Chapter 7

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Being Jenny was easy when she was still in school long ago, she was the smart kid and everyone liked her and that is when her and Sam became best friend until he kissed her, and changed it all .Jenny was not the everyday girl even though she did fit the persona of a typical Girl next door type but she was fun to be around and she was one of the most beautiful girls in town and that made her out to be a popular girl but a target for wolfs as they call them , men that only hunt for plesuere, they say and to have a trophy wife at their side, but today Jenny is so much more , she is a model standing in a sexy red bikini showing of her perfect body and the looks all men adored and all woman wanted and even seeing Kevin made her not regret last night but made her think about why she came here, she came to do this for the ranch and she will be dammed if she will let this man stand in her way so she walk out looking like the goddess she is swaying her hips and keeping her cool making them all look at her in wonder . She is picture perfect. Jenny (Pov)  My hands are sweating and my mouth is suddenly so dry and the only thing I can hear is Justin saying that I must smile and just imagine that it's only the photographer and no one ells, to just let go and to remember to strut my stuff, he is quite the character and I am so lucky to have found him , at first I thought he was going to drive me insane but I was wrong he is fun , so I take his advice and try to only think of myself and my goal ,so I strut my stuff like Justin puts it and walks over to the two photographers and as I walk I think that maybe just maybe I can show that ass what he dared to leave behind last night and I'll be dammed if I will ever fall for his trick again, so as I walk I give him a sexy look and then  also to Maranda , and I can see the hunger in his eyes but it's to late now sucker haha I smile and the man says it is time to begin the shoot.  Doing modeling is a small part of who I am seeing I have done it in the past but not on this scale and not as fancy as this was so I do as they tell me and man each pose is more sexy then the next and as the shoot goes on Maranda intervene now and again to give advise but she just sits quietly, watching me and then just before we end our day he stands up kissing Maranda on the cheek and out he walks as if I was not even there, not important enough to say goodbye to and the last photo is done so I was given a rope by Justin saying I was great and that is when Maranda comes walking to us hugging me saying , "wonderful dear, you are the next cover girl watch out world we have the next top model, you were exceptional and get your bags packed ,tomorrow we show you the new Hotel and then the real shoot starts, so goodnight and Justin buy her some  dinner she deserves it and she looks a bit pale". She says and Justin just look at me smiling taking my arm in his walking inside to get dressed and go to eat dinner. "So how did I do ?' I ask and Justin smiles shaking his head. "You my darling are made for this job, Maranda and mister sexy pants clearly liked you so it is a done deal", and by the looks of it he was drooling love, so I would say great work". "If you say so , now get out so I can get dressed I am hungry as hell", I say and he frowns and says back, "so does this mean I get to see you in your element eating steak of are you more the salad kind?" " O no I'm the steak kind J". and as he close the door he laughs saying, "I had no doubt Jenny ". he  is so annoying but in a friend kind of way so I get dressed and we head out to dinner.  The city is so pretty at night as it is in the day but I can not seem to forget about home and dad and Sam, even now I haven't heard a word from him only dad and it saddens me because Sam is my true best friend but now after that kiss it will never be the same so I send dad a text saying how my first day went and he texted back telling me the guy from that company was there but dad again said no and dad also told me that I must enjoy every moment and so I end my message ,and as I do Justin looks at me smiling. "So who is the lucky man you are texting?" is it maybe him ?". "No Justin it's my dad he is just telling me about the farm and I just told him about today that's all" I say but he shakes his head and I know to whom he is implying . " No dummy aside from your dad texting I can see you and mister sexy knew each other and you said you will share the details so now seeing we are driving and I am not a person that likes to wait I insist to know all the details". "Fine mister dummy, ye I kind of know him, we kind of had a thing ". "What , no Jenny do tell please leave no detail out . Did you two , you know have s*x?", he askes me and I can feel my face turning instant red . " yes and as soon as I fell asleep he ran for the hills, happy now?" I say feeling mad all over at that sexy ass of a man. " O hunny I am so sorry ,I could have told you that but look at the bright side he did not fire you today and well he seemed ok with you as the model, o my Jenny did he know you are the model?". "Thanks  J and no he had no clue, nor did I so yes is seems fine as long as he keeps away from me, and what do you mean you would have told me?". Whell hunny he is what we call a playboy, he loves woman and when they look like you , let's just say he can't help himself, but forget him believe me this city has plenty more handsome lads and we my dear will make work of it to find us some hunk meat to enjoy ok". he says and I just love this guy already he is so different from Sam and just what I need now in my live right now.  "Ok lets get you eating princess, before you faint or before I get fired". Justin says while getting my side of the door . We walk in and the restaurant is quit full but once again we get a seat in the back and yes it is the same place I ate last time and the last time 'He' came walking in and one thing led to a night of bliss witch will never happen again,  so we sit down and I can see Justin is waiting for more juicy details. The waiter comes and Justin asked him for two cosmos and as he leaves to get our drinks Justin leans forward looking like the gossip girl waiting for the intel. "I assume you want to know more , well seeing you have been the only friend I have at this moment I might as well tell you but how do I know I can trust you J? I need this job". I say and I see him look at me and says, "I now I kind of  looked into you lie a bit Jenny and believe me your story is a lot like mine so no besides from wanting juisy detail as a friend I don't need allot from you and your friendship means allot to , you and me are almost the same Jenny so I just thought a girl from a small town could use a boy that also comes from a small town, but I am sorry if I stepped on your tows, o and look hear's our drinks" he says taking a big sip and that's when I knew we are going to be friends for ever so I take my drink and sheers wit Justin, " To friends and to juicy details". I say making him laugh as do I. "Thanx for believing in me and yes I am very nosy buy the way but it comes with being bff's", Justin says and the more I laugh with him the more I see why I already love him as a friend he is so my type of person. "So ok we first met at the hotel bar and then the day Maranda called me to tell me the job was mine we actually met here and we had dinner and afterword's he walked me home, brought me ice cream and then me being a little intoxicated I asked him to make love to me and …" I say but Justin interrupts me , " o my word Jenny you made love to New York's most eligible bachelor and playboy , that is so cool !lovey! ". he says but I smile thinking it was so much more to me. "Ya I guess you can say it like that it's just it felt like more J , it felt like we had this chemistry and it was magical and then the next morning I woke up and he was gone ,like that night never happened and I know it sounds stalker like but i is nothing like that, but ya and the I find out he is my boss and then he makes me feel like a fool , he did not even try and talk to me after and tomorrow we need to go to L.A and I just want to tell him to go to bloody hell but now I can't because I have no clue were he is and the sad part if I mess this up my father looses the horse ranch and that is not going to happen", I say and Justin takes my hand and smile while saying to me, "You will not loose this job Jenny and just so you know you are perfect and if he can't see it he is the ass not you and if I was into woman then believe me he would not have stood a chance with you so screw him love and lets have one more toast ,ok?" . "To friendship and to better lovers and to that farm of yours" he says and we toast and as we sit there I thank God for Justin , he is really a good person. "Thanx for dinner and bringing me home Bff, so I will see you first thin ok?", I say and he says goodnight too.  Stronger is what I will be and as I lay in bed my thoughts are everywhere at ones but before sleep catches me my phone rings and I see the caller is Justin so I pick up saying "Hi Bff what's wrong?". "Hay are you done packing yet?", he asks and suddenly he speaks again. "Jenny I just got a call from Maranda and she said we have a guest coming with us tomorrow, and love it is Him , it is Kevin ,he is coming too". Suddenly my heart start to race and all I want to do is scream out loud but I can't. "What, why?". "Don't have a clue she just said he insisted so she had to say yes ,this is his business, I'm sorry Jenny I guess you just have to keep your cool until this is over for your sake and your dad, so go to sleep and do not panic I am with you and will help were I can ok so goodnight". "Night thanx for the heads up J" I say and he sends a thumps up and now  I'm so dead... 
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