Sacred Love / 49 2/2 [4]

1518 Words
SACRED LOVE : 49 2/2 [4] Gulp Cia nodded as he paced back and forth while mumbling to himself. A small notepad and pen between his fingers, he almost looked like a professor and she could not help but look away whenever his eyes glanced towards her. Keeping hair strands behind her ear, she looked at him as he looked at the counter of the kitchen before scribbling upon the notes once again. Lip being bitten, he looked around as he checked over the cupboards. “Okay, 6/9 cups of flour and..” he mumbled, but then his eyes froze upon her who was staring at him. As she gulped before trailing off her stare, Zal mentally smiled but did not let it reach his lips, however. “Yeah! That would work” he suddenly spoke just so she could know he was not looking over at her as he turned his back. A little bit hint of a smile, he cleared his throat and he was back to concentrating upon the work. Biting her lip, her fingers started to pick the threads of the dress. Sighing, she closed her eyes for a minute or two.  Looking up at him once again, her eyes blinked vigorously and she flinched as his hands slowly landed upon the counter—trapping her between his arms. Nudging the glasses, he leaned closer as he stood with his hands on either side. A breathy smile, he eyed her face and her cheeks flushed red as she tried to avoid his eyes. “I-i-..i-” “Shh”, finger on his own lips, he gestured her to not talk and her lips still apart. As he removed his glasses, she was towered by him. A small glance at her lips and she already knew what was going to happen next. “Z-zal..” Breathy voice of hers was soon cut off when his hands gripped her waist.  “Cia, we have no other choice..” uh..? “hey, Are you listening to me-” he turned around and he was dumbfounded when she sat with her fingers rubbing her eyes. Turning away, he breathed out deep as his ears were bloodshot in an instant. “God, stop teasing me, will you?” he whispered under his breath before he heard her sneezing. As he turned around to talk, his eyes seemed to widen and his eyes gaped at the tomato cheeks of hers as she sat there, wide-eyed. Her hands pale due to her clutching her dress tight, her hair, which almost covered her face, made him gulp. God, why does this girl blush out of nowhere? But what was going on in the mind of Cia had her own self astonished as her eyes widened. I-i just t-took a nap! W-w-w-w… sigh she bit her lip as she felt herself wanting to hide in a hole the moment his voice rang in her eyes.  “A-Are you, um, okay?” He stood there as he spoke with hesitance before she froze still, not able to utter a word before he nervously scratched the back of his neck. “Ahem, do you need some water?” He mumbled again as he turned away within himself taking a deep breath in while pouring the water in a glass. “N-No” as she spoke, he kept the glass back on the table as he bit his lip. The urge to ask had pushed his inner nervous-and-dying to be sucked himself by a black hole it self and he cleared his throat before asking. “N-N-n-nightmare?” His inner nerv- …self screamed inside at a high pitch that sounded so embarrassed and broken for a second due to the way he stuttered. She was about to speak when a dry cough out of nowhere cut off her sentence. A groan and then, the dry coughs intensified and Zal had no time to even panic around. As he looked around to find a place to hide, Cia stood up from sitting on a chair and soon she unconsciously pushed him to sit down behind the counter, making him nervously whisper-yell at her, “What the f-f- hell you doing!?” she didn’t listen but panicked as she ran towards the table before acting ever so politely. Calming her shivering self down, she breathed out deep with a small pretending-smile forming on her lips. Picking up a random bowl, she poured some water, making it look as if she was cooking and that action by her made zal control his bursting out laugh.  As she looked down at the bowl with water full up to the maximum line, her face turned frowny in stress. She tried her best to stay calm when the footsteps echoed inside the kitchen halls. A small frown, both of them had to peek over at the spot where it was getting near. As his head slowly popped up, his eyes peeked all over the hall. A distressed frown, she dropped her hands in the bowl before trying to act as if she didn’t hear that. Without even glancing aside, her hand clutched tight in the air before landing on his soft hair. Blush crept into her face as she closed her eyes tight before pushing his head down and his hand took a support before sitting down on one knee. “Ah, that hurts-” his eyes froze nowhere as he gulped before his body felt warm shivers within the moment his fingers loosened its grip upon her leg. Be glad you didn’t grab her thigh. …pervert. He sighed as his inner self spoke in his mind before the hall went quiet.  Small chuckle, her eyes hesitantly glanced up where it came from and her heart beat seemed to stop when his eyes gazed into hers. “Y..Yang?” her breath seemed to stop when his breathy smile echoed in her ears. Lips apart, she watches him walk towards her. The closer he got, the more nervous she got. Her unconscious mind had her fingers kneading the water. His eyes fell over the counter as he hummed in anticipation of wanting to know what she was doing all this time. Hands dropping on the counter, he leans down as her hands nervously tremble within Zal freezing there. Yang? Why is he here?  He sat there with his eyes already dropped in tired distress and now having to hear his mimics, got the urge to hit his head against the door he leaned against intensified.  A small glance at her face, he cleared his throat as he spoke out aloud. “What are you…cooking?” he asked, confused, as she blinked, snapping out of her panic thoughts before giving a glance at what she had her hands, in, a nervous gulp took place in her throat. “M-m-mixing f-floor, h-haha” As she bit her lip while her nervous gestures made Yang gape at her. Within the seconds that passed, his stare didn’t budge and that made her gulp. Soon, a soft laugh escaped his lips which made her look down at her hands with hesitance. Hand against his mouth, he tried to control his laugh as he looked over at her blushy face. “Ah, Cia, what do I do with you?” he mumbled as he leaned closer, making her bite her lip before looking back at her hands from his face. His hand reached hers as she nervously looked down at Zal, whose eyes met hers. As he pulled her over to the other side of the counter, her shoulder quivered in the sudden skinship he made with his back against her front. Eyes glancing into hers, he realized what he had done before stepping back. Hands were held gently as Cia’s body started to sweat. Gulps took place as he caressed her wrist ever so gently. A breathy smile, he admired her pale hands. “Your hands are really soft.” Zal rolled his eyes as he felt his own mind flaming with the heat of anger and annoyance. Learning his throat, Yang led her hand to take the flour. “Young lady, the flour..” he eyed her face from aside as he couldn’t help but smile before a whisper against her ear made her flinch. “Come first.” she soon hesitantly nodded. “O-o-ok” as she poured the flour in a new bowl he had already placed in front, she gulped and the thoughts about how zal was behind that counter terrified her nervous self. Gulping, she started to pour the water from the pot when he stopped with voice gestures. “Wait wait” he took her another hand as she bit her lip. Feeling the pain intensifying, she couldn’t help but let out a whimper and the very-very-conscious Zal stood up for an instant. “Oh-, Are you okay?-” “Cia!” he stood up from behind the counter and Cia’s eyes met Zal’s while Zal’s had met Furious ones of Yang.  “What the hell are you doing here?” 
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