Chapter 6

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Today is the first big photo shoot for the new hotel opening and hopefully one that will draw the public to one of America's top Hotel groups. Starting a new Hotel require a lot of work and dedication and to get it up and running is just as big but to advertise it and to introduce the people to it is a whole different ball game all together, the success lies in advertising , drawing guests to stay over and most off all to enjoy and have a home from home with a bit of luxury as well and to finish it of and make them return  again to the Royal Hotel's.  The next glorious Hotel will be in L.A , and it is a big ,fancy ,yet 'girl next door friendly' Hotel , with one of the biggest pools any other Hotels have and a stunning pool area for relaxing, open Bar fixed to serve the best cocktail's and refreshments money can buy but it is also a family hotel having a indoor bowling ally and luxury kids room while topping it of with a fabulous restaurant serving top quality food also. Jenny (Pov)  While the sun dance on my face I slowly wake to the sound of my alarm witch I set for early this morning to get ready for my first day and as I switch it of I suddenly remember ,my head feels heavy and that's when it suddenly hit me , O No ! Lord No ,I slept with a very hot guy , the same man that was in my hotel's bar and man he is like a Greek god made to pressure me and kiss me and …, then as I turn to look and I see the bed empty then I sigh remembering if it was actually the truth or was I dreaming but jip as I look under the sheet I am indeed naked like the day I was born and I just smile thinking of how wonderfully he was , so gentle and perfect, …ok Jenny stop it ! I need to forget him seeing he already sneaked out not even saying goodbye or see ya or hay hear is my number so just for that I think maybe he an go to hell , so not worth it , not like I need distractions now , So getting ready in now my first priority. I decide to take a nice hot bath , wash my hair seeing there is still time and Bruch my teeth.  Maranda said not to worry to much about makeup or hair seeing they have people to do it so its just  plain me in y jeans a top and my boots , my hair is just tied into a simple ponytail for now so before I go I decide to eat a muffin and a bananas like momma always taught us, she always believed you can have any breakfast but don't forget your muffin and bananas so I never seemed to give it up and I do not plan on any time soon so while eating I head down to the lobby waiting for Maranda, lucky for me I was a bit early, guess it's the country girl in me that likes to get a early start to everyday.  "Are you Jenny ?"the very tall man ask looking at me smiling with his fancy clothes and funny little ascent. " Yes I might be why?" I ask getting ready to put this little man into place. He smiles stretching his hand out to me, "Ok guess next time I should not get to close , don't want my perfect teeth knocked out , I am Justin by the way and no not a stalker I am Maranda's P.A and lol I love your boots by the way and do not worry about looking hot we can help with that ". He says making me smile ."For one I was not planning on hitting you just yet, and second thanx not many people like boots and thirdly Maranda did mention it so yes I know thank you" .I say and I can see he feels a bit more relaxed. "Great then lets go, Maranda is not one to wait , o and today we will be shooting at our studio and then tomorrow it's off to L.A for the rest of the shooting , Are you fine with it"?,  he tells me and I answer yes feeling nervous all of a sudden. Outside there is a limo waiting and as we walk to get in I think that maybe this is my big brake to help dad and to maybe go study further and make a good decent live for us after all .. "So miss Texas are you ready to become the new face of The Royal Hotel Group , You are very pretty and I can see why Maranda wanted you and don't get me wrong hunny , even you have to show then you can do it and if you need anything I'm your go to guy ok ?". "Thanx Justin I will remember it , and yes I hope I am , my dad need this money and well me to I guess ",  I say and as I do we stop at the gate of the most enchanted castle like mansion I have ever seen and the gate opens and then it reveilles the stunning gardens, the big parking lot and the pool and suddenly I am stunned , no words wants to leave my mouth as I get out and there before  me stand Maranda in her fancy shoes and summer dress and next to her the sexy , Greek god I slept with last night …, also stunned when he sees me and Justin ,and O my , world please suck me in and never let me out again, what in the name of ice cream and hot lovemaking is he doing hear ?, I hope he is the make up artist or the hairdresser or the pool guy but no, he is dressed in a suit and he looks so handsome so as Justin stands next to me he walks me forward and Maranda suddenly hugs me and kisses Justin and then she takes my hand and we face this sexy one night stand of mine and she says all happy looking at me then him, "Kevin I want you to meet the model we talked about , this is her, Jenny, Jenny meet your new Boss, mister Kevin Macrow of The Royal Hotel Group, the man that approved your job my dear", she says and all I can get out is ," nice to meet you sir and thanx, I mean thank you its a pleasure". But he looks me straight in the eye", Indeed Miss Manson it is a plesuere to meet you, and now lets see if you are as pretty behind the camera as you are now" he say shaking my shaking hand then turns around and walks in leaving me with Justin. "Ok as awkward as that was darling let's get you to makeup and wardrobe please", he says making me blush and I know he saw it.  "What , why are you looking at me like that ?"."Let's just say after this shoot your telling your new Bff everything ok!". he says walking with me inside were we find the people that work the magic. "Fine just don't judge ok and it's not a big deal so do not over heat Justin". I say and he smirk's saying " Hunny I think you and mister sexy almost made the paving melt so I think it is save to say you are the one over heating , and just a friendly word my new Bff do not let dear Maranda get a with of it she is not into such stuf ok she will fire you on the dot" he says walking to the clothes picking out what looks like a bikini, O Lord have mercy no not that please, I will die of imbursement  please o, "Justen I can wear a dress please not a bikini!" ."Sorry darling but a bikini is what he wants and so to say he is the Boss so put this on and get your cute ass out there and lets rock this shoot ok", he says and walk out leaving a very scared me with a red bikini.  Kevin (Pov)  Demit it's her , I am such a i***t, what did I just do, Man she is so sexy and even without makeup and hair done she is still stunning and now she is our campaign model, what am I going to do,?  demit, I can just fire her but then again she is sweet and nice and whell I will look like a ass if I fire her and what was I thinking flirting with her infront of Maranda. Now I have to look at her posing in front of a camera and keep my cool witch is what I am good at by the way but still it's her , we made passionate love and I left like a i***t ,and just for that she must hate me and I did not think I would see her again ,demit and now, now I need to get through this day and hope she doesn't make me regret last night . "What is wrong Kevin ,don't you like her, we can get someone ells" ,Maranda says and I look at her smiling . "No she is perfect just what we need I am just thinking work , lets do this" I say and that is when I knew this was going to be a very long day for all of us including her..
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