Chapter Seven

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COLTON I hated the fact that I couldn't see her face fully, but even with the mask on, she was beautiful. When I had seen her from accross the room, it was like an invisible string was pulling me towards her and I didn't even fight it. She was dressed in a blood red sparkling dress that encased her body perfectly. It was similar to the one Jane had been wearing earlier as it was also covered in stones. Her matching mask she was wearing made her eyes stand out. Her eyes were a very interesting shade of brown....or was that.. hazel? All I knew was I could get lost in them. She sipped her drink, drawing my attention to her lips. Her tongue darted out as she licked her lip to rid it of any excesses. Something stirred in me. Damn. Her lips were painted in a sinful shade of red and all I could think of was how they would taste. She had faced away from me now, trying to ignore me but I could see her flush and her eyes darting srounyevery now and then. She was aware of me, as I was of her. There were men whose eyes fell on her every now and then, some more blatantly than the others and I felt a little tiny bit of jealousy. I had no business feeling so, but.... The lights changed, and I guessed it was the time for couples to slow dance. Caleb and Jane were nowhere to be found and I wondered what was keeping them. I turned to Ann and the blue and pink lights had cast a beautiful glow on her and I instantly forgot about what I had been thinking about. Ed Sheeran's 'perfect' came on and I decided to take my chance. It was now or never. I stood up and walked in front of her, extending my hand. "Would you like to dance?" She looked up at me with those eyes and I swallowed as my throat became too tight. My oh my! those eyes of hers could literally lead a man to sin. "Y_yes, I_I would love to." She turned and placed her glass of unfinished cocktail on the counter and took my hand, sending electricity down my spine. I had never felt such with any woman before, yet I was feeling so, with a woman I had just met. Her hand was a little bit chilled from the drink she had been holding for so long, but I didn't care. And why would I even care, when they were so soft and I wished I wouldn't ever let go. Only the touch from her hand was making me feel things I had never felt before. I led her to the dancefloor, not to the very center, but close enough, people parted as we walked making pride surge in me. Of course, they had to make way, because I had the most beautiful woman in this room, by my side. "You look beautiful." I couldn't help but say, as we started to move slowly to the rythm of the song. She smiled, revealing a beautiful set of teeth. They were not white, like the Hollywood paper white teeth, but they were white. Was there no end to her beauty? "Thank you! But, you haven't even seen my face fully." She said. Didn't she know the phrase that says 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder'? "I don't need to see your whole face to know." I paused to pull back, and twirl her around, before pulling her back to me. Her closeness and scent, made my nose flare in appreciation. "Oh dear, you do know how to move on the dancefloor." Her lips raised slightly in amusement, bringing my attention back to their plumpness. I chuckled. "When you find yourself in so many parties, some necessary, others, not so much, you do not have a choice but to learn." I was always at one party or the other on most of my weekends, mostly to please clients. Some were parties of acquaintances. "Tell me about it." She said with a hint of annoyance in tone. She sounded like she could relate to what I was saying. I c****d my head to the side. "You sound like you don't really enjoy going to parties." Being close to her was doing a lot of things to me and I was trying hard to distract myself a little. And the fact that we were in the middle of a whole sea of people, was enough reminder for me to compose myself. "I do, but not all the time. Sometimes, it becomes a nuisance." The song was ending so I pulled away from her again, so I could twirl her around and this time, lean her backwards, towards the ground. The move brought my lips very close to her neck and for a split second, I contemplated brushing my lip against her neck, partly to see her reaction, but mostly to feel the softness of her skin against my lips. And I did. I placed a soft kiss right there on her pulse, making her gasp from shock. Then I lifted her and pulled her to me, expertly going for the final move, before the dance ended. She stared at me for a moment, and I could see her throat move, as she swallowed hard. "I think I need some air." Were the words that left her lips before she was turning around and literally running away from me. Wait what! I turned around to see if anyone had noticed us and caught just a handful of people staring. I thanked the heavens for the theme of the party, which made us wear masks to the ball, just before going after her. I didn't want to think about what would have happened if the people in here knew who I was. There were short stairs that led to some doors, which in turn led outside the hall. I knew this place very well to know where it led to. I was at the door when I heard Jane's voice on the microphone. It took me exactly two seconds to decide whether I was going to stay or go after her. And I chose the latter. Man of principles my foot. I saw the red dress flash by my right and ran after her. Where was she going to. This was the side of the building, covered in different plants and flowers. Like some kind of orchid or something. It smelled of citrus here. I saw her standing close to a bed of roses that matches her dress. Her back was to me and her hands were wrapped around her. I didn't want to scare her, so I cleared my throat to make my presence known. She turned and looked at me, then turned back to stare at whatever it was she was staring at. "You shouldn't have followed me." Now that there wasn't any sort of music to tamper with the sound of her voice, I could hear it clearly now. Soft, and sweet. "I want to apologize for earlier." I wasn't actually sorry I kissed her, if I were being truthful to myself. All I was sorry for, was making her feel so uncomfortable, that she ran away. "It's fine," she said, still not facing me. "You didn't really do anything wrong." "Then why did you run away?" I was now standing directly behind her. Very close, if I leaned forward a little, I could touch her. But after the episode from the dancefloor, u didn't want to make her uncomfortable again. "I didn't run away, I told you I needed some air." She said, not still turning around. She reached around and pulled her hair to one side of her face, exposing her delicious neck to me. I swallowed, hard. Did she know what she was doing? Good gracious! "Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" I asked. There was a soft glow of light on us, from the other side of the building. And it was bright enough for me to see her. The dress was backless. I had felt it when we danced and noticed it only when I had twirled her around. Then I had been struggling not to think about how soft her skin was under my fingers as they had fleetingly brushed the exposed part of her dress. Now though, all I wanted was to run my hands over her skin to feel it and also see her reaction, to know if she felt the same way I was feeling. "No, you don't." She was tense. I could feel it. Even the stiffness of her shoulders said it all. "So you don't mind if I do this?" What was wrong with me? Because I surely wasn't thinking straight, because the part of me that wanted to respect boundaries flew away. I brushed the tip of my index and middle fingers from her neck to her shoulders. She stilled instantly. I heard her gasp. She didn't answer me, so I traced my fingers back to where they started from. "You don't mind what I'm doing, do you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. She shook her head. "No." Liar. I could literally feel the goosebumps on her skin. Even I could feel my pants start to tighten as my c**k began to stir. "I see.." I smirked. What had possessed me, I didn't know, but I was filled with so much desire for her, that I just went with the flow. I knew going with the flow may not end well, but I just couldn't stop. "Then I guess you don't mind if I do this." I said, before pressed my lips against her neck, bitting her lightly, before pressing down and licking the area I had bitten. Damn, this was so hot. I did all these, without touching her, with my hands. I felt her shiver uncontrollably as I continued to suck on her neck. She let out a moan, but didn't say anything. I couldn't take it any longer. I wanted to taste her, but she was trying hard to resist me. With reluctance, I pulled away, placing a kiss on the area, which was now a little bit red. What I didn't expect was for her to turn around slowly and move forward so we were now pressed against each other. Then both her hands slipped over my chest and shoulders, to the back of my neck. Automatically, my hands went to her hip settling in it's softness and looked into her eyes. Eyes that now mirrored the way I felt. "Kiss me." She said. And I wasted not time fulfilling her wish, and mine, as my forehead met hers, allowing her enough time to back off, before my lips came down on hers. The first thought that entered my head as our lips met was how soft and moist they were. They felt like liquid over mine. Her sensuous mouth slid slowly over mine in the sweetest and most gentle kiss ever. She ran her tongue over my lips and bit my lower lip, urging me to open up for her. Which I did. I was usually the one with the control over such things, but with her, I didn't have a care in the world. I loved it. Just as I loved the taste of her as our tongues met. My hands lift her hips, slowly sliding up to her waist and onto the bare skin of her back, exposed by her backless dress. She wasn't expecting it as she stiffened in my arms and pressed into me the more, letting out a small moan into my mouth. I pulled away, so we could both get some air. She was intoxicating. Her smell, a caress to my senses. "What are you doing to me, Ann?" I asked and she opened her eyes, looking into mine. Her gaze was so piercing, I felt like she could see into me and read me enough to know that she was causing a whole storm, inside of me. She reached up and placed a light kiss on my lips. "I feel the same way too."
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