Chapter 4

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Pieter (Pov) Man I just love to fly ,but to interesting destinations not to a damn dusty, poo filled  horse ranch in the middle of nowhere to talk to a grumpy old man that doesn't want to sell his farm because it's got some bullshit ,heartfelt insignificant memory of his wife that passed away a while ago. So I am only doing this for the business and we need to expand to all over because city's are getting bigger and towns are growing fast so it only mean more money to me, to Kevin not so much but I promised his dad I would help him were I can and sometimes be the voice of reason to him .This was a damn long ride and lucky for me Kevin's got a private plain so at least that went fast so now first I need to pop into the Major's office and then the horse ranch that is sitting on very valuable ground that can change this small towns future .According to Kevin I should make them see the good but that is more Kevin then me I fight ugly so first stop the major. As I come in the girl at the desk stands up and I believe she notice me because well me and Kevin are like celebs being very rich indeed and Kevin a bit more then me but still any girl would want my looks so I smile as she walks me to her boss Major Gina. "Good day you must be Pieter am I right? the major says shaking my hand. "Yes thank you for seeing me I can see why they say you are a lady of fashion ,those shoes are Devine and I always say a lady of fashion is a lady not to mess with or am I mistaken Major?". I say putting the charm on because well we need her to help get that contract and I know she knows them all to well so if I play my cards right we might win today. "It seems you do Mr. Pieter but I recon you are not here to talk  fashion nore about me and coming this far I think you want something a bit more valuable ?!" she says making me grin, smart to I see ."Yes I suppose you got me but truly I do like your fashion sense but aside from that I want land and me and my co owner thought that maybe if you are interested in helping us we could make it worth you while and then it will benefit everyone not just us , you see we are the future Major Gina and you like progress but in a helping manor ,and that is what we want to do, progress for the good , that old ranch is in big debt as I believe you already know and well the owner will be given a large amount yes but it seems money is not all to him so that is were you must come in, you must pressure him also , he must be turned to see what we see if you catch my drift?". I say and I can almost see she has a plan already but she will also not be fooled. "Fine but nothing to ugly I know those people and they are good people so we will do it my way ok, you just sell the dream ". she says and this makes me wonder why she is a bit hesitant. "Why ,are you friends or something,"?. " No my son, well the owners daughter is his fiancée and I do not intend to hurt them " she says and I find it weird but I put out my hand to shake on a agreement. "Fine we can do it nice ,only you can keep it natural Major so fine I leave the let's say dirty work to you , but I am not a patient man and if you don't come to light well it can get nasty , you see we know about your little side business and it would be a shame if your son were to go to prison", I say walking out heading to the horse ranch to meet the owner and see if I might get through but if not then we will play a bit dirty as long as Kevin doesn't know then I am fine.  The ranch is not to ugly and I can already see the big five star Royal hotel standing in all its glory but then I am shaken out of my daydream when the old man whow me to a stop. "Young man you almost ran over my flower bed !!". he says while I get out of the car . "Sorry sir ,not my intention but please to meet you I am Pieter ", I say and he takes of his cowboy hat to greet me back , pure country hospitality  I think as he leads me inside his home witch is a beauty if I must say so myself and it's a shame it will be demolished soon. " So son what do you want, I told your other guy I am not interested in selling ", he says poring some coffee witch I am so grateful for. "Yes Sir I know but that is why I came to see you , you see this ranch is ne of the rare gems of this town , the country side of it the picture perfect senory and we want to offer you a better deal , see we know you are in deep debt Sir and we want to help and if you agree you and your family will have a free stay at out hotels all over the United States, including this one and the best is we want to name this hotel after your late wife seeing she also grew up here so this will be like honoring her sir and her memory", I say hoping to get through hiss thick scull, but he shakes his head saying , "I don't think you understand, I am not selling and soon we will be out of debt so you came all this way for nothing Mr., and for that I am sorry so I say again no thank you and if you'll excuse me now I have work to do ,on the ranch we don't let people work for us we do it ourselves so good day Mr. safe journey home", he says and walks out but before he leaves he looks back and say with a laughing face making me mad , "Just wash you cup before you go mister we don't have help to do it ,o and if you come to the country try not to wear designer shoes , rather boots" he says walking out and I just think to myself it is just what Kevin said but why are they so about boots?, so I rinse the dam cup putting it away then I head to my car to call the lovely Mayor to let her go ahead with her plan but as I walk and look on my phone I step into something horrifying and as I look down I see it's bloody cow dung .Demit  man, f**k these shoes cost me more then this farm!!! I shout and I just see them laugh and the young gay jogs over handing me some stuff to take it of and says," see that is why we wear boots it cleans better and it's not worth a farm" he says walking to the owner and as they laugh I just get in the car gagging but speed away wanting to get away from all this crap to go home at ones.  Jenny (Pov)  Getting off the the plain made me so happy and it was not as bad but still every time I felt something my heart just stood still and being on the ground again was the best feeling so I got my bag and headed to look for a taxi and I was quiet lucky to get one that knows were to take me when I asked so sitting back I wonder what all this will be like and yes I might be a country girl but if there is one thing I do know it is how to dress and look my best.  Getting to the enormous building were I will be staying maybe more the two months if I get the job is big and modern and something about it just makes it stand out .The taxi stops infront of the entrance and I thank the old man and also tip him before getting out . Ok lets do this the lady on the phone said I must just give my name and the personnel will let me know what to door were to go , I hope I get to freshen up before I meet them , don't wanna smell all cowgirl on the interview. So I head inside and ask the pretty lady behind the counter were I must go ."Hi there I am Jenny Manson , I'm here for the modeling job", I say feeling out o place. "Yes miss you can go to room 164 and freshen up and then lets say in one hour you can meet the rest of the lady's in the waiting room by the bar , there you will be lead to the interviews, good luck Miss Manson". she says and I walk with the bellboy to where my room is. Finally we get to the third floor and my room and I must say it is nice so I tip the man and close the door just to find the restroom to do my business and get dressed and freshen up and yes, yes they have a coffee bar thank goodness for that and some treats with a letter to welcome me and though strange it is just what I need.  The hotel is grand and one of the grandest places I have ever seen or had the privileges' to stay in and as I ascend to the waiting room/bar area I decide to call dad and let him know I am save and that I will call tonight again, but it only goes to voicemail so I leave a message and as I enter the room I see the most handsome man I have ever laid my eyes on , he is sitting by the bar drinking what looks like scotch on the rocks and he is truly a god fallen to earth to bless my virgen body with his love, o my he is some peace of meat I think to myself but then this sexy woman storms in looking us over saying , "I hope you are all here and come follow me we will take a quik photo and the the interview lady's" she says but before I also follow the other ten or so girls he looks at me and then just continue his drink as if I don't exist at all , and that is just like it always is , the sexy gods are either taken, or gey or a player and man he sure looks like a player and I will gladly like to play with him, no demit I must not go there I am here to safe the ranch not look at eye candy all day so I walk but decide to take a last look and as I do he grins at me blowing me a kiss and man I just feel numb . "Ok lady's now first get make up and hair then a photo then we will talk to you , if you get the job you will be informed what lies ahead and o a word of advice, this is a dream so do not mess it up we only want the best so give it you all ok"!. she says leaving us to the mercy of markup and hair. I am called out second and as I walk into the spotlight infront of the photographer he just smiles , "whow you are my dream girl , you are stunning, now give me your girl next door face and look into the distance, yes that is fabulous girl, one more yes!! thanx and good luck" he says waiting for the next model and I walk to the tree lady's sitting behind a table , but as I come in the one says, "so you are Jenny I believe?". "yes I am". "Fine Jenny tell us were do you come from and why must we shoes you out of all the rest? " , she asks and while I answer they give her my photos and all of them look over exited indeed so I just tell them every detail and as I finish the one in the middle stands up and says "Jenny you are just what we need but to be fair we need to see them all so for now go and rest we will talk to you all later ok and thanx we love you", she says and I just feel the relieve wash over me as I walk to my room thinking this could be it.. 
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