Chapter Five

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ANN I woke up to the sound of my alarm, which I wasted no time switching off. I had set the alarm so Jane would not skin mrle alive for waking up late. I got down from the really soft bed and stretched my body, taking satisfaction from the popping sounds that came from my body. "That felt really....good." I groaned and headed to the bathroom. I had thirty minutes to spare before Jane would start bursting my phone or door. It was a good sleep I had. At least, my head wasn't aching anymore. Now all I had to do was shower and dress up. The weather here wasn't cold at all, so I planned on wearing some shorts and some sleeveless top. The bathroom was so big, when I opened the door and I was awed, once again. The bathtub was big enough to fit three people. I sighed as I remembered what it would have felt like of Chris was here in the first place. I blinked, not wanting to think about that i***t. I purposely avoided the tub because I knew for sure, that I wouldn't want to leave, once I got into it. So I used the shower instead. I loved to bathe cold water, so I set the shower on cold, and took my bath quickly, I didn't want the water to touch my hair, so I dodged it as much as I could. Once I was done, I dried myself up and went to my suitcase and pulled out the outfit I wanted to wear. And then I pulled on a pair of sneakers. I didn't bring a lot of clothes with me, because I knew my sister. We would shop till we dropped, literally. And I would be the one who would suffer carrying a lot of bags, back to New York. I grabbed a purse from my case and threw my lip gloss and debit card into it, with my passport and other essentials into it. I still had just one minute to spare, before I rushed out of the door. I had gotten to the elevator when I remembered I hadn't locked my door, so I had to go back to my room to get my key card, and lock the door behind me. I was in front of the elevator again, when Jane called. I picked up immediately, a little bit out of breath. "Jane!" I said. "Oh hey, tandan." Urghh tandan. "I'm already in front of the elevator." I said to her. I knew she would come up in no time but there was no need. "Oh, you can come downstairs, yeah?" "Yes Jane. I will be there in five, there is no need to come get me, because I know that's what you want to do" she giggled a little. The door had not opened yet. I looked around me and we were five waiting for it. So I looked to my left and saw another elevator, so I went there instead. "No, there in no point in me coming up, when you can." The door opened. "Just wait for me close to the elevator, okay?" I heard her say 'yes' before I hung up and entered. It took about three minutes, before we got to the ground floor and I got out. My phone chimed, so I opened it to read the message that had come in, while walking out into the hotel hallway. I almost hit into someone, but I dodged, muttering an apology as passing. It turned out not to be anything important so I tucked my phone back into my bag. I looked up and saw jane in front of another elevator door. I laughed. She must have thought that was the one I was coming out from. I ran to her. "Hey." She turned. "You are five minutes late." She looked behind me. "Caleb and his best friend were standing there a few minutes ago. I wanted to introduce you to his friend, he's really a spec, and more. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not interested. Can we go now?" I asked, changing the topic. Jane just stared at me for a moment then walked away, with my hand in hers. "The driver is already waiting for us outside." She said, as we walked outside the hotel. Sure enough, a black car was waiting for us when we got outside. Jane wasted no time before pulling open the door and jumping in. The driver seemed to be familiar with my sister, because as soon as we entered he turned in his seat and gave Jane a wide grin. "Hello ma'am." He said and turned to me and waved a little. "Hello." The smile he gave me was not up to that of Jane. "Peter, this is my younger sister, Ann." She said to him. "Ann, this is Peter, our temporary driver, here on the island." I nodded and waved at him. He beamed at me, then and turned back to face forward and switch on the car. "Where to, ma'am." He asked. "Please take us to Belively." She said, ad she pulled out her phone. He nodded and pulled into the road. "Belively?" I asked her. "Who came up with such a name for a boutique? And in 2022. It sounds like something from the medieval times." The question made Peter to laugh and Jane to raise her hand up in the air. "I asked the same question to Peter." Belively may have had the worst name for a boutique ever, but it was elegant. It seemed the owner had exhausted his time on its elegance, he had been so tired when it came to the naming. "We are going straight to the section for elegant party dresses and shoes and masks too." She bounced on the ground. "I can't wait, I'm so f*****g excited." "Yeah, can't wait too." I could already see some beautiful dresses down. I loved shopping too. But Jane was heading down the path of being a shopaholic. The attendant came to us. "Hello and welcome to Belively. What can we do for you?" She looked at Jane with a smile and turned to me, then scanned my dressing, then gave me a forced smile. Huh? Whatever. She looked like she would have sent me on my way, of Jane hadn't been there with me. "We would like to buy evening dresses." I said. And she gestured for us to follow her. We followed her as she let us to a particular area of the boutique filled with evening gowns and Jane immediately got lost in them. It took us two hours of trying on almost half of the dresses to buy the one we want. We ended up buying six dresses each. The shoes and the masks didn't take us much time to choose so we went to pay for our dresses. The attendant from earlier was the one there so we walked up to her. Jane was about to pay when I held her arm, stoping her. "I'll pay." I said. The lady, Laura, as written on her shirt frowned. Hmm.. I dipped my hand into my bag to fish for my card. "Here." I brought out my platinum debit card and slid it over the counter to her. She didn't mask the shock on her face quickly enough and cleared her throat, taking the card and processing the payment. Jane watched us quietly from beside me. "What was that all about?" She asked me as we walked out of the boutique. Peter was already outside so we just got into the car, our next destination being the salon. "Didn't you see the way she was looking at me the whole time? Like I would up and run away with items from the store or something. I am sure she would have kicked me out if I hadn't been standing with you." I was pissed at her, but she wasn't going to spoil my day or evening. "I didn't even notice. But now that I think about it, she did seem to be around us a lot. I was thinking it was a kind of policy or something." Yeah right. "Well, at least she saved me some thousands of dollars, because those dresses were really expensive, even for me." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I just stuck my tongue out at her in return. I ran my had through my hair. My hair was dyed to w lighter shade of brown than my natural hair colour. And I fully intended to take it back to it's rich dark brown hair. It was my sister's wedding and I wanted to be in my natural hair colour for the family picture. Besides, our parents were coming in five days, which was a day to the wedding. And I knew my mum will be on my neck a about it. Jane was a natural red hair and loved it to pieces. I on the other hand loved my hair colour, but I liked to try new things every now and then. I sighed as we got to the salon. I knew it will be hours before we would be done and finally get ready for the party or ball or whatever it was. I was a little bit excited tho. COLTON I was standing accross the street when I saw Jane come out of the car with another lady in tow. She was way taller than Jane, so I guessed she was her sister. The woman had chestnut brown hair like the woman back in new York, and the one that had almost ran into me earlier today. But I just laughed inside me. There was no way it was the same person. Even if it were the same girl as the one in the hotel, it couldn't be the same one from New York. But they did have similarities.... couldn't be. It was definitely the girl from the hotel, from the colour of shirt she was wearing, which I had noticed earlier. But definitely not my fine girl from New York City. I laughed as I quoted a line from Fireboy's 'New York City'. "Why are you laughing on your own?" Caleb came to stand in front of me with a frown, obstructing my view from Jane and her...sister? And also succeeding in pulling me out of my thoughts.
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