Chapter 12

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Soon we are at dinner again finished with yet another photo shoot and I I must say it went well and thinking about it makes me proud of myself and also a bit annoyed but that is just about Kevin playing with my heart , so aside from that me and Maranda are first so that is what I was hoping for so I can tell her I accept her offer. "Maranda can we talk quickly?" I ask feeling a bit out of place but she is a great person and I just now working for her is the best choice. "Sure lovey , I hope you have good news for me because if it is yes then you my dear will be going to Paris France in two weeks ', she says and I'm stunned with no words. "Well yes that is the reason , my word France?". "Yes Jenny France , so is it a Yes ?", she smiles already knowing she got me on her payroll. " Yes Maranda I think it is, thank you I will not let you down" I say and she smiles back looking very happy about my answer and as she hugs me the rest walks in and just like Maranda she tells the team and they all congratulate me saying they are so happy to have me on board but Pieter being Kevin's friend just stare at me and walk's to get himself a drink and that is when Kevin enters and Maranda scoops him away telling him the news and while she does he looks at me and smiles letting me know he is happy for me but somehow it feels so lonely all of a sudden so we all go and sit at the table and even though my heart want's to stay with Kevin my mind knows it can't be he is a Billionaire and me I am just a wane be model who comes from the country and loves her boots and steak so why would he want me to begin with, I know this will be our last night and then I will be going home for two weeks and then France then back again just to return to France for two months again.  After dinner everyone was tired so they went to bed but me I just went to sit in the beautiful garden thinking about my journey so far and all the good thin happening to me , the thing a want but can't have so I send a prayer up and also decide to tell mom all about what is happening to me and while I do I feel someone stand behind me and as I turn around it's Pieter, Kevin's best friend he has told me about so many times and my other boss if you want to call him that. "So you sitting alone now love"?. he says and it makes me so uncomfortable when he says is and just like that he is next to me taking one of my curls into his hands looking at me with lust in his eyes. "Yes sir just getting some air that's all ", I say moving away but as I try to he takes my arm by forse and that is when I knew something is not right. "Call me Pieter o and miss Manson one more thing, you and me can always go upstairs and get to know each other better because well lets just say my friend Kevin is a bit busy ,so want to help out your other boss to?" he says and I can see the lust and it gives me the creeps so I shake my arm from his , "I don't think that is a good idea and I want to go to my room so I bid you goodnight", I say wanting to leave but he stops me again pinning me to a tree, "You don't have a say love and did you just hear me , he doesn't want you he only enjoyed you and now he has moved on again and besides he would never want some low live that can't even pay of their bills, sitting in debt so why bother, lets just say I will pay you for a bit of the same action you gave him", he says and I slap him so hard, who does he think he is. "He will not be so cruel and you , you discus me and my dad is trying and so am I , so you, you are the one that want's to buy our farm aren't you?" I say feeling more digitated because this means Kevin lied to me and now he is also showing me he only used me and all he said was and is a lie. "Yes and I am sorry to say but Kevin knew and that is why he also used you to eventually get you to give up the farm that we need, so love just run home and give us the farm or ells, lets just say you will be sorry, farms burn very easy".  I never knew a human can be so hurtful or lame and this made me wonder if I even knew Kevin at all , I know we only knew each other for a little while but we connected we have a bond and I told him everything about me and so did he, I was falling in love... " So what you say Jenny give me what I want and maybe I can convince Kevin to let the farm go, for a pretty little thing like you", he says touching my shoulder again and this time I look him straight in the eye, "I will never sell myself to you or that scumbag you call a friend and we will fight you ", I say running to my room crying my eyes out calling a taxi to take me to a airport so I can get a early flight home. away from then and thank goodness this is over.  Kevin (Pov)  Sitting on my bed I decide to take a shower and while I do I hear Pieter at my door so I get out taking my robe and open up but he looks angry and not happy at all so I let him in. "What's wrong man you don't look happy at all", I say waiting for a reply. " Kev I have news and it's not good man not at all so you better sit down buddy", He says and now my insides turn . "fine what's wrong is Jenny ok?". "She is a schemer man, remember I told you I want to look into her seeing you never think of there things"?. " Yes so ?" I say to my best friend that knows me to well. "Kev she is engaged to  Mayors Gina's son and my souses tell me she is a money troll dude , she does this all her live , she gets men in bed and then steel from them and she is not even a real model and she is to be married this weekend and it seems she is nothing but a liar man I am so sorry ". He says but I can't believe this no not her I can't believe it so he takes out a photo and shows me and my heart breaks as the girl I am falling in love with is a fraud and a liar, she is in the photo standing next to a guy holding her and she looks so happy and in love. "Fine but I must talk to he man to find out why" I say. "She left ,she told the manager she is heading home to Texas and she misses her fiancée, I went to confront her but she was gone already, its for the best just let her go man she doesn't deserve you and she lied Kevin to you , if she liked you she would have told you ". "Yes I guess so she is just a scammer and her running away just means she is guilty". I say and it just feels like my heart is cold as ice again and I will never forgive her to think I opened my heart and live to her and I believed her story's. Pieter said we have a early flight back home in the morning so I just call Maranda telling her Jenny left and even thou Jenny broke my trust I did not want her loosing her job offer from Maranda and she and her seem to have a understanding so I just say goodbye and as I stand looking over the gardens someone nocks at my door again and just as I open its no other then my old flame and she is looking pretty sexy in her black langerin so I let her in and its like she almost knew that I was alone so she started undressing , "You can't be alone tonight Kev and believe me babe I know what can make you forget her in a second", Man its hard to love someone ells even though your mind tells you it never was so I ask her , "how do you know of Jenny leaving?". "O Kev you are so naïve sometimes but ok lets just say I overheard her talking on the phone ,talking what I thought was you but then I heard a norther name and she was telling him she is coming home to him and she want him in every why and I followed her and she left and so Pieter saw me and I told him I was worried so he told me everything so hear I am"> This is making sense now she was taking me for a f*****g fool and what a fool I was.. So I take the woman in my arms and kiss her but it's not the same so I stop, telling her I cant not now so she leaves and that's when I knew my heart was with Jenny and no one ells but I will never go after her not after living and using me.. But hopefully somewhere in her cold heart she actually also felt a small something but I hope she is happy and good luck to the sucker and also the f*****g lucky ass, love is just bullshit. So I close my eyes giving into the sleep for tomorrow Jenny will be forgotten.
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