Chapter 11: Getting Out of here

2201 Words
Salvy’s POV “Ahh..aha..ha..ha..where am I?” It was hard to breathe, ha... It was suffocating. This place I was in, it feels so heavy. Where am I? Where are you, Astra? I opened my eyes to complete darkness; there was no one there, just the agonizing sound of chains rattling as I tried to move. “Astra?” I called out, but I realized that I was just here alone. The chains were tying my arms up the wall, my feet barely touching the floor I was just hanging. I can feel my arms already frail, like breaking anytime soon; one wrong move will cause my shoulders to dislocate. I don’t have that much energy left even to think of a way of getting out here; my body feels sore; I can’t even move at all. “Astra,” I called. Help me. I don’t want to be in this room anymore; I’m, I’m scared. Astra, I’m afraid. I closed my eyes again, trying to keep myself not to lose my mind. A minute or so, I heard a blasting sound; somebody kicked the door like he wanted it broken. A bright light suddenly entered the unlighted room, causing me to be partially blinded as I gazed at the black figure man. “HAHAHAHA oh what a surprised remember me, honey?” His voice alarmed me as I was still trying to take a glimpse of his face “Oh, come on, don’t you remember me” suddenly, the bright light revealed his face that sneered at me. My body was shaking at the familiar sight of the man in front of me. I was sweating all over my body in just seconds. I was petrified. I wanted to run, I wanted to, but I could not move. I can’t feel my feet somebody please help me. I’m so scared. Astra, I thought of Astra as tears were now flowing down my eyes at the helpless state I was in. “Why are you shaking? I told you I don’t bite.” He said as he was running his fingers down through my stomach “DO-DON’T TOUCH ME, YOU DISGUSTING PIG!” I shouted. I wanted to kick him so badly, but I couldn’t. I was so hopeless I couldn’t even protect myself, I said to myself. “WATCH YOUR MOUTH, YOU b***h!” he punched my face, and all I could do was cry and be in my helpless situation as he touched me all around my body. He then grabbed me by my hair and pulled up my head to look at him. He is licking me in the neck, no please, no, why can’t I move? Why can’t I defend myself? Why, just why! Astra!! Astra, please help me. “Get away from me..” I tried my best to bring out those words from my weakened state “Or what you can’t even move, you can even do anything you’re all useless, and I can do whatever I want,” he said as his hands moved down to my pants. “NOO!! YOU PI..” “LOCO, STOP THAT THIS INSTANT,” An old man with a stern voice said as he walked in, slowly puffing his cigarettes. “Can’t you keep your hand for yourself, Loco? You’ll imperil my plan,” the man next to me, now nervous stop was his doing. “Yes, boss,” Loco left. “Just who are you, and what do you what from me?!” I tried to ask with my muffled yet flinty voice “There’s no need for you to act tough it will only make your suffering worse” I don’t care. “I don’t care just who the f*ck are you, old man.” “A lot of balls we have here, don’t we?” he said, poking my member as I slightly groaned. “Oh, you like that?” No, I don’t, please. “STOP THIS F*CKING SHOW AND JUST TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!” I Shouted as I tried to struggle to move my body, but I couldn’t not even the slightest movement. I couldn’t move. It was like something was paralyzing my body “HA-HA-HA-HA,” he wickedly laughed as he came near my face with a disgusting smirk. “Oh, you don’t really know who I am. Didn’t Astra tell you?” “I’m the one who owns Astra. I’m none other than Muerte” Muerte?! My eyes look at him ghastly; he’s the man that you despise, Astra, the one you’re running away from. “Hahaha, what’s that horrified look in your eyes.” “Don’t worry; I’m just using you.” “You’ll be the perfect bait,” he said as he poked my chin with his cane and lifted my head. “Bait for what?” “Not for what shall we say who” he proceeds with a sly grin on his face “For my big precious fish.” “My prized possession” “For Astra,” he said with a mischievous smile on his face. “Your words disgust me.” “You make me wanna vomit on your disgusting face!” “Grrr why, how dare you..” “What offended? you’re more stupid than you look.” “He will not come. You will not fool him. I can get out here by myself.” “Such confidence, young man, and how do you plan to do that, haha.” “Now that I got you in my hands, he’ll come back to me again begging.” “How are you sure, disgust him.” “You’re a shameless pig.” “A f*cking a-hole” “A piece of ahhhhhhhh!” he hit my member “ha...I didn’t know that you’re really a piece of shit.” “SHUT THE F*CK UP.” “ARGHHHHHH!” He hit my shoulder with his cane, causing a jolting pain. “Ha...he’ll never go back to you… never” I said, holding the pain I was feeling “AHHHHHHH HA!….ha...!” he strikes me in my ribs, Astra, it’s okay… you don’t have to save me, Astra, don’t come back. They’ll just hurt you. “HAHAHAHA, SUCH ARROGANCE WHEN YOU CAN’T EVEN DO ANYTHING” “AHHHHHH!!!” I shouted in the unbearable pain of dislocating my shoulders as I was still hanging. I hold my tears at the tormenting pain I felt as I am now thinking of a plan on getting out of here. I can’t depend on Astra alone I don’t want to risk his life. “What do you even want from me,” I asked “Don’t you get it? Haha, Astra simply cares about you.” “He will not let his precious friend. Die” “And I will not kill you, or so you thought, haha.” “I will only use you as bait, and once he’s back, I’ll get rid of you.” a lever, huh. “You’re using me as a lever? Ha well, too bad Astra, even if you kill me, he won’t come back to you pwe!” I spit on him as his face was now furious. He hit me and beat me with his cane, so many bruises everywhere, sweat rapidly flowing down my body, it hurts everywhere. “ARGHHHHHH!!!” the pain in my shoulder is increasing as my body gets heavier and heavier. It’s killing me, but I got to endure the pain. I must get out of here… “I own him his only mine. I build him, and that’s why he is mine.” “You don’t own him; he not yours and will never be!” “I’ll leave you here and until then save your s**t cause you won’t be speaking again, hahaha” he left, throwing the cigarette as he shut the door, leaving me again alone in the darkness. Muerte’s POV Ha, we’ll see about that young man. He will come. I know he will until then, we will meet again, save your confidence and talk as much as you want, but you won’t be seeing daylight again. And once he didn’t have you anymore, he had nothing to lose, and he’ll go back to me, isn’t that right, my precious Astra. “Come back to me, and I’ll give you everything you’ll ever want,” Yoru’s POV “Salvy…” Your name was what he only spoke off this past hour. He looks calm, but the terrorized face he had before was pictured in my mad a look that he’s losing himself. The casual looks you have are just covering the troubled thoughts in your mind. Even before we sent Salvy home, you look so lost you look puzzled, but your face brightens up when he’s with you. You had planned everything from the very start. You knew and saw this coming, but why what happened? What did you not plan that has gotten into Salvy? Could it be the thing that I predicted was it you, Salvy? “We need to move and planned this quickly, but I want you to be still cautious.” “Muerte has certain patterns of where he is during the day.” “For today, I know where he is; he’ll be waiting for me.” “What we need to do is to find Salvy and make sure he’s okay,” he instructed “Boss, there so many guards it’s dangerous. How are we even going to get in unnoticed.” Nubes asked. Astra just smiled. You don’t know how Astra’s brains work. You can never predict what will happen next, the uneasy yet secure feeling he portrays makes people trust and follow him as he’s also that brilliant and good at leading, but that is not what he is; they don’t know him at all; he’s the danger to them all. “Then start a party.” “And how are we going to do that, boss?” “Did I say we?” “ARE YOU CRAZY BOSS” Chico shouted as he panics “I would go alone. Those guards won’t harm me. Muerte wouldn’t let them touch me.” “And I’m sure you guys won’t let them get to me, isn’t it that right.” “This fight is not going to be numbered. It’s going to be by tactics.” “So just keep your eyes on me.” (Car sound from a distance) (Driving to Muerte’s Mansion) “Yoru, there’s one thing I haven’t planned,” Astra said as I was driving. He never leaves anything unplanned he’s always steps ahead but not long after earlier. So what does he have unplanned for now “I haven’t told the gang that It could be a trap for me and me as a walk-in.” “Astra?! That is too dangerous. Let’s go back now and plan this again.” “This is for Salvy, Yoru… I need to take drastic measures. I don’t even know what’s happening to him now. Is he still safe? Was he unharmed? I can’t just sit by knowing that he could be in pain right now, and it’s all because of me, Yoru... He’s afraid.” and you are too, aren’t you, Astra? The fear of losing Salvy scares you. I didn’t notice that I looked at him worried as he gazed back at me, seeing how I looked at him. “Since when have you been concerned for me,” Astra asked “I. I always have been Astra.” “You always trust me and covered my back, Yoru.” “Now is not the time to be soft for me.” “Do you have doubts?” no, I don’t. “I have never doubted you, even if my life would be at risk, Astra. I was always ready to die for you.” but I planned to stay here longer. I planned to still stay beside you cause we both know that. “You’re my partner.” “Then just watch me, Yoru.” I have been watching you all this time. Salvy’s POV How much time has it passed? I don’t know, but nobody came back, and all I know is I have to take this opportunity to plan an escape. I can just stay still. I’m nearly on my edge. I can’t keep holding on much longer, or the pain will just worsen and eventually kill me. I’m not just going to hang here and be helpless; I need to find a way of getting out of here. I’m going out of here, even if I had to do this the hard way. I used the silence to my advantage and closed my eyes, focusing on planning how I’d remove the chains in my hand. After that, I’ll go out of here without being noticed as if that’s possible. Still, I’m desperate. I rest for a while, even if it’s hard while enduring the pain, but it will somehow give me energy, and that’s all I will be needing for running away.
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