Chapter 17

1987 Words
Leaving home is never easy to do and to me it felt like I was flying out of the nest ,I assume this is how it feels if one eventually do, so now I know what every other person feel and I don't think it is easy but in some way it is very liberating and it confirms that a child can go and be ok were ever they go and that live will be the line to hold our hand not our parents and that too can be just fine .My whole live I spend living on the horse ranch and being a kid you tend to do funny stuff but the farm kind of shaped me into who I am in a way and now leaving I am still me just wanting to become a better version of myself, to explore the world is not saying goodbye to your roots it is only embracing it and growing to be more and even though I will go to Paris France and only be a model in some photo shoot I will make sure to leave a good part of myself there and bring back a new stronger part that will look to the future and hopefully take up were I left off .  Chapters in my live helped me love live more and it made me believe that one must not let your past make who you are but it must help you become a better person and that no one must just have one passion or talent but that you should look into yourself to see you can have more and like me I know that is why I do what I do, I model and I love it and the country girl in me is a vet and a horse trainer like my mom and yes that is me .  Getting onto the airplane was so exiting and I did not even feel scared anymore just a bit tiered but I recon it was just normal so as the air hostess came I only asked for some water and she was so friendly she even talked to me telling me that plains are safer today and if I want to talk I can just call on her and even though it was nice my mind started to think of the possibility of going down in flames and that made me see that live can be over in no time so that is when I made up my mind to decide to be positive and even though my heart was sore over Kevin to just let it go and to look to the future now, maybe in some way Paris can heal my broken heart and mend it to prepare me for what needs to come.  The lights of Paris was shining down below like hundreds of diamonds on the ground and it was breathtaking making me forget I was in a plane all together and I knew a new path awaited me and I just hope my new Bff Justin is waiting for me because he and Maranda was already there yesterday and he promised to get me and to be my own personal guide and to show me Paris not only had great steak but they have pastry's to die for but I told him no frog legs for me and he just laughed so hard it sounded like he wanted to cry and I knew this was going to be a trip to never forget.  If getting of a plane was not a mirical itself then I do not know what ells is but being save on the ground was the best feeling in the world and  as I was walking to get my bag I saw this menaces' of a man in a yellow jacket and pants that kind of looked like it was skinned of a snow leopard and then I knew there is only one man with that fashion sense and it is Justin and yes it was indeed because as he saw me he was smiling so bright it will make the lights in Paris look like nothing ."Welcome to 'Parrie' my darling Bff, welcome to the city of love and the most romantic place on earth so to speak, let me help you with your luggage, he says after hugging me and if there is another thing I learned was that this man was really my Bff and he is like a super friend, he knows me so well and he understands me and best off all he gives me advice on men and that is why I love him . "Thanx Justin , Ya I almost died it it not my favorite thing to be in a airplane but I am save so yes happy to be hear and I must say is is a stunning place from the sky though", He is just smiling and I know he can read minds to , "Ya but they say planes are even saver then cars you know but I am happy you are save and you look good , so how are you?" he asks me and knowing him he wants to know every las detail . "I am ok just a bit hung over still over Kevin but like I told you he texted me twice but I did not reply and I miss him but hopefully Paris will let me get over him for good". "Welcome to my world love and by the way we are in the city of love so ya that will be a bit of a struggle but your Bff is hear to help ok?". Justin is such a gentle soul and he and I are not friends long but it feels like I have known him my entire live already and I am so blessed to have him.  On our way to the hotel I told Justin about home and Tommy and he was a bit instructed and as we drove he told me a bit more about Paris and what I saw was so pretty and the hotel well that was also very nice and me and him decided to get room service because tomorrow will be my first shoot and Maranda will be greeting us then and well lets just say my time was booked and I was very happy indeed. My hotel room was so clamorous and I had the most amazing view of Parise and we could also see the whole city from my balcony so me and Justin decided to have a glass of wine while this view was there to captivate us. "This s just magic is it not Jenny?". "O it is so stunning and so peaceful yet it also feels so alive" I say looking out loving this city already ."Yes so tomorrow we will be having our first shoot and it will be in a wedding dress but don't worry it will be over soon so just go with it ok", he is such a positive person and to think I also need to be was scary and if they want me in a wedding dress then that's what I will do . "I'm ok J I will do it and it will just make me think of the possibility's that still lies ahead so don't worry, I 'm fine". knowing he cares . "I know you are but it is only a heads up and Maranda will be there so you know she is like a snake, never missing anything .Besides this country is full of those darling type of men , the tall dark and handsome type so you my dear will feel at home". we Bothe laugh and I just know he try's to make it all better. "To us finding that tall dark and handsome man, and to eating lots more steak" I say as we toast to it. "You and steak it's like like a party without drinks, or like me without my yellow jacket, it's sad but true. He is truly my Bff , " o man you and that jacket, why yellow and that pants , look I agree fashion is the way but it's to much for me J". Justen laughs and says, "Yellow is my color and I like my pants, why don't you ?, is my bud to big or what?". we just bicker on and on about his new style and at last I get him to take the jacket of because one can only stand so much yellow in one day. "So now what do I wear ,seeing you hate my perfect yellow jacket?'. "try red or navy". "So you want me boring no come and  show, and also show me rather what you packed seeing you are such a pro", we are enjoying our time , and I show him what I brought and at the end of the night we decided to have a small fashion show of our own with more wine and laughing and it was the best time.  As the night almost came to a end we were tiered from all the dress up and Justin knew that tomorrow was going to be a big day so he helped me clean up and like the best friend he is he ordered us some pizza and after I ate my first slice I started to feel like throwing up again and had to run to the bath room and being my friend he was standing at the door handing me some water and a fresh towel, "You can not be sick , we need you tomorrow, demit I should not have let us drink, I am so sorry darling" he says and I know he feels bad but it is not his fault I am a grown ass woman and I can think to myself as to when to stop and have enough, but no I just kept going. "It's so not your fault Justin ,I think it must be all the stress and now the jetlagged and maybe to much wine". After drinking the water I felt so much better so I washed my face and brushed my teeth and went to sit with him again and he held me giving me comfort. "You know if I was into woman this would have turned me on so much but I must say it doesn't but as a friend and Bff it's nice to be hear for you ,and I always will be, and no more wine ok", he says rubbing my back . "You are the weirdest man ever but I love you J and the guy that gets you will be so lucky , and I agree no wine till after work ok, and same for me I will also always be there for you J no matter what , thanx for helping and just holding me, it helps a lot", "Plesuere dear so now close your pretty eyes and rest just for a while then we will say our goodnights and get some sleep to be fresh as a daisy tomorrow". Just like he said I laid my head on his shoulder and we Bothe just started to kind of drift to sleep but before long Justin woke me helping me to bed and going to his room and like a typical mom he first took the time to put some water at my bed side table and set my alarm and then he was off to. Sleep came fast but I kind of felt a bit unwell so I made a mental note to go to a doctor and get checked out soon maybe I had a ulcer or something ad after the heartache we went through with my mom i did not need to put my family through that also...  
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