Chapter 5

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Kevin (Pov)  Just as I enter my office my PA comes nocking saying Maranda Gibbins is hear to see me and I hope she has good news to tell me, we need a perfect model and while I tell my PA to send her in I can't help to wonder who that beautiful woman with her cowboy boots were in the hotel bar, propobily some lucky mans fiancée or some sugar daddy's plaything , but she sure was sexy as hell , but as I sit in wonder Maranda comes in all smiles witch normally tells me she found the perfect model for the next shoot we want and hopefully history do not repeat itself again because last time the model ended up falling for me and she was let's just say a bit to clingy . "Maranda welcome , please have a seat, I hope you have good news for us?", I say looking at the very stylish lady sitting infront of me, and I must say she is a stunner for her age but not my type and her husband was friends with my dad so I will always treat her as a guest. "Kevin darling good to see you yes as a matter of fact I do we found your 'girl next door' girl and let me just say I am thinking of recruiting her myself , she will make headlines let me tell you , she is humble and as pretty as a picture and most of all she is new at this and she needs the money , I told her I will let her know because I know you are all in a hurry so I came to see you to show you a picture we took , it is from behind but she is perfect believe me , just look she is so natural"> she says and when I look at the phots her face is not really visible but her body is stunning and I can see what Maranda means to say and well I trust Maranda not to bullshit me ."Yes quiet nice , ok fine give her the job and make sure she is ready by Friday to start the shoot , I will meet you there ".I say feeling relieved that the boll is on the role ."Great as always nice doing business , see you on set Friday, mwah, mwah ", she says while leaving. While I sit in my office I decide to call Pieter and tell him the news and find out what he got so far of the Horse ranch and as I call his phone rings only two rings before he answers, " Hi Bro how are things in the land of honey?" he says making me grin. "Fine , fine I got some good news ,we got a model and we start shooting on Friday". "Wondaful at least it is going as planned ", he says and then I just knew his trip did not go well., so I ask ,"And how was your trip to the big old Texas?", I ask knowing he will spill his dislike of the place. "Man it was s**t, the old man doesn't wanna sell but do not worry I have a plan and the pretty little Mayor Gina was willing to help, so not to worry my friend it is under control", he says. "And the weather was it nice at least?". "Kev let me just say not my cup of tea but not to bad I just hate cow s**t man, can you believe it is everywhere you walk, and I steeped into it with my designer brand name shoes, now it is ruined, but it's ok  that one I took for the team so its good ", he says making me laugh because I just know him all to well and his shoes is his live . "Sorry about the shoes man, I'll see to it you get a new pair and remember I told you to wear boots ?", I say waiting for a sarcastic replay . "Ya Ya what ever , got to go see you tomorrow ". "Bye see tomorrow". I say while smiling about Pieter stepping in cow dung, I would have paid a lot of money to see that but given the price of his shoes I would have felt the same I guess...  Jenny (Pov)  While in town and waiting on news from that agency I decide to go site seeing and  get some steak and it so happens  that my hotel is near a well known restaurant that sells killer steak , so they say on 'places to visit', a web site to visit when you travel, so that is just what I want to do so I et ready , dressing in a pretty knee length red floral dres and my favorite pair of heels, yes I do like my heals even though I am a true cowgirl and so I decide to let my hair down a bit who knows maybe I will meet a celeb r a future boyfriend, speaking of I haven't heard anything from Sam  since I got hear but dad tells me he seems fine but I doubt it and I just hope he can get over this and we also need a talk about that kiss.  As I walk to the fancy place I can see why it's on the list , it looks fancy and the smells coming out of the kitchen is a true testament that I will get my money's worth so the nice waiter takes me to a table for two and as soon as I sit I ask him to bring me a nice cold beer because like they say you can take the girl out of the country but never the country out of the girl, they are right. The restaurant is getting full and my nerves are done I have heard nothing and tomorrow is Tuesday and my plane leave at 10 o'clock if the job is not mine and so far I don't think it is so that is why tonight I will eat the biggest, meanest steak on the menu, might as well drown my sorrows in fatty goodness. "One steak and fries please", o and  another  beer  thanx", I say to the waiter who just  smiles a and hurry's away with my order. Sitting alone in the corner is not nice all the time but tonight it is and as I look to all the couples my mind can't seem to stop thinking about that guy in the hotel , by the bar, he was so handsome and all these lovers , are they happy? I wonder and just then as I sip my beer my phone starts to ring and when I see it is Maranda Gibbins I almost fall of my chair, "Jenny speaking " I say and she speaks as if we know each other forever , "Darling it is Maranda Gibbins , you got the job and we need you fist thing tomorrow ok meet me at the hotel lobby at nine sharp, o and don't be late your boss will be at the first shoot to meet you ok? ight", she says and I am so stunned I only get a goodnight in before she hangs up.  Kevin (Pov)  Feeling like steak I enter my restaurant right up the street from my hotel to get a bite to eat and as usual it is packed but being the boss I have my own little table for two in the back and as I walk in my waiter Dany shows me to my table but as I come near there is already someone sitting there all by herself and o my word she is a stunner indeed so as Danny try to apologies I quickly shoo him and ask the pretty lady if I can please join her and lucky for me she agrees and I think she only did it to save the waiter from being fired so I sit down and as I do her food looks Devine, the best steak in the country and served with chips so I ask Danny to get me the same. "Thank you miss???, I ask hoping to get her name this time and I see her swallow hard. "Sorry hi I'm Jenny" she says while cleaning her mouth with the napkin and as she does I look at her perfect lips and ones again I am blown away about her beauty and man this dress it just works for her. "I'm Kev , nice to meet you, so tell me is the steak good at least?", I ask smiling at her , she is so naturally perfect. "O yes it sure is , I just would have liked a bit more sauce but even the chips is nice, so I'm happy thanx". "So Jenny do you live hear, you look familiar but I can't put my finger on it ". "Yes we saw each other in the hotel lobby at the bar", she says drinking her beer and enjoying her meal and just then mine arrives at last so I dig in and we eat as if we know each other for long and as we both finish I just stare as her." How about desert on me for letting me join our table?". "No I can't possibly , thank you but it really isn't nesecerry , sorry I have a big day tomorrow so I am gonna leave but you enjoy the rest of your night", then she pays her bill and I decide to hurry after her and as I walk behind her I call out her name making her look back. "Are you stalking me or do you wane ask me something, because I must warn you sir I can give a mean punch my daddy taught me well", she says making me smile, she is not just pretty but feisty to and the more I talk with her the more I seem to like her. "No not a stalker, just a guy wanting to buy a girl some desert for being nice that's all I promise and maybe to walk you home " I say walking beside her. "So your a stalker , but ok fine you can walk me home and you can buy me some ice-cream from this here vendor , that's if you are not in a hurry or anything?" she says smiling and I agree so we stop and we buy ice-cream , as we eat we walk to the hotel ."So little miss feisty why you here all alone in New York?", I ask hoping she will answer and she smiles , " I'm here for work and I actually start tomorrow and what about you Mr. stalker ?" . "I live here and work here as well and well lets just say I am a business man , but enough about me let me just get that ice cream of you lip first", I say taking my thump to sweep it of her sexy plump lips and as I do she blushes and looking into these eyes I am taken to heaven in a instant so I see my chance and lean forward to kiss her and to my surprise she kisses me back and soon our kiss turns into a amazing passionate kiss , our tongs dance as one and all I taste is the strawberry ice cream she just enjoyed making me instantly wane rip her close off but she stops me. " Sorry Kev I can't do this now, I think it's the beer getting to me now, " she say but I just keep her in my arms, " It's fine Jenny , I was also getting carried away so let me help you to your room and then you can sleep it of ok , then I can call you tomorrow or something?" I say and she approves so I help her inside taking her to the room she told me and as she unlocks it she turns around standing face to face with me, her hot breath in my face and what she says is enough to make any man crazy in two seconds. " Can you make love to me stalker and show me what New York is so well known for or do I just go to sleep in that very cold lone bed of mine", and that's when I decide f**k it, tonight I'm taking this sexy woman to heaven  so I pick her up walking into the room closing the door with my foot and holding her bridal style she kisses my neck and as we get to the bedroom I gently put het down and she drags me on top of her kissing me like a hungry tiger but I am not complaining , tomorrow I just forget her and go on with my live . Soon her dress is of and my shirt and man her body is sensational in every way , making love to her will be a great pleasure indeed so as we enter heaven I make her shout my name and for the first time in my live I actually enjoy having s*x , she is soft and sexy and she is all any man wants . Soon we are Bothe done and she just cuddles into my arm falling asleep as she still was a bit tipsy so I decide to stay just a while to see she is ok then I will leave to return to the real world after the most amazing night. I see she is sound asleep so I get dressed and sneak out going up to my penthouse knowing I will not see her again but always remember her body next to mine so perfectly , like we were meant to be but not in this world so as I get home I take a shower and decide to go to bed myself for tomorrow will be a long day...
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