Chapter Six

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COLTON Caleb's driver dropped us off athe the venue of the ball. The place was already full and packed with so many people and I wondered how many people Caleb and Jane had invited to this place, because they were so many. Flashlights were going off from the cameras of the paparazzis and I rolled my eyes. He had even managed to get paparazzi to his wedding. So f*****g extra. "There is this thrill about this ball, being a masked one. You can't recognize anyone." He said, patting me on the shoulder. I hadn't even really noticed the people around, because, for some reason, I was distracted. "Yes. True. Now the the question is, how are you going to find Jane?" I asked. "Oh, that's easy. She sent me a picture already, while we were in the car." He said and we started to walk towards the entrance. I turned to him. "Cheat! The idea is for you to recognize your woman, whether she is covered in a mask or in a sack." Caleb just laughed and shrugged. "Oh, whatever." And we walked into the ball. For some reason, he wasn't wearing his mask, it seemed like I was among the people who understood the assignment, be cause I was wearing my mask. We were just at the entrance, about to go in when a group of reporters ambushed us. "Mr Tyrone it is said that you have pulled all your friends and acquin...." I quickly removed myself from where Caleb was. They had ignored me completely, not realizing who I was behind the mask so i left him there. Poor Caleb. I finally entered the room and was instantly impressed. The decor was top notch, and elegantly finished. The whole room sparkled, making me pat the back of whoever was in charge of the decor. Even then, I wasn't really interested in parties. All I wanted was to show up for Caleb and Jane. I tried my best to avoid crowded gathering like these because they brought memories I wanted to keep buried deep in my mind. Usually, at times like these, I usually greeted few acquaintances, before heading to the bar. But tonight, everyone was wearing different shades and shapes of masks making it easy for me to make my way to the bar. I was on my way there when a woman in a dark blue dress materialized out of nowhere, and placed a hand on my chest, stopping me. I frowned. "Hello there.." she drawled in a voice which I guessed she thought was sexy. "Uhhmm...hi.." I said, looking at her. She had a black lace mask on, and I could see her pretty blue eyes, but I wasn't interested. I was looking for a way to tell her that, when she continued introducing her hand to my body. "I'm Laura." She said, staring at me. "I'm C_Chris." Where had that name come from urgghh.. "You look really dashing in that suit of yours and I was wondering, if you could join me, for a drink." She winked at me suggestively. Just like that? They never understood, did they? I hated when women threw themselves at me so boldly, like they didn't even think themselves as anything. And to think she did this when my face was covered, how desperate was she? At this point I just held onto her hands, I hadn't even noticed when she had added the second one, and removed it from my body. I stepped away from her and let go of her hands. "If you would excuse me Madam, I have important matters to attend to." I said as politely as possible. She was clearly not used to not having her way, from the way her blue eyes widened, and her lip, which was painted a very ugly shade of pink, dropped open. Too bad, she did spoil her ensemble with that ugly shade of pink. "Colton!" I turned, just in time to keep myself from bumping into Jane. She wasn't wearing her mask. How did she even know it was me? "Don't worry, Caleb sent me a picture a few minutes ago." Answering my unspoken question. "Where is he anyway?" She asked, peering behind me. I pointed behind me. "Oh, he got held up by some paparazzi." I told her. "Oh dear! I need him in here, the party has already started, and we haven't even made out grand entrance." She said and stepped back to look at me. "Wow, you really understood the assignment. I think you are the best dressed male here. Don't tell Caleb I said that." We laughed at the last statement. She was looking really beautiful as well, with her black dress, covered completely in black glittering stones. I twirled her around and she giggled. "You look beautiful as well, Caleb is one lucky bastard." We laughed again before she cleared her throat. "There is someone I want you to meet. She's.." someone interrupted her, whispering something into her ear. "Oh, Colton, I have to go. Thanks for showing up. It means a lot to me." She waved at me as the lady whisked her away. I wasted not time picking my steps and walking over to the bar. It was looking empty..... That is...until I saw her. Holy... ANN I had arrived not too long ago, with Jane and for the twenty minutes we were together, people came to say hi, not even giving her any kind of breathing space. On one hand I felt bad for her, because she hadn't even seen Caleb or even started the party proper. On the other hand, my head was filled with so many 'i told you so(s)', because I had warned her not to take off her mask. But she had insisted that she and Caleb didn't need to wear it, since they were the bride and groom to be. It wasn't long before she was whisked away, leaving me there, all by myself. I was a party person, but I never stayed for more than three hours as I loved to retire to bed as early as I could. Jane knew, so she had given me the permission to go ho home when I felt like it. Which was really convenient for me. I went straight to the bar and took a seat in one of the high stools they usually had there. As I sat, a man to my right kept staring at me, but I ignored him, until he just tossed the remaining contents of his glass into his mouth and stood up, eying me. He was drunk, and I could see it, in his glassy eyes that peeked through his mask. I turned to the bartender and ordered a drink, ignoring him, so he walked away. The bartender gave me my glass of cocktail and I took it and took a sip at the same time I turned around in my stool. The drink was actually good. I was admiring the dresses of the women and men too. Mist people wore dark colors, mostly black and really dark blue. They looked beautiful, but almost the same. I was just looking at a woman wearing a grey dress, when I saw him. I saw him, and I forgot about everyone in the room, literally everything that constituted my surrounding. He wore a black velvety suit, I thought it was velvet because it glittered against the lights as he moved. He was wearing a white shirt inside and a red bow tie. His jet black hair was slicked back and styled to perfection. He looked like he walked straight out of a vampire movie. And what made him more mysterious to look at was the mask. And why did it seem he was staring straight at me, and not just staring, but also walking straight in my direction? Was I drunk? Before I could turn my stool around, he reached where I was sitting. "Can I join you?." Came the sexiest voice I have ever heard. It was low, but loud enough for me to hear in the somewhat noisy room. "Uhmm." I stammered, then cleared my throat and modded my head. "Sure. It's not like I own the stools." I laughed nervously at my own terrible statement which my mind interpreted as a joke. He sat and smiled at me, drawing my attention to his beautiful lips. How were they so full and plump like that? I turned away from him, trying to focus on the ball that suddenly didn't interesting to me anymore. "Hi, I'm Colton." He said from beside me, making me face him. His hands were outstretched for a handshake. I looked at his hands nervously, before taking it. "I'm Ann." Out hands met, sending tingles down my arm. His hands were really soft, but firm to grip. It felt like a caress instead of a handshake. He brushed his thumb accross the back of my hand and I looked up to see him staring at me. His eyes were a honey brown. "I_I_nice meeting you, Colton." I said, pulling away and missing his hand instantly. He smiled. "Nice meeting you, too." He gestured towards the crowd. "You came with someone?" I nodded. "Yes I did." His mouth made a little 'O'. "Where is he? I mean, he may not be a gentleman for leaving a beautiful woman like you, all here, by yourself." I just smiled nervously. He was still staring, making my stomach flutter. I didn't know if I was being shy or something else, but I began to blush under his gaze. "I came with my sister." I clarified and almost giggled at the way his eyes widened. "Oh. And where is she?" 'oh, she was whisked away, by her friends." I said. Jane hadn't returned. The lights changed from white, to different colours, bathing us in blue and pink lights. The colours of the light had a certain feel of intimacy about them as some couples around began to hug and move in the rythm of the slow song that played. Ed Sheeran's 'perfect' came on and what I didn't expect was for Colton to stand in front of me with his hands outstretched, again. "Would you like to dance?"
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