Chapter 9

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Kevin (Pov)  After last night I went to my room and took a shower before going to bed just to relax a bit and try get my mind of Jenny, she thinks she is so mighty and doesn't care but I know she cares more then she want's to admit but she doesn't want to talk to me so I will just leave it for now until she gets over being mad at me. Man it's hard to be me and to think so little of myself and besides that she said I had no manners, like she even notice and come to think about it she didn't greet me only the rest so who is the one wit out manner anyway?. Drifting to sleep did not come and just as I was about to pour myself a drink my phone started to vibrate and yes its Pieter, I'm going to kill him he was supposed to be at dinner but ones again a no show , so much for my right hand man. "You are a bit late buddy everyone is already sleeping you know', I say and feel a bit mad. " Ya ok fine I just got to my room chill man at least I am here now, so is the model hot at least or is Maranda giving you a bad headache ?" Pieter says and I just feel like I want to hit something and Pieter is the only guy that will know how to help being my best friend. "The model is fine and well Maranda is strange enough not to bossy even though we are the clients , I'm just tired that's all and lets just say my date is to much ". "No man you sound like your grandma died  or like the kid next door took your toy, o no dude you like the model don't you , man do not tell me you already slept with her because that will just complicate things", he asks me worried and I think he is on to me ."Fine Pieter you have me , yes I slept with her ok happy now?". " O no please tell me you din't ?, so now she's like a stalker !". Man he can really go overboard with stuff. " No Pieter relax she is not a stalker she is actually a great girl and I like her but I messed it up so now I just need to suck it up , but enough about me I'm glad you came man" I say and he sighs, " Ya man me to looks like I need to help you out of trouble ones again, but hey it's fine leave it to me tomorrow we can think of a game plan an besides she is not the only filch that wants to swim with you dud so just forget her it's that easy". " Thanx for the call ,see you at breakfast", I say and he also says goodnight .  Jenny (Pov)   That was not how I planned my night but I should have known he will just be all hunky with me and not take the blame, typical man for you ,always on the defend side. I really need to talk to Sam also , it has been to long I need his pep talks and I need to know how it went while I am away from the ranch, the horses and dad so I make my mind up to try one more time to call Sam hoping he will pick up this time. the phone rings and just when I want to end the call he pick up and says, "Jenny ". " Sam are you there? <o my you don't know how glad I am to hear your voice buddy, how are you ?" I ask holding up my breath ." Good thanx and you?". " Not to bad I just miss you'll so much and how is the new horse, did you help him get back to riding yet? and dad is he ok without me ?" .  "Ya well we miss you to sunshine , it's hell without you , your dad misses you also but at least we talk and he keeps busy and yes that horse is almost as stubborn as you just with more hair and dust. soo are you coming back soon or are you still enjoying city life? ". " It's fun and yes it is nice but I miss the fresh air and well your ugly face ". " Shame on you Jenny , and hear I thought you loved us, I bet the do not sell good steak like we make it so only with that I know you will be back soon". Sam is my best buddy back home and if there is one thing about Sam it's his cooking ability and man he can make a mean steak ."Sammy believe me yours is still the best man". I say and suddenly he is quiet again. " So how are you boss and the rest of them, you meet anyone nice yet?". he asks and I knew he wanted to know if I met a guy so all I want to do now is tell him just bits not all the detail . " Ya they are all cool but there is one Guy he is like my NY Bff already, nothing like you Afcorse but very nice and lets just say he dresses better then most woman and he likes to take me dress shopping , I just simply adore him Sam and I think you all would like him he is so much like you just a bit more glittery and he really helps me allot, and well my boss is ok just a boss haha", I say and he just laughs and it makes me smile to. " That's cool ,Jenny I am happy for you , you know that right and about that thing ,don't worry to much about it ok". he says and is worry's me we always talk about stuff but he doesn't wane talk about that and I do. "Sam we must , you kind of kissed me and then we both walked away mad and confused so can I just ask why you did it?". " Jenny it's because , well I love you and I always will and I know you do not feel it now and I will let it be ok just forget it ok I need to go my mom is calling so talk tomorrow ok , love ya buy". he says and hangs up and now I am even more confused but at least Sam is not mad and neither am I so that must be a good thing right. Love can be complicated and if you nature it it can crow into so much more .Jenny did not know it yet but like her mom always said , she must never settle for second best and yet her heart is calling to the one man she thinks is doing just that to her but he is truly not e likes he but while the two of them ponder over who is right and who not the Mayor's son is more then happy to wait for his chance with the girl of his dreams and as soon as she comes home he plans to make good of his word to make her his and to have his trophy bride but he still has no idea who her heart already belong to. Pieter is rooting for Kev but soon the will discover that Jenny is connected to the horse ranch that The Royal Hotel group want's to buy out and Jenny also doesn't know who the buyer of her farm is and will this stop their romance or will the male model or Sam perhaps or will this playboy billionaire come the realize he is hooked on his country girl ?...
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