Chapter 20

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Pieter (Pov)  The first thing I do in the mornings is read the news and look at social media and this morning was no different accept for what I saw and that was the girl/model  Jenny was in it and that is when I saw that she is the daughter of the same man who's ranch we want to buy and the same girl that was in love with Kev and also the same girl that is involved with Mayor Gina's son. This is so not good not for me and my plan nore for Kevin and now they are saying she is a wh*re of all the things in the world. It also says that she is Gina's son's fiancée and a gold digger and somehow it is just what I wanted but I never connected the dots and It make sense in a way , she needs money to keep that damn farm , the only part is that she loved Kevin but still she lied to one of them so now I am glad I had a little thing to do with it, she was trouble for Kev and I can see now her dad and her are the same ,I just hope Kevin will understand and maybe I can make him see I was right .  After thinking about my second face of my plan I decide to call Kevin and wipp up my own lies ."Hi man how are you, and why the hell call me this early in the morning ?", he says sounding a bit mad but he is my friend and I know he just love his sleep so I don't take it serious. "Ya sorry I just wanted to tell you some thing that I thought you should know dude and it is about Jenny so are you grumpy Kevin or want to listen Kevin "?. He is quiet for a second ,and I know he has feelings for this girl so I wait a bit. "What is it ?, what did you see?". "It is in some tabloid and social media and her fiancée said she is a gold digger and a wh*ore and some other stuff ". I say and I can hear him , he is not happy. "Thanx for the heads up I'll go check it out , please send me the link, and thanx for telling me beforehand. " "No prob that is what friends are for , o and there is one more thing I think she lied about dude, she is the daughter of the Horse ranch owner in Texas and I heard rumor's also saying she tried to trap you because they are trying to save the farm and I mean you are a billionaire man so It made me think that is why she had this planed all along she was using you and that Mayor's son but it seems he will take her back and I think she also shamed other rich men and they found out and well now she is cought, the only thing I can't understand is why Maranda keeps her still, she says Jenny is not that girl and she works hard but I think she has something on Maranda too but ya it's messed up man" ."Ya you can say that again, thanx for getting me out of that before it went to far on my part though" Yes typical Kev he always falls for my advice , such a sucker and I only did half the work haha, I think while saying my goodbyes to him .  After my meeting I must phone Gina to congratulate her on a job well done.  Jenny (Pov)  Jenny was send home but as Justin and Maranda helped he Maranda received a message and as she read all the stuff about Jenny she was so overwhelmed that Justin had to get her some water to and for Jenny.  I knew something was wrong looking at Maranda and then she told me all about what Tommy and Mayor Gina did and I was just so in shock, I could not believe they did all that nd still Tommy called saying he is sorry but it doesn't matter my name and my family name was dragged through the mud but at least all that know me knows it is not true, "Jenny I am so sorry dear , this is a load of bull and we will not believe this at all we know you are a good girl and like you said this Tommy did not get what he wanted and after saying all this and the rest from hospital we will fight them and believe me you did not do this he did and I see you as my daughter Jenny so now just leave it all an worry about your baby and you health , even your dad knows that you are not capable of this so don't give them what they want let our layer handle this ok?", Maranda says and it makes me feel better but still Tommy was suppose to be my friend and now I don't even know anymore. "He won't be the last to try honey believe me o like Maranda says just let it be and it will blow over so your baby should now be you first priority and also telling you dad and Sam and then Kevin and then you go on from there". Justin and Maranda left after giving advise and as I sit alone in my room I wander who I must tell first and If Kevin was the man I thought he was then he would have been the first and not dad, I am so confused, should I call Kev or dad or Sam or Tommy, he can go to hell for all I care. I pick up the phone getting all my courage and I call Kevin, the father of my baby, the phone rings and rings and just as I want to end the call he pick up and my heart stopes as he says my name. "Jenny?, Jenny are you there, look if you want to talk you have to say something". He was always a man going straight to the point and that is one of the things I loved about him. "Hi. hi Kevin, how are you doing?". "Hi fine thanx and you ?" . "Fine besides the s**t these tabloids tell about me, I just want to say do not believe them it is not true and also I need to tell you something important". I say feeling nervous.  "Jenny you lied to me, you said you cared about us and yet you were engaged to be married to the Mayors son, how convenient of you and now after all these weeks you call me to say why you are not what they say you are?, really Jenny?" ,hearing him say this and the fact that he blames me when he was the one lying makes me sad and so mad at him. "Really Kevin you blame me when you are the one that did that, you used me not the other way around you ass!, you got what you wanted and left me and to even think I was after your money is the saddest thing coming from you". "O no I did not use you I fell for you and I told you that and you used it against me , you used me Jenny and now what you want pity or what?". "No you ass ,I thought you wanted me and also to tell you that, that I am... I am pregnant with your baby but before I hear that I want your money, I just want to set the record straight, I want nothing from you not money or sympathy and I will let you visit the baby but I will fight you if it is the last thing I do for custody and I just wanted to tell you and also tell you I forgive you Kevin and I did love you. I am sorry If you think otherwise of this, " "What your pregnant? no it can not be, is it even mine, how far along are you?". You dare ask me if it is yours how can you.? I loved you and if you can remember you followed me remember that first night, but fine believe what you want , have a nice live goodbye". As I end the call my heart breaks again into a millions of pieces, to think he thinks I am lying and that he believes all that. I sit on the bed holding my pillow an ball my eyes out for a man I love and can't have, telling me I lied.  As i cry I hold my still flat tummy and my heart tells me that this was never a lie, he and I were great as one and I know I felt it with him and he is the one that made me leef and feel used and now the only thing I want is to be a good mom like mine was and make sure my baby will be taken care of by me. I have never felt so alone and now working for Maranda that is also like my rock is such a blessing nd I know her and Justin will always have my back . I can still do a lot of modeling before I start to show so Maranda said to rest today so we can carry on with this new companies with the perfume and lucky for me the clients don't like these types of stuff so they said we can just carry on , everyone respects Maranda and she is really helping me with this and for that I will always ow her allot. My head feels a bit better and so I think that I need to still tell dad and Sam, but I would rather wait for when I get home to do it in person. My live changed today and I will not let myself or my baby down with or without support from the ones I love most including that i***t I still love...
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