Chapter 8

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Sam (Pov)  For so long I have been best friends with Jenny and I think I have always loved her in a way ,but the first time I realized it was at her first beauty pageant were she won , it was one of her happiest days and while she hugged me I knew I wanted her and only her even though she always saw me as a brother rather then a boyfriend. I was always there for her and one or two days it almost seemed as if there were a chance to be more then just best friends and besides my gran always told us that great love start with friendship so for a long time I kept in the dark about my feelings and when I finally kissed her she simply shuffled me away and slapped me so hard my brain wanted to burst. I have to talk to her I know but I will only tell her I love her always have and most propobily always will , she is in New York modeling to get money for the ranch and if only I could have helped her everything could have been different . I know she still cares because her dad tells me everyday that when she calls she ask about me, this makes is hard but it gives me hope, hope that she will realize she loves me back. For now I will help her dad on the ranch like always and when she comes home I will tell her just how much I love her. Jenny will be mine , she always has been without even knowing and the mayors damn son better keep his ritch hands of her or I will have to do it for him, no one gets to mess with Jenny not now , not ever.   The next day the whole team were on their way to L.A and before the new stunning Royal Hotel can have its grand opening the advertising must begin and so far all is going as planned. The limo Stopes infront of the big Hotel and we are showing to our rooms, you can say the team will be the very first guests to stay here and experience the hospitality of it. luckily Kevin was not with the team Maranda told us that he will be coming after us so that alone was my saving grace , Justin on the other hand could not keep his sparkly eyes off the male model and I must say he is very sexy and good looking but not the Kevin good looking so yes all I want to do is just try and do my job then go home and do my real work to get that ranch up and running again and to pay off all our debt witch with this money I can.  As I open my room door my breath is taken away , this place is beyond stunning from the front door right through to this room , there are water features everywhere and I can see now why this is called Royal.  Soon after settling in someone knock's at my door and as I open it is Justin and he is smiling from ear to ear. "So how is your suit , mine is glorious and this is going to be the best week ever!!!!", he says and I just shake my head smiling. "Mine is also very nice as you can see thank you I love it, so when do we start ?" I ask him and he stands back up taking my hands in his saying " First thing tomorrow , and one more thing before you get dressed for dinner, Kevin just arrived and just to give you a heads up he kind of brought a girl with so just be yourself tonight , show him you are fine and even if this pains me , you have to flirt with the male model Kane ok so that Mr. sexy pants can see you do not care ok love?" he says making me want to vomit so I just shake my head yes  and say back, " Yes ok fine I think I will most defiantly do it yes !". " And Jenny in the bathroom is a present, wear it tonight , Mr. sexy pants won't know what hit him, haha", kind of the revenge dress " he says and while he leaves I run to the bathroom to find a pretty looking black box and as I open it ,it revels a very sexy low cut  little black dress and as I take it out there is a note  :   My BFF this is for tonight , get your sexy on tonight you will blow him away. Love your new BFF J. I take the dress and lay it on the bed while looking at it and it is stunning ,so Kevin eat your heart out I think while taking of my clothes to get dressed. Kevin (Pov)  The whole trip to L.A my head was elsewhere not with my company that I decided should go along with me and yes I am a player but this girl knows after this week we are done she is only my guest and yes I might have paid her but I know even if I did not she would have done it anyway. My heart is playing tricks on my brain and for some bazar reason I can not get Jenny out of my head and now to be around her for a week , it's to much and I intend to show her she means nothing and also not that passionate night we shared because well I am an i***t and I know it , she is to sweet for me and I don't want to break her heart she is different and bloody hell she is so sexy like Helen of Troy  herself  and I need to forget her and what better then having a distraction with me not that she is a match to Jenny but still hot in a way. As we stop infront of my Hotel I am proud to see it , it is one of my best and it will most defiantly be a hit among all and now as I step out of the limo my P.A lets me know the model team is here and my  heart goes into overdrive , what will I say when I see her again because the last time I was also cold and mocking  so I walk to the penthouse's and as we do my P.A reminds us about dinner and then I knew tonight better go by fast.  Getting on my suit me and my date go to the dining hall and restaurant  part of the hotel were we will have the first dinner in this new Hotel and I am very exited but nervous, I have had many meetings and non was this hard to do. As we near the waiter greets us handing us some shampaigne and after the first taste Maranda and her husband and P.A along with mine and the crew comes walking in also getting a drink but now I wonder were is she, the one woman I really wane see and then suddenly Justin's eyes goes behind me and as I turn I see a fission in this most sexy dress ever made and with her perfect light brown hair in curls running over her perfect shoulders my heart stopped and it almost made me shoke , she was breathtaking and I was stunned and as my mouth hanged open she greeted everyone but me making me hate myself in that moment and she just simply ignored me and walked to Justin and while she does I see the f*****g male model ogle her from head to toe and it makes my blood boil but before I can react Maranda calls us over to sit down and yes they placed me infront of her and next to her is that i***t model and I can just see he is into her, I mean what man would not be she is one of a kind , she smiles and talk and I am just hanging on her every word she is not just beautiful she is smart to and I like it . "Before we start our lovely meal I would like to welcome you all to my new Royal Hotel L.A , it is not yet open but seeing we are advertising it we might as well feel it out and I believe this week will be just that Great, so enjoy and lets bring this to life . Salute" I say and she at last smile at me as we toast, for the rest of the night I keep looking at her , the way she talk and holds herself , she doesn't even begin to imagine that she is so much more then n normal country girl and model , she is truly a breath of fresh air that I can not seem to get enough of so I start to talk more with my date and whisper sweet nothings in her ear and while I do I look at Jenny and suddenly her smile turns away and I can se she seems to be a bit jealous and I love it so I go on doing it .  "Thank you Kevin and I must say this Hotel is one in a million, so with our help it will be one everyone would want to visit ,thank you for having us and thank you all it was indeed fun but tomorrow is a big day and we need our rest so enjoy and see you all tomorrow, o and Jenny that dress it's stunning darling." Soon after Maranda and her husband left and the rest was still having some drinks and the longer the dinner went on the more Jenny and that i***t were talking , laughing and enjoying each others company . " So you ready for tomorrow ?" Justin asks the male mode whos name I have forgotten ." Yes I'm always ready and with a girl like this next to me with the shooting how can I not be, I mean look at her " he says and smiles at her and that is when I lean towards my date and kiss her on the neck making her giggle and I can see Jenny is irritated . "Great stuff thanx for dinner Mr. Macrow but I think it's time for bed", Jenny says getting up and storming out leaving everyone stunned . I want to run after her but then everyone will know about us so I need to think of something . " Please excuse me guys I need to make a quick call I forgot about ", I say and make my way out to hurry to her and as I do I find her standing by the fountain in the lobby and she looks mad .  Jenny(Pov)  As I walk to the dining hall I see everyone waiting and drinking champagne and there he stands the man that haunt my dreams and just like Justin said he has a date and she is a very pretty lady indeed so I just keep my cool as I walk to them but he then turns around and for a split second we have eye contact making me almost fall in these damn heels but as soon as he looks he then looks away again and I stand by Justin before we go to the table and luckily for me the model male start to talk to me and when we go to sit he sits next to me and heaven help me Kevin sits infront of me and I can see this thing between us is bothering him to but why not just talk to me so he does talk but to her and then I decide to do the same and so far the night went on ok and I can see what Justin meant when he said Kevin is a playboy and loves woman but that is just it for me , my momma raised me better and I deserve better then him so I decide to talk more to the man next to me with whom I'll be working with and I see Kevin looks mad and then he just goes and does the same that is when I loose it , he is such a womanizer ,So I get up saying I am going to bed but really I am just so mad at my so called boss and I kind of storm out . Walking out I stand by the water fountain to get my head back on straight and while I do I can feel eyes on me so I turn and there he stands ones more looking me in the eye. "Are you ok Jenny, you just got up and left?", he says very sincere making me more mad, who does this man think he is?. "I'm Fine Mr. Macrow, just a bit tired that's all ", and as I walk away he follows me and it seems he is afraid of me and its a good thing Couse I am not one to mess with . "Wait demit we need to talk and please you don't need to call me Mr. Macrow, just call me Kevin". " O please no you want to talk, now after all that in there, no there is nothing to talk about and I am not in the mood ok!". "Why are you so stubborn Jenny it's not like I promised to marry you and it was just one night , so please correct me what did I do ?"." What did you do, you used me demit and you just walked out not even saying goodbye and to top it of I found out you are my boss and what do you do you just let it look like we do not know each other and it makes me made because were I come from , even though it was one night we still have manners you know"> I say and as I do he walks closer to me standing behind the fountain. "I know and I am sorry about it , and when I saw you the other day I did not want to get you into trouble even though you are working for me and it wasn't just a night to me Jenny it was one of the best nights of my live", he admits and my heart stops. " Great thanks happy to have helped you out and seeing you liked it so did I but be sure it won't happen again, goodnight Kevin". I say and make my way to my room but this man is persistent and he follows me again this time he takes my arm swinging me around to face him and man he smells so good I can feel my legs wobble again. "I never meant to hurt your feelings and what I meant to say was, you are , you were not just a one night stand , you were so much more Jenny and that whole night being with you I felt normal". " Well Kevin looking at you tonight you seemed to be over all that so if you do not mind I would like my arm back and your date is waiting , goodnight Kev". I say walking away feeling like a complete foolish girl but its the right thing to do , he's a player and he played me just right.      
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