Chapter 18

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Paris the capital of France and one of the major city's in Europe when it comes to fashion, culture or landmarks , it is really the place to visit and most certainly the best place to have any photo shoot because lets face it the have the Eiffel tower and places like the Siena river and that alone is picture perfect but today we will be shooting at the famous Cathedral Notre-Dame in Paris, it is a fine peace of architecture and one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and I mean back home our church and old buildings are pretty nice but this is so much more and I am so stunned to think we will be modeling in a wedding gown in front of this stunning building.  " So I was thinking the dress will be this one it has a stunning open back and it is just full on perfect and if this is not made for you then I do not know what is so what do you think?". looking at the dress I can see why he likes it and besides from his own taste in some clothes he sure knows what makes me look good and I guess you can say in his way he is a true fashionista so looking at the wedding dress it is really a piece that I3 can see myself in it's got a open back and it is all lace and it is mermaid style so I take it air kissing Justin and smiling . "Yes this is so pretty lets see what I look like ", and with that the real stylist comes in also smiling because they know he had made the correct choice in a dress for me. "O my word Jenny you look stunning girl", the stylist and Justin says as one and If I hade o say something it will be point on, this dress is perfect and even though it fits my body just right it is still so comfortable and so I turn for them to see the back and they are just stunned all together and now the shoot can start , my hair was up in a messy bun and my makeup was soft but elegant and it made me look like a real bride .  As we stepped out of the RV I am amazed by the perfection of the Notre-Dame, it is the most amazing feeling to stand in the shadow of such a beauty and soon the guys was ready to take photo after photo, first alone with a single rose in my hand then with my so called groom for the day and pose after pose I started to feel like a true professional and the last photo was me holding the new perfume that is the true purpose of coming to France , it is the launch of a new brand that is already making waves and also a few designers dresses and we will also be making a small add in witch I will be the star , so it is pretty intense, "You look so good Jenny, o man and that dress is just Devine", Maranda says as she comes walking to kiss me and only like she does , she does the whole French way of kissing both cheeks and as I want to laugh I just keep it in because like they say when in France hay. "Maranda thanx it it truly a great dress and I mean this place is the best and might I say you are also looking stunning in your dress". "Justin bring the girl some water and bring me some tea ', she shouts at  Justin and he just complies to her being a bit afraid of her and I mean who would not be I mean look at her it's just all elegance and glamour and style . Kevin (Pov)  "Get me Pieter and make it snappy please I want to know were the caterers are and were the hell is my tux for tonight". It is never easy to run operations for a big opening of a grand five star Hotel and this L.A hotel will be the talk of the town for sure and the only thin IO hate is when my so called buddy and partner is missing in action, on the day of the grand opening . "Man Kev you are one hard man to get hold of and yes your tux is delivered already man so just take a whiskey or a damn chill pill and relax ok we are ready to open and the caterers is busy in the back ", Pieter says feeling a bit annoyed with his friend, but he knows he must still be mad about seeing Jenny all happy but I can not say I am sad for him ,this is better he was loosing his grip in this business and she was a goody two shoes, so I was very happy. "Sorry bro I am just on edge and just want tonight to go as planned that's all so I apologize if I was rude", I say . "It's ok I know you and I think I know you the best and you need a drink now or ells no one will dare step into this Hotel maybe thinking it is hunted by a sad grumpy old man and his lonely dog". Just like my friend, always joking and yes that is how he knows me. "Fine you made your point let's get a drink and then you can tell me about the horse ranch and if you are even getting anywhere with that deal or not". "You are a pain do you know that Kev?". While we sit at the bar the barman hands us both a drink and these guys' know me and how I like my drink and as only Pieter can he downs the first one and I am stunned , "when did you start drinking like a frat boy man, you know how much that whiskey was that you just gulped down ?. "More then my shoes?" he says and we laugh as if already drunk.  "When did you become mister look at the price, you know we can afford it right, being billionaires and all".  "No man just saying , so tell me must I start to worry or not?". "Fine it's no use man the bastered was put in his place but he won't sell, so I am busy with the bank manager and hopefully some friends of mine, he will give in don't you worry in the mean time lets go get our picture taken our guests are arriving soon". This makes me a bit more stressed , if Pieter dismisses something it means he is hiding something and after tonight I think I will also look into it so I make my way to the front steppes and as I do flashes goes of and I am feeling good knowing my Hotel will be a hit after all. "Mr. Macrow can we ask you a few questions?", the one journalist says and I agree with Pieter also standing there. "Sir can you please tell us why this Hotel will be the next best thing in L.A ?". "Yes I sure can you see this city has so much beauty but with our addition to this Royal Hotel it will make for even a better city, people of al walks of live can come here and stay in luxury an even bring the family , it is modern but also child friendly and what better then also enjoying lunch or dinner in the best restaurant." I say and they all seem happy at my answer so next they direct a question to Pieter, "Sir if you can make one sentence about the new L.A Royal Hotel what will it be?". "I have to say the remarkable sense of feeling at home when you are away from home". "Thank you and one more sir if you'd please, The billboard is of the sexy new model Jenny Manson and a male model from Sweden but there are also others were you and Miss Manson were together, may I ask why that one of you and her is not on the main billboard seeing you as a bit more in the limelight then him ?" now that is a good Question to throw at me at this time and place , so they have a hint about me and her. "All I can say is Mr. Holmic ( the male model) fell and broke his leg and well we needs a stand in and at the time it seemed like a good idea, so I stepped in and even though it was not used as the main billboard it was still used in the companies "> "Yes indeed and would you say you had a fling with her or was it only work?". "No we did not and lets leave it at that, thank you all for coming and enjoy the night with us, Welcome to the Royal Hotel L.A ", I say and we cut the bow letting all the guests in to see the glory within.  The new hotel was my dream to also showcase my love for the fine things in live and if Jenny was still by my side it could have been so much more, I would have loved to show her of to show the world how I felt about her and I really wanted it to work out but I was a fool and I think I am still but that girl left a mark on my soul and that is not something you see everyday . As I got myself a snack and some wine I was stopped my some influential people and they seemed to be impressed by the Hotel and they loved the kids play room and the pool area too so at last we are giving them what they wanted and it felt good. Walking inside I saw a big portrait in the dining room and it was me and Jenny , she looked like a angel and me ,I was smitten with her and not just her sexy body but her sexy mind and soul too , we have so much in common and she is a unbelievable woman, so strong and her love for people and the way she treats even the guy in the street speaks volumes of who she is, or was at that moment ,that is why I still can't believe she lied so much and it makes me wonder if she was ever real even when we were alone.  Suddenly I am back in reality ,"I have to congratulate u Kevin, the Hotel is magnificent and so bold and it is such a nice place and you can already put me as one of your guests" A older woman says to him and she is the wife of the police chief and also a owner of one of the biggest art gallery's around and a very respected lady among most and coming from her it can be taken as a big compliment. "Thank you , you are to kind and you just let me know when and I will make sure to have the best room for you or your guests perhaps",  "Yes we have people coming over for thanksgiving so I will make a point to call you then thank you ,o and my husband is looking for me so I better go, not good to keep a man waiting haha ". She says heading to him and soon after I decide to take my leave also seeing my P.A and Pieter will stay till the end and I can head to bed and have a early meeting as planed. What a night, my Hotel is finally open ..
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