Sacred Love // 49 2/2 [5]

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SACRED LOVE : 49 2/2 [5]  A lovely pair of eyes never left him and he could not understand why or when this started. She is getting closer than she should be as a maid in this mansion. Her red tinted cheeks tempted him to kiss him as she fed him while he sat there. “M-Mister Ferno, Do you need anything?” A stuttering voice leaving those plump lips made him shake his head as she picked up one more piece of that apple she had cut into pieces awhile ago. Opening his mouth, he waited for her to feed as she bit her lip, feeling so nervous that her hand which laid on her lap started to clutch the plate so tight that her knuckles turned white [pale]. Watching her trembling fingers extend the fruit closer to his lips, he could not help but look into her eyes that were already avoiding him. Placing the fruit between his lips, she tried to push it gently in when he bit the small piece in half. Blinking as she felt dumbfounded, she eyed the fruit piece before her back and felt warm shivers as soon as his lips touched her fingertips. Eyes gazing into hers, he licked her finger that had the taste of apple. “Mhm, It’s tasty.” he mumbled as he wiped the corner of his lips and that is when her eyes glanced at his lips that looked bright red. His long eyelashes, her heart beat was rapid as her eyes trailed down the pants he wore, but as she noticed his eyes falling upon her, she looked away with her breath and started to pick up. Breathing in-and-out deeply, she tried to calm down. Seconds passed and a gasp along with the plate being placed upon the table aside echoed in the room. With a pull, her body tensed up as she felt her head upon the arm of his. Hair being united, her lips were already collided with his. A hum of moan that was muffled, she felt his arm wrapping around her waist. “M-mm-mm!” she tried to speak and he obviously didn’t let her. Wrapping his fingers in the locks of her hair, he felt her body squirm, but for a second he could not take his lips off her soft ones. As she felt his warmth radiating against hers, the cold wind brushed away the hair strands. Caressing her head, he deepened the kiss while she closed her eyes tight. Feet under his, her hand laid on his chest while another was held tight by his bandaged ones. As she felt her heart about to explode anytime, his hand slipping inside her top had her cheeks turn bright red. A hum of satisfaction, his tongue collided with hers. Eyes slowly widening, she pushed him away before he tried to pull her back into his arms. Taking the plate into her trembling hands, she made sure she stood far from him. Sitting up, he tried to speak when the man who entered the room cut him off. “Is he fed?” The maid nervously nodded before glancing at him from the corner of her eyes. “Hm, good.” The maid bowed hesitantly before running off from there. Eyes stern, he looked intimidatingly towards Ferno as Ferno held no expression at the moment. A sigh of nervous stress, Mr. Liwei rubbed his forehead as he stepped closer. “Ferno, I..” He tried to talk as Ferno rolled his eyes while a scoff left his lips. “Ferno, Please do not start this again.” he breathed out as he watched ferno look back at him after a few seconds. “What the f**k do you want,” Ferno spoke before Mr. Liwei tried to control his anger. “Master.” he spelled, mocking him as Mr. Liwei looked at him with a strong gaze that did not affect him. Looking away, Ferno didn’t budge a second, Mr. Liwei spoke. “Get up, We are going somewhere.” Ferno looked up at him as he folded his arms under his chest. “Where?” he spoke with a cold tone like Mr. Liwei, who picked up the clothes from the floor, dropped them right on the floor. “It’s not the time to provoke me, you are fxcking sick-” he raised his voice when the door burst open by the right hand of Mr. Liwei. “Mr. Liwei, The car is ready.” Mr. Liwei looked at him, then Ferno, before Ferno leaned his head forward. “No.” He said as he smirked, leaning his back against the headboard of the bed. Mr. Liwei clicked his tongue as he continued to stare at him before Ferno glanced back at him. “What?” His eyebrow raised as Mr. Liwei exhaled deep.  “Let me go, You moron!” he yelled as Mr. Liwei grunted in annoyance while Ferno hit his back. As the maid runs out of the kitchen, she watches Mr. Liwei carried him out. Thrown upon Mr. Liwei’s shoulder, Ferno groaned in annoyance as they stepped out of the house within the right hand of Mr. Liwei opened the door of their car. Leaning Back against the door of the kitchen, she breathes out, already exhausted. Locking the door from inside, she sits on the floor with her head between her knees.  Thrown inside the car, Ferno tried to yell when a hand over his mouth shuts him. Eyes wide, he tries to move when his flaming eyes meet Ferno's. “I have no time to put you in your place but,” he forces his weight upon ferno as he squirms, hands trying to push him away while he eyed Mr Liwei with a frown that filled anger and tense. “I’m warning you, ferno if,” he points his finger at him as ferno glares at him. “If you dare move your mouth, you will see how deep I can go.” Eyeing him in disgust, Ferno looks away slowly, trying to control his anger. Pushing Mr. Liwei harshly, he sits there with his chest heaving up and down. Looking around in anger, he tries to avoid the gaze of Mr. Liwei. Gaping at his lower body, Mr. Liwei breathed in deep before getting inside another car behind. Ferno rolled his eyes as his hand balled into a fist. Eyes boiling with anger, he tries to control himself when the car drives off from the mansion.  ____________________________________________________________________________ Sweating up, their feet seemed to move along with the beats that sounded addictive. Humming and breathing deep, their eyes concentrated on their reflecting figures upon the mirror in front of them. As the music came to an end, their bodies collapsed. Coughing for the air to get in their lungs, they groaned as their stomach was sucked in. “Dang, we are lit in chorus 1!” Nile took deep inhales as he sat up. A breathy open mouthed-smirk, he looked over at his reflection. But then, his eyes fell upon the figure behind himself. Turning his head around, he smirked as his mates noticed him standing up. “Yah, we still have a lot to practice!” Nile ignored his leader’s statement before picking up the water bottle from the table. “And you didn’t-” “I will be back!” he ran off from there while his leader sat up within his chest heaving up and down in exhaustion. “What the hell is wrong with him?” His friend said and his tone sounded so annoyed that it drew the attention of the mates.  Running out of the room, he looked around as he realized that she was no longer around the room. A sigh, he slowly glanced down when his eyes caught the acrylic indoor mirror that showed a glimpse of her white dress. Smiling to himself, he took a quick and quite enough possible run towards her. As he realized he was already near, he slowed his steps as her soft giggles reached his ears. “No, it’s not like that. I know right!” As she flipped the book, she spoke with other staff members before a soft smile left her lips. “Yep, I'll take that way.” hearing her speak, He felt the other staff girl turn around and she was startled when he looked over at her with his finger against his lips—indicating her to stay quiet. “Okay? Where you looking at-” she turned her head to look at what she was looking at and her smile faded away and a soft frown faintly was replaced by—It’s you—expression. He looked away as he sipped the water from his bottle. “Mhm, that’s such a uh..” He tilts his head as his mind seems absent at the moment. “Uh haha bird. Yeah, bird.” he tried to make sure he said it clearly as he tried to take another way when she turned to another staff girl. “Will you please take care of that side? I have something to take care of.” she spoke softly as the other staff girl gulped before she nodded and left them alone.  Standing there, they both were soon startled by the strong thunder that roared above. Chuckling, he cussed under his breath. “Fxck, that scared me.” he rubbed his palms as the bottle dropped on the floor. Her eyes glanced up as she sighed before stepping closer. His eyes glanced up when she looked directly into his eyes. The smile on his face soon faded away when his feet took a step back along with hers stepping forward. Her eyes blinked as she soon made his back feel the cold wall. Startled by the thunder and her hand falling over the wall beside his shoulder, he looked over at her hand and then her eyes. Frozen like dead ice, he felt her scent filling his nostril as she leaned closer. Tip toeing, she tilt her head, looking intensely into his–vigorously blinking—ones. Palms against the wall, his lips parted when the tip of her heels touched his shoes. “I..” her lips parted as she spoke. Clearing her throat before her lips were licked, she glanced down but then looked up at him again making him lean his head back. Sweat started to coat his body while he felt his own self kind of scared and also sexually tensed by her actions. “You..” She opened her mouth as he concentrated on those soft lips that started to make him feel so drowsy. Shaking his head, he blinked slow enough so his vision could get clear before her voice rang in his ears ever so slowly. “You should stop following me or I’m going to report this.” she softly said with the hand she kept against the wall trembled. Biting his lip, he exhaled deep as he calmed down his heartbeat as she worriedly removed her hand before keeping it behind her back. Eyeing him as he bends down while exhaling deep. “Oh, Wait a minute, that startled me.” she bit her lip as she raised her heels to speak with enough courage. “I-I will really do it.” he sighs in frustration as he tries to calm down. “I am not lyi-” “Can you shut up for a second? Even if you report it won’t work against me-” At the moment he felt his back being slammed against the wall. Eyes wide, he flinched when she slammed her hand upon the wall beside him. “What’s your problem, stop when i tell you to stop, stop already.” she rapped in her mother-tongue–[korean]–language. He gulps as he tries to defend himself. “Where? Who said I'm following you? I never had.” he spoke stubbornly, making her chuckle out of anger before looking back at him. “Where? Everywhere! You were everywhere! Stores, bus stops! Park! And even here! Everywhere, you are following me like some stalker!” he blinked with his mouth agape  as she continued. But then, she sighed heavily. As if she was done with whatever she wanted to speak before leaning closer. Feeling her closer, he frowned when her hand pushed something into his hand. Looking up at her, he watched her step back before glancing away, then at him. “Get some help. You are really confused.” she mumbled as she walked out of there while the sky had already darkened. Looking down at his hand, his eyes read the big visible letters. “Psychiatrist..?”  he looked up at the back of hers that seemed far away. A short glance down at the visiting card, he sighed deep. “Fxck this s**t”   
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