chapter 12: The Storm

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Muerte’s POV “Hmm, just as always, you’re always right on time.” “He’s that important to you? that you will show yourself right in my front step.” “After running and hiding all this time.” somebody was behind me. “Don’t take any other step. Who are you?” “It’s just me, boss,” “Boss Astra is outside. What shall we do.” “Leave him be. I’ll go down.” I knew you’d came, but I didn’t expect you to be so early for that particular time in the day. Are you that excited to see me? You missed me, didn’t you? You can’t live without me. I won’t let you live without me. This world is the place you belong, and that place is with me. You’ll always belong to me. Just come back, and I will forget all of this from happening nor torture you for betraying me, Astra. I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding and a type of rebelling as you’ll soon realize that all you need is me. I walked outside, seeing him waiting. He’s still beautiful as ever, the pale white skin that he cared so much. I can’t wait to feel and touch it again; he walks in as the gates open, still like the angel he was, the innocent and pure man I picked up from the streets. And you are now entirely owning the streets, Astra. And just suddenly throwing it all behind, You will never getaway, you’ll see. “Put your guns away, let him walk here peacefully,” I ordered as they obeyed me. Those eyes were still as beautiful as ever as they looked at me. Minacious eyes stare at me as it trails off to his path again. “Oh, I don’t feel threatened. Only I can handle the monster I raised. Don’t you underestimate me, Astra” He was smiling; Astra was smiling underneath those masks as he walked toward me. He’s plotting something that brat! I taught him too well. he stopped in the middle on his way “Why, you little piece of shit.” he looked at me straight in the eyes. And that to me, he’s no longer the child I raise. He’s something more than a monster. Astra, just what the hell are you planning! “GET OUT THE WA..” Yoru’s POV I was watching Astra as he entered Muerte’s mansion just like he said the old man wouldn’t let them hurt him; Astra knew him too well, but what is in your mind, Astra. You’re plotting something; there is something you’re not telling me. Astra walks in wearing a mischievous smile under his mask. As his cold bloodthirsty eyes look at Muerte, taking his time walking like building up a storm on his way and completely wiping out everything in his path. He stops in the middle of his way as he looks dead straight into Muerte’s eye *BOOM!” an explosion struck right where Astra was standing, and suddenly smoke covered the mansion. “AH! THAT s**t,” Astra, have you lose your mind! “ASTRA, YOU F*CKING SHIT.” you could have at least just informed me, you piece of s**t. “YOU’RE SO RECKLESS ASTRA SOMETIMES I WISH YOU’RE NO BEAST” I ran there as fast as I can seeing Muerte’s man one by one fall to the ground as some were finding their way out running, but no matter what they do, it’s no use there was no escaping his wrath. “Astra?..” grrr, you f*cking reckless i***t!. Everything happened so quickly that it was like a speed of lighting raging in the clouds striking everything on its way down. You’ll see an image resembling a bolt, and the bolt that you can see is Astra moving as he looks like flying from one place to another, seeming sight of slashing lights, and in the center of this chaos was Astra alone. He alone can make them bewildered and terrified. He’s so unpredictable that he can make them lose their shits just in a blink of an eye, the terror of not knowing or even seeing what’s coming at you as you’re partially blinded and, after that, unconscious laying on the ground in a matter of seconds. They are no threat to him. He’s the threat to them. No one can match the unyielding talent of the Star. They were many, but no one could even lay a single finger on him. His keen eyesight and on-point instincts make his way clear and visible for him to move. His unstoppable I can see visibly the fierce in his eyes as he single man handed the security making way for us to go in this was your plan all along you’re insane no one can see better than your eyes Astra. As the smoke was gone, he was too without a trace. He just disappeared from the smoke the gang charged inside. As Astra was taking everyone on his way down, closing on Muerte’s neck “WE NEED TO FIND SALVY NOW BEFORE MUERTE GETS TO HIM,” I shouted as we split into pairs and searched every room. I was just behind Astra. “YORU!” he yelled as I slid to dodge the bullets, him shooting the enemy at my back, and I was shooting the one in front of him. “Yoru, let’s go,” he said, reloading his gun. He’s really like a machine. Nothing can stop him. “MUERTE, COME OUT WHEREVER YOUR HIDING” Astra shouted as we leaned against each other’s back. “Where are you hiding, coward.” Muerte suddenly appeared in front of us, clapping “HAHA, I taught you well, but you can’t beat me one wrong move, and Salvy will die.” “YOU MONSTER!” I shouted in anger “Yoru calm down,” Astra said “What do you even what from him,” Astra asked “Simple, it is you; I want you to come back.” “I’ll never go back, and I’ll bring Salvy with me, Muerte.” “Looks like that boy really interests you. Shall he suffer the same fate as her before?” “Don’t you dare touch him” “Leave him alone, Muerte, or I’ll kill you.” “Hm?” “Ah yes, and sorry to rain on your parade, but you won’t be leaving this place with Salvy.” a sly smirk formed on his face as Astra’s eyes were dead. It showed no emotion anymore. “Astra?..” I called to bring him back to his senses “HAHAHAHA,” he laughed. Like, He’s going berserk. “Just you think you can get him from me too, you’re wrong.” “I’m no f*cking rain Muerte. I’m the storm,” he fastly pulls the trigger, but Muerte dodges it only to be shot in his shoulders, falling to the ground. “AHHHHHHHHHHH ARGHHHHHH!!” That voice’s Salvy’s he’s in danger. We should get to him right now. “YORU, LET’S GO!” “YOU SHOULD HAVE TO KILL ME WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE ASTRA I’LL NEVER LET YOU LIVE IN PEACE YOU’LL COME BACK TO ME EVEN IF I HAD TO BREAK YOUR BONES AND DRAG YOU HERE!” Muerte threatened “SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!” I shouted as I turned around to him, showering him with bullets, but he hid on the back of the wall and escapes “You jerk! You can’t get away!” I looked at Astra, who was making sure he could leave me. “Astra, go to Salvy now.don’t worry about me; I’ll handle this go now!” I ordered as he turned around, leaving me behind; that’s right, Astra saved Salvy and brought him back to us. “ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!” Salvy, his distressed voice, what an unbearable pain It felt like for me, Salvy. I’m sorry. his voice makes me want to go to him, but I know I can leave this to you, Astra “SALVYYYYYY!!!!” Astra shouted as he ran to find him “Checkmate,” ah! Terror filled my mind. I felt a deep shock struck me “Muerte…” I didn’t notice him. His gun was pointing at me. I shouldn’t let my guard down; I shouldn’t... *BANG BANG* ha! Argh. I shouldn’t have let my guard down. I’m such an i***t; I’m sorry, Astra, I failed. Astra’s POV “ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!” Salvy... what an agonizing pain you’re in, and I put you all through this something you don’t deserve to feel, something I wanted to keep you away from, but It’s too late. It’s all my fault Salvy, I’m sorry...I’m sorry, Salvy. I’m coming for you. Just hold on a little longer, be safe, please, tell me I won’t lose you, I can’t take the pain of losing someone again; I’ll go crazy. “SALVYYYYYY!!!!” I shouted, running in the direction I heard him screaming, but the tormenting feeling of wanting to go back tore me in half. I didn’t know what to do; I had to move fast. I have to make my choices quickly. It leads me to lose what I’m feeling. The great turmoil in my mind and heart led me emotionless I can feel myself going numb. Why me? Why does this keep happening to me? Why can’t I just have the life I wanted? The thoughts that I was having begun to fade. It felt dead inside. It felt like the darkness consumed me. once again, it blurred my vision as my knees fell to the ground “Checkmate,” no... Yoru?! I quickly stand run back to him. I need to make it in time. I shouldn’t have left him with Muerte. We both know how dangerous he is *BANG BANG* Yoru… YORU!! Yoru’s POV I fell to the ground, and if this was the last moment, I wanted to know if he was safe. If he found Salvy, I wanted to see him. I turned my head around where Astra ran off to even just a glimpse of him. I’m always at his back, and I was never tired of seeing it. I always wanted to follow him, so even just one last look at your back. Just to tell me you’re alive. I know you’ll get out of here with Salvy; not even a single ever doubt crossed my mind; I know you can do it, you could be free. I’m always here to protect and watch you, Astra; even if I’m gone, I know you’ll survive. Cause since that you’re a survivor “A...Astra?” as I turned my head around, I saw him holding a gun. His eyes were shocked, and his face seething he had already pulled the trigger. That’s why there are two gunshots? The other one was Astra’s. What an incredible speed he has, damn it, Astra, you never ceased to amaze me, hahaha I can now leave cause I know now that you look back. “Astra? You lo-ok” I was so happy that he looked back at me all this time. I was following you, trying so hard to catch up with you, but you kept moving forward. You never want to look back as it was painful, and you wanted to forget I lost hope; now that you have Salvy, you look back and see me too. “I’m..gra..teful for mee..ting you, Astra, but I’m... sorry I had to...leave.” he came near me, kneeling. “Yoru… please don’t,” he begged. As a vivid light surrounds him in my eyes, we may have been different, and I may be cocky to admit. Still, I have always Idolize you, Astra, since the first day I met you, I have wanted to be as great as you, but you don’t even want to be you, so I watch you cause I want to know what and who you really want to be. But there were no answers, but now I see what you want. All you want is to be happy and free. “It’s okay, now...Ast-ra, you him and” goodbye Astra. Astra’s POV “It’s okay, now...Ast-ra, you him and” “Yoru?!” you can’t just leave me; Yoru, we have been together all this time even though I keep moving forward and slowly drifting. We have been a partner. I never wanted to be attached to you and the gang because of the trauma of losing everything. Cause I don’t want to admit that I care about all of you too, and you? Yoru, you’re my best friend, and together, we were invincible, and you will not leave me, Yoru. Please live. “HELPPPPPPP!” I shouted, hoping that the gang would hear me “Chico!” “Nubes!” “Velo anybody, please!!” I called out and called until Velo came seeing Yoru in my hands “Boss?...Yoru…” “Is Yo-o-ru dead, boss?” he said, slowly walking towards us, weakened at the sight. “No, he’s not yet. Please hurry, Velo!” “He still has a pulse. Take him to the hospital now.” “But boss!” “Velo, I’ll be fine. The rest of the gang is here.” Velo carefully take Yoru in his arms “I’ll take Yoru quickly and guard him there. Please be the careful boss.” “Hurry! Go!” “He will live, boss, cause just like you, he’s a survivor,” he said, carrying Yoru’s weakened body in his hands. “Save him too, .boss.” “I will”
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