Chapter 19

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Tommy called this morning saying that he misses me and that he want's to see me and that he want to fly to France to come visit but I told him no ,  and he was not happy at all but I told him that we can not do this and that I can just be friends and he did not take it well because he went to his mom and they sold a story to some tabloid about me being a wh*re and that really Pi@@ed me of and it made me sad , the tabloid said I was a gold digger and that his mother the Mayor want's nothing to do with me and that her son intended to still be with me and that he forgives me and really what the hell did I do to him, he did not get me into bed so now I am the one that is sleeping around on him and we are not even in a couple so they also said our engagement is still on and that made me freak out completely because to be engaged two people must know about it the Bride to be and the Groom to be not just the groom and Afcorse  I could not get hold of him or his mom so I called dad telling him about it and he was so mad but Maranda surprisingly offered to help me and she got me my own lawyer and if this gets out of hand we will sue his ass but I do not want that so I send a email and now hope for the best, just as my live started to make sense this hits me over a spoiled bratt of a man.  "Darling that was so good I love your energy and this will be a hit , don't you worry now go to the hotel , have wine and eat something we shall see you tomorrow and remember to relax ok", Maranda says with Justin right beside her and it helps to know the people that know me knows I am not that but like Maranda said the day before, tabloids must always have a story no matter if it is true or false, and no giving comment to the press my layer will handle this and lucky for me people like me so not all of them will be fooled and lies tend to come out to so I went to take off my swim suit and also felt positive about the commercial for the perfume and if the client is happy still and Maranda then I am as well. "Thanx Maranda see tomorrow but as I walk out I suddenly feel light headed and in seconds I faint and as I do I can hear noises and Justin next to me but then only darkness. Everything was so light , it felt like I was in a tunnel and I was walking towards some mesmerizing light and I felt happy so am I dead or am I dreaming I asked myself while trying to make sense of this satiation because the last thing I remember was falling, O No !!!! I must be in heaven and now I don't get to tell Kevin I still love him, I planed to go home after France and then go to visit him to tell him my side of all this and to tell him I forgive him and now it all seems so little like it doesn't matter.  Jenny if you can hear me please wake up doll we need you and your dad is so worried he called almost ten times already ", I hear his voice and I know it is Justin so I try to open my eyes and with a bit of a headache I open my eyes and see the sunlight coming through the blinds and Justin has actual tears in his eyes as he calls for the sister to attend to me and the only words I get out is, "Can I have some water please I feel so thirsty", this makes him smile and Maranda too seeing they are with me it made me wonder were the hell I am. "You are ok love you are in the hospital", and just as he says it the doctor comes in and looks me over with the sister and in French he tells her something and then look to Justin and Maranda and ask them to give him a moment to talk to me and so they comply and walk out leaving me very worried. "Miss Jenny how do you feel ?", "My head hurts and I feel like I don't have energy and a bit like I want to throw up again, what's wrong with me why did I faint doc?". He looks at me smiling and as he writes something in my file he says. "Miss you are right you did faint, and luckily your head will be fine but you need a bit of rest and lots of vitamins witch I have subscribed and also no alcohol please, o and I need to see you in a week just to give you an overall ok ", he says and I cant seem to wander why vitamins so I ask him and he smiles again, "Mothers need to take it ,it is good for you and your baby and lots of rest when you can ", " wait what?". "You did not know? Miss you are pregnant and you are 6 to 7  weeks so it is still in the first trimester and that is why it is a good idea to look after yourself, that is why you fainted".  My mind is in a frenzy and as he gives me my prescription he smiles, "congratulations and if you feel better tonight you can go home tomorrow ok not before , we just need to make sure all is well ". "Thank you doctor , so I am pregnant , are you sure" I mean yes I am a bit late but , o my word", then it hit me I am and that makes sense to why I was feeling sick and throwing up more recently. "Yes miss we did the test and is is indeed so , just rest you will get better ok take care", he says and as he goes Justin and Maranda comes in looking worried and as I see them I start to cry. " O Jenny love what is wrong what did he say?", Justin askes and Maranda also comes closer. "I, I, I am pregnant " I say as I cry more and Justin just take me and hold me. " O Jenny my darling that is good news but are you two ok at least"?. Maranda asks and I just nod feeling almost all alone , what the hell do I do now and that is when it hit me Kevin is the father and he doesn't even know or care for me and dad will most propobily hate me and Sam, he will also hate me and this also means that my modeling will be ending soon and it is just to much to handle now.
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