY?! SALVY!” “A-Astra?” “Yo..uu ca...ame” I can finally rest Astra’s POV “Where is he?!” “Why can’t I find you.” “Salvy...Salvy call out to me please,” Sweats dripping as my body felt numb at the thought of my dreams being real as the lights explode, darkness will consume, the light taking Salvy away from me and the darkness I seek to be free. “You won’t take Salvy with you, right” I ran and checked every room, opening it, but there was no sign of him, just like what happened after my dream. I’m so afraid and worried. What if just what if they’ll take you away from me when I’m asleep? I almost lost my mind once and now just tell me what I do without you being there, Salvy. I thought you were gone, but you were there smiling and cooking while shaking your hips dancing to the music. You light the room the dreadful room, as we dance, you make me feel so alive, and now I only wish to see you live, Salvy; please don’t give up; I’m coming for you. “Arghhh!” just where the hell are you? I’m running out of time, but I think I’m closing in. I was on. On the last floor, there were only three rooms left; one must have you in there. I opened each one recklessly, not contemplating what could happen to me, what could have been waiting for me in each door. I don’t care; I really don’t. I just want to reach him. “Just two more Salvy” “1 more” I ran to the last room with the feeling of uncertainty and dread like something terrible was going to happen. I reach the final door. This is it. I got to reach you. Finally, I opened the door. “Sa..” “SALVY?! SALVY!” “A-Astra?” “Yo..uu ca...ame” “Sa...Salvy,” there he lies on the floor of a chilling, dark room, alone weakened his almost lifeless body causes me to tremble before him the guilty feeling in my stomach makes me insane. “Ho..ow could I-I let this happened to you” tears now falling as I touch Salvy’s cold face. “This...pain, what a great pain Salvy” I do this to you if only I had stuck to my plan; I was the reason why they got to you. “I-i wa-as so-o-o naive.” I regret every second I have met you, Salvy… I put his head in my arms and hugged him. It’s all coming back to me the day I lose my self the feeling of fear, sorrow, and torment makes my head hurts. I remember all the horrifying events before. I was too weak. I can’t protect them; I can’t. Just watching while their lifeless body falls to the ground, it’s still haunting me. It was all because of me. Why?! Just why the fragile body of Salvy makes me cry. I was so naive and careless. It’s all my fault, all mine! “Sa-Sa-salvy, I’m sorry!” I put his face against mine. “This may be the last time I get to see you again.” *In the hospital.” Chico’s POV “Hey, boss Yoru and Salvy is now in good condition,” I said as I sat beside him in the waiting room. “U-huh, thank you, Chico.” boss usually doesn’t talk much. He seldomly uses words when talking to us. He goes directly to the point, but now his words tell a lot. He’s always on guard and usually knows what he’s doing, but now he seems disoriented. “Thought we’d lost Salvy and Yoru back there” his face becomes solemn, more like numb, like it’s lifeless and blank. “Boss, are you okay?” “I thought I’d lose him too, Chico.” His eyes were in despair. I saw something I had never seen before. I always thought of boss to be my superhero. He‘s unstoppable. He never stops; he never gets tired; the boss is intelligent but dangerous, making the enemy fear him. He shows no feelings, which got me to wonder if he is a man of steel. I always look up to him. He’s the one I idolized, and I’ll keep following him; I always admire him cause superheroes do not show emotions, which makes them strong, but I was wrong; I admire him more now. He’s in pain, and that makes him an average human like me. He really cares. Despite being cold and ruthless on the battlefield and outside, he still has a heart, which is why I adore you, boss. The nurse steps outside of Yoru’s room as she approaches us. “The patient is now awake, and you can now talk to him,” she fills in our good news. “Thank you, miss,” Astra said as the nurse swirls her hair, flirting with the boss. “Tsk” can’t she be more disrespectful. Boss and I stand up as we head towards Yoru’s room. We started to flee from the scene, and the nurse blew him a flying kiss, but Astra just ignored her. “BLEH!” I turn around and stick my tongue out as it irks her, and I step to hide at Astra’s back. “Chico, what are you doing?” he asked. “Ah-en nothing, boss, I’m sorry” I removed my hands on his shoulder as we stepped in Yoru’s, and there he was, smiling at us. “Yoru!!” I ran to him and hugged him “I-IDI..” “I thought we’d lose you, Yoru.” I cried as I hugged him tightly, snuffling as my nose was runny. “Hey, stop that, you i***t. My shot still hurts, and get your runny snout away from me.” “OH! YORU, YOU ARE REALLY BACK TO US” “YES, I AM, AND YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’S GOING TO KILL ME, SO GET AWAY FROM ME, U DUMBASS!” He shouted as he squirms to get away from my hug; I remembered his wound, so I broke my contact. “I’m glad you’re alive, Yoru,” Astra said “If it wasn’t for you, the shot might be fatal. Good thing you shot Muerte’s hands, or the aim will not be different.” wow, the boss is really amazing! “How about Salvy then? Is he safe” Yoru asks as the boss turns his gaze away from him. “A-ah yes, Salvy is now safe, boss,” I hesitantly answered his question as the boss looked so stiff. Yoru smiled at the news and looked at Astra worriedly. “Astra...?” he called and signaled me to go out of the room. “I’ll go ahead, boss. I’m just going to check on Velo” I left and didn’t hear what they’ll take about, but at least I know that Salvy and Yoru are already safe and be coming back to us in a matter of time.
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