Chapter 13

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Pieter (Pov)  Today will be a great day and I must say I was hoping for some action but at least the distraction from Kevin is gone now so now we must just put more pressure on that old man and little miss Jenny , Kevin will kill me if he ever finds out I want to steel the company from him and I am in the making of it to become reality but it takes time , Kevin is heartbroken now so I just know his focus will be on her now not on the business and at least I can have my side show also bringing in lots of money and that stupid Mayor is now also working for me and she doesn't even know it , man its good to be clever, I never really got the looks but the brains I did and money so that will do just fine. The private Jet landed and Pieter told Kevin he had meetings so Kevin first went home and then decided to go to the office and while on his way he looked at his phone but there was no messages only photos of him and Jenny in her sexy little dress and boots and man he missed her already but he put his phone away hoping he will maybe hear from her only if it was just to say sorry but nothing.   Jenny(Pov)  Finally getting home seeing dad and Sam made me so happy I started crying bat it was not just joy it was sadness to and even thou her soul and heart was ripped apart it was good to be home again but dad seemed off and Jenny knew it was going to be hard to tell her dad what had happened  and luckily her and Sam was on speaking terms so that helped a lot so as they stepped into the house dad put on the kettle while I went up to put my bags away and man it was so nice smelling the fresh air, I missed this place so much. Suddenly my phone rings and I see its a unknown number so I still answer it and its no other then Mayor Gina. "Jenny my darling how are you?", she asks and even though I am not in the mood talking I guess I have to because I still ow her for getting me my job and even though I told Maranda a small bit last night she was still wanting me to work for her so for now I will be home a week then off to Paris France. "Hi Mayor Gina I am fine thanx , I actually wanted to call you and tell you I am home for a while but going to France in about two weeks maybe sooner so if you need me for that favor just let me know", I say and she starts to laugh saying back, "O Jenny that is great news and I am so glad to hear you can keep a deal love, I almost thought not hearing from you meant to want to stab me in the back and that dear would not have looked nice but ales my son is hosting a party tomorrow and he would love for you to be his date and do not worry just co to Taylor's shop and get a dress you want it's on us and he will come get you to with the limo ok at seven if that is fine with you?" she says and man she can surely make a statement so I agree but ask her if I can meet them at their home because I don't want their limo to get full of dust or dirt so she agreed which made me super happy so we ended the call and dad also called me down for a cup of coffee and some ruskes .  "It's so good to have you home, hear have some coffee honey and please eat something you are way to skinny , it seems you did not eat over in L>A or New York?", dad says and before I can answer Sam walks in taking his cowboy hat of and even though he is handsome he is like my brother nd he lifts me in the air hugging me and I am so happy he is ok with our talk the other day so I hug him back . "Man you need to eat Jen you lost weight girl and it looks like you could do with a bit of sun to", he says and we all laugh at him while I hit hit him on the shoulder for being Sam. "At least I got me some money and dad I wanted to tell you later but well I can't hold it so I just want to say I made a p*****t to the bank yesterday morning before I left I got Maranda to help me so the bank manager called and he sounder positive and said he will give us six more months to pay everything so I told him about France and he agreed so we are going to be ok daddy ", I say and da gets up hugging me and crying and as we cry Sam holds us Bothe. "Thank you Jenny my child your mom would have been so proud of you saving us an all, and I am to"> "ya and me " Sam says making me smile and after coffee Sam agreed to show me the horse he was helping me with and before I know it I'm back on its back and man it sure is heaven to ride again, I missed it so ."It seems you can still handle a horse though Jen", Sam says while standing close as if I forgot to ride a horse and then I remember I need to tell them about the whole helping the Mayor, and I do not think it's going to go down easy.  Dad was making dinner and he also asked Sam to stay so he did so the tree of us can catch up so while enjoying home meals I decide to tell them about the Mayor and dad understood but was not to happy but like he said it will just be for two to four functions nothing more and Sam he just said he will kill that i***t of a Mayor's son if he hurt of try anything with me but they know I can look after myself but still I must be careful around them. Dad went to bed and me and Sam was left to wash up the dishes so we dis and he asked me about L.A and I decided to tell him a little about Kevin but not all the detail because I do not want him to go kill the guy and while washing up Justin also called telling me to relax and that we will see each other in France . "So This ass is really a billionaire hay?", " Ya he is but its so done I never even have to see him again and his buddy will have a big surprise if he thinks we will sell". "If he comes hear again I will ring his neck don't you worry sunshine " he says and for a moment I thought he wanted to kiss me but he turned around taking his hat walking to the door saying goodnight and leaves leaving me again puzzled, what is going on in his damn mind I think but I was to tired to ask so I went to bed wondering about tomorrow with that spoiled brat..
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